So apparently a few of the dregs left over from when I had SASS obliterated attempted to recreate their little web stain in the form of "The New Effort"... yeah...tweenage muppet fuck much? Honestly I can't even remember a time when I saw a froup so completely overrun with twelve year olds. But hey, don't take my word for it, check *THIS* shit out.
I think my favorite part was near the end, after they setup a block to keep me from humiliating them any further (I believe it was around page 9 or 10) and then started trying to claim that they were k-rad hax0rs who used their uber l33t skills to find out my home address online (conveniently ignoring the fact that *I* openly post my address and have posted my address since, oh, liak 19 fuckin 95. LOL Yeah...these kids...not all that bright. Here's a few of my favorite SASSy bitch quotes:
"The premiere pantshitter imho"
"found this on his ED page made me lol for serious someone should up date his vs section"
"Hey Hatter just so you know, I've pretty much stopped reading your posts altogether."
...apparently the 10 year old fuckup somehow thinks I give a shit whether he's reading my posts or walking on out into traffic and getting hit head on by a semi. *snicker* Their continual *NEED* to try and explain themselves and justify themselves to *ME* of all people is just absolutely precious. ^__^
"Looks like we ran off hatter in record time and got his address on top of that! did we ever even run him off sass?"
...says the dipshit AFTER they block me from posting or replying, and once again thinking that they somehow magically haxor3d my address (completely ignoring the fact that *I* was the one who put it up in the first place). LOL
I guess that's supposed to imply they're dressing up in cheerleader outfits (lollies anyone) to try and give themselves a circle jerk support cheer...either that or they've got a thing for suckin "lollipops"...DJ Alligator style if you get the reference.
"final boss of internet defeated"
Nerd alert!
"updating ED page"
Oooh, boy that sure is a burn! Honestly, it's like I'm being verbally assaulted by a horde of functionally retarded eight year olds strung the fuck out on caffeine and crack. Speaking of the ED page though I really do need to get it fixed, as all these second string wannabe pants shitters keep frothing all over the damn thing to the point that it makes the whole article just look like one giant clusterfuck of sour grapes and monumental butthurt.
"hatter is your car sitting on cinder blocks in your front yard or did you have to junk it completely after you fell through the floor"
That quote coming from *THIS* kid:
...yiy, meth addict anyone? The kid looks like he's been huffin paint thinner. Not to mention the explosion of zits all over his mouth...then again maybe he's just got a bad case of herpes from suckin too much "lollipop". *shudder*
Well, to be perfectly blunt, these poor little high school dropouts weren't much to write about. Basically just yer typical tweenage lusers lashing out blind at anything moving, whilst blaring some Linkin Park and projecting out all their prepubescent hormonal rage and frustration. It's "crawling in their skin" and "their wounds just won't heal"...well, at least until their balls finally drop and they manage to grow the fuck up and stop being a horde of whiny little ass stains.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Susan Brenner Runs Away
From here.
She decided to censor out my last comment, quite unsurprisingly as it pretty much humiliated her. Here's the missing post that Susan Brenner doesn't want you to see:
1. LOL, oh how ironic that you bring up the Lori Drew case. ^__^ You haven't been keeping up with it I guess, have you? I e-mailed Lori Drew's lawyer, back in November, as I was looking for the names of the jurors. He didn't want to give me the names, for fear of what I could do with them, however he did engage in a very lengthy discussion with me regarding various aspects of the case. I gave him a variety of ideas and tips that were not previously brought up and I'm the one who gave him the idea regarding the motion to throw out the case, based upon the fact that Lori Drew can't be guilty of computer fraud, because gaining access to a computer under false pretenses is still "authorized access" as a matter of law. I gave him some other ideas he could use as well, my favorite being the one regarding the creation of a character persona. Here's an excerpt from one of the emails I sent him:
Yeah I read that, but there was quite a lot that they never covered, including the artistic right to create a character and use that character in the use of Internet Performance Art (IPA), no different than any other comedian, actor, artist, etc who creates and uses a character in a public venue. In that sense MySpace's ToS were never violated because all the information was in fact true to the character Josh Evans, which is copyrighted to those that created the character. The character is just as real as any person is and MySpace has no rules against creating character personas. In my opinion it's less about free speech and more about artistic right.
I myself have a whole variety of characters and personas I use online and have used online for nearly two decades now. Those characters may not be reflective of who I actually am in the real world, but those characters are my works of art and they are just as real to me (and those that interact with them) as any real person.
Unfortunately he didn't use that one, which would have been more beneficial to me and my particular interests in manipulating the system.
2. But we're talking about "evidence" being used to gain a warrant, and log data, especially in this case where's *NO* direct link (the logs showed two different people accessing the network via Linux), is certainly not evidence enough to get a viable warrant. Further, the warrant application outright accuses him of altering grades and yet no evidence was provided at all to support that supposition by examining the supposedly compromised systems and proving that tampering had actually occurred. Access to his system wouldn't prove anything if he actually had altered any grades. If anything the warrant *SHOULD* have been to gain access to the universities computer systems...not to gain access to Calixte's system, which would prove nothing of the sort.
To put it bluntly, the whole thing is obviously a personal vendetta against Mr. Calixte by BC's police department...and unfortunately for them their efforts to essentially harass the kid and take his computers has now gained world wide attention, a fact that will no doubt serve plenty of poetic justice as the "Internet Hate Machine" lashes out uncontrollably at them. And of course the fact that the idiots at said police department foolishly put up their full names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and even pictures of all the high ranking officers working there on their lil website...yeah...I feel a great swell of pity for them and their families, knowing what will likely happen as a result of all this attention. Of course they really have brought it upon themselves. The very minute the case hit the EFF they should have immediately dropped the case and given him back his computers and publicly apologized, that was the only hope they had...and they foolishly burned it.
She decided to censor out my last comment, quite unsurprisingly as it pretty much humiliated her. Here's the missing post that Susan Brenner doesn't want you to see:
1. LOL, oh how ironic that you bring up the Lori Drew case. ^__^ You haven't been keeping up with it I guess, have you? I e-mailed Lori Drew's lawyer, back in November, as I was looking for the names of the jurors. He didn't want to give me the names, for fear of what I could do with them, however he did engage in a very lengthy discussion with me regarding various aspects of the case. I gave him a variety of ideas and tips that were not previously brought up and I'm the one who gave him the idea regarding the motion to throw out the case, based upon the fact that Lori Drew can't be guilty of computer fraud, because gaining access to a computer under false pretenses is still "authorized access" as a matter of law. I gave him some other ideas he could use as well, my favorite being the one regarding the creation of a character persona. Here's an excerpt from one of the emails I sent him:
Yeah I read that, but there was quite a lot that they never covered, including the artistic right to create a character and use that character in the use of Internet Performance Art (IPA), no different than any other comedian, actor, artist, etc who creates and uses a character in a public venue. In that sense MySpace's ToS were never violated because all the information was in fact true to the character Josh Evans, which is copyrighted to those that created the character. The character is just as real as any person is and MySpace has no rules against creating character personas. In my opinion it's less about free speech and more about artistic right.
I myself have a whole variety of characters and personas I use online and have used online for nearly two decades now. Those characters may not be reflective of who I actually am in the real world, but those characters are my works of art and they are just as real to me (and those that interact with them) as any real person.
Unfortunately he didn't use that one, which would have been more beneficial to me and my particular interests in manipulating the system.
2. But we're talking about "evidence" being used to gain a warrant, and log data, especially in this case where's *NO* direct link (the logs showed two different people accessing the network via Linux), is certainly not evidence enough to get a viable warrant. Further, the warrant application outright accuses him of altering grades and yet no evidence was provided at all to support that supposition by examining the supposedly compromised systems and proving that tampering had actually occurred. Access to his system wouldn't prove anything if he actually had altered any grades. If anything the warrant *SHOULD* have been to gain access to the universities computer systems...not to gain access to Calixte's system, which would prove nothing of the sort.
To put it bluntly, the whole thing is obviously a personal vendetta against Mr. Calixte by BC's police department...and unfortunately for them their efforts to essentially harass the kid and take his computers has now gained world wide attention, a fact that will no doubt serve plenty of poetic justice as the "Internet Hate Machine" lashes out uncontrollably at them. And of course the fact that the idiots at said police department foolishly put up their full names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and even pictures of all the high ranking officers working there on their lil website...yeah...I feel a great swell of pity for them and their families, knowing what will likely happen as a result of all this attention. Of course they really have brought it upon themselves. The very minute the case hit the EFF they should have immediately dropped the case and given him back his computers and publicly apologized, that was the only hope they had...and they foolishly burned it.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Susan Brenner Says It's A Crime To Claim You're Gay!
So, pretty much unless you've been living in a cave you've heard the story about how Boston College is no doubt *THE* dumbest college in the United States and how their police department has pretty much committed one of the biggest blunders in law enforcement history. Now, if you'd like to hear more about BC's incredible boner I invite you to "CYB3RCRIM3" run by a "law professor" named Susan Brenner:'m guessing here that Susan is just some fuckjob RL who stumbled on in to the grid one day and a few weeks later after bumbling about on the most pedestrian of online cookie cutter constructs decided to declare herself an expert on the Internet. But, hey, we all know that's not exactly a unique trait, those poser class dipshits like Susan are pretty much a dime a dozen these days. Heck, it's practically a trend to run around trying to pass yourself off as some kind of tech savvy computer wiz or whatever. And of course peppering your blog title with some near TWO DECADE OLD l33t speak...whoa...yeah ya know she's k-rad! *nods*
Anyway, back to the story at hand. Susan does her absolute best to actually try and defend the incredible idiocy of Boston College's police department...and starts off doing a ~fairly~ decent job of presenting them in a good light...but then about halfway through her argument just falls all apart with THIS paragraph:
Here, Christopher relied on the investigation Escalante conducted, in which he traced the “suspect e-mails” to Calixte’s dorm room computer. Application for Search Warrant, supra. In the memorandum he submitted in support of his motion to quash the warrant, Calixte does not challege “the veracity of” Escalante’s conclusion or the investigation that led him to that conclusion. Memo in Support, supra. So we’ll assume Escalante correctly identified Calixte as the person who sent the emails that claimed the student informant was gay.
First of all, at this point I must presume that Susan is *NOT* who she claims to be ("a law professor who speaks, writes and consults on cybercrime and cyberconflict")...or if she is she really ought to shut her fuckin mouth. Now, it certainly did not take me more than like...five minutes of effort to find out that the logs at the school showed that there were in fact *TWO* computers connected to the network that were ~supposedly~ running Linux. Now, apparently, when you're as *STUPID* as Susan, you just...ASSume that the only person you know with Linux *MUST* have been the perpetrator of this ~heinous~ cri-er...wait a going online and claiming you or anyone else as being gay actually a crime? Hrmmm...well, obviously Susan Brenner seems to think that being gay *IS* in fact a crime. Yes, Susan Brenner wants all those gawd damn fucking homosexuals locked up and burned at the stake just as soon as we can hunt them all down by what operating system they're using!
The thing that really gets me about this stupid ass n00b.job, Susan just how incredibly shortsighted she is regarding the online world. I mean you would think that someone running around giving out advice on "cybercrime" would have the gawd damn fool sense to know that you can *NEVER* know anything online with *ANY* degree of absolute certainty. As stupid as she is, she must be completely clueless to the fact that things like IP addresses, header info and all the like can *ALL* be *SPOOFED*. Yes, that's right, all that fun information that shows up in system have no fucking idea if it's actually real or not! LOL In fact, some trolls, actually get quite a big kick out of trying to bait the MPAA and RIAA into going after innocent people with spoofed headers. Oh, I'm sorry, did I just make you sick to your stomach? LOL, yeah, you didn't know, did you? *nods* The ~inconvenient~ truth of the matter is that many...perhaps even most, lawsuits and the like regarding "evidence" based on log information...*snicker*'s all bullshit. ^__^ Yup, people like Susan have been helping to put innocent people behind bars and burying them in endless debt all because those like herself couldn't understand something as simplistic as IP spoofing.
Of course, given Susan's hatred of the gay and lesbian community I guess maybe we shouldn't be ~too~ surprised that she is.'m guessing here that Susan is just some fuckjob RL who stumbled on in to the grid one day and a few weeks later after bumbling about on the most pedestrian of online cookie cutter constructs decided to declare herself an expert on the Internet. But, hey, we all know that's not exactly a unique trait, those poser class dipshits like Susan are pretty much a dime a dozen these days. Heck, it's practically a trend to run around trying to pass yourself off as some kind of tech savvy computer wiz or whatever. And of course peppering your blog title with some near TWO DECADE OLD l33t speak...whoa...yeah ya know she's k-rad! *nods*
Anyway, back to the story at hand. Susan does her absolute best to actually try and defend the incredible idiocy of Boston College's police department...and starts off doing a ~fairly~ decent job of presenting them in a good light...but then about halfway through her argument just falls all apart with THIS paragraph:
Here, Christopher relied on the investigation Escalante conducted, in which he traced the “suspect e-mails” to Calixte’s dorm room computer. Application for Search Warrant, supra. In the memorandum he submitted in support of his motion to quash the warrant, Calixte does not challege “the veracity of” Escalante’s conclusion or the investigation that led him to that conclusion. Memo in Support, supra. So we’ll assume Escalante correctly identified Calixte as the person who sent the emails that claimed the student informant was gay.
First of all, at this point I must presume that Susan is *NOT* who she claims to be ("a law professor who speaks, writes and consults on cybercrime and cyberconflict")...or if she is she really ought to shut her fuckin mouth. Now, it certainly did not take me more than like...five minutes of effort to find out that the logs at the school showed that there were in fact *TWO* computers connected to the network that were ~supposedly~ running Linux. Now, apparently, when you're as *STUPID* as Susan, you just...ASSume that the only person you know with Linux *MUST* have been the perpetrator of this ~heinous~ cri-er...wait a going online and claiming you or anyone else as being gay actually a crime? Hrmmm...well, obviously Susan Brenner seems to think that being gay *IS* in fact a crime. Yes, Susan Brenner wants all those gawd damn fucking homosexuals locked up and burned at the stake just as soon as we can hunt them all down by what operating system they're using!
The thing that really gets me about this stupid ass n00b.job, Susan just how incredibly shortsighted she is regarding the online world. I mean you would think that someone running around giving out advice on "cybercrime" would have the gawd damn fool sense to know that you can *NEVER* know anything online with *ANY* degree of absolute certainty. As stupid as she is, she must be completely clueless to the fact that things like IP addresses, header info and all the like can *ALL* be *SPOOFED*. Yes, that's right, all that fun information that shows up in system have no fucking idea if it's actually real or not! LOL In fact, some trolls, actually get quite a big kick out of trying to bait the MPAA and RIAA into going after innocent people with spoofed headers. Oh, I'm sorry, did I just make you sick to your stomach? LOL, yeah, you didn't know, did you? *nods* The ~inconvenient~ truth of the matter is that many...perhaps even most, lawsuits and the like regarding "evidence" based on log information...*snicker*'s all bullshit. ^__^ Yup, people like Susan have been helping to put innocent people behind bars and burying them in endless debt all because those like herself couldn't understand something as simplistic as IP spoofing.
Of course, given Susan's hatred of the gay and lesbian community I guess maybe we shouldn't be ~too~ surprised that she is.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Spriter's Block - A Target Waiting To Happen
Holy, for fun I thought I'd mosey on over (I haven't moseyed in a while) to the Spriter's Block forums and test out their security. o_O Now, while I do have to give them semi-props for at least relying on cookie detection in conjunction with IP banning...yeah...that's about all they've got. First off, I was able to register a new account with a BACKWATER e-mail addy. Wow, just...WOW! I mean, honestly, if someone owns a domain, hey guess what? Yeah, they can make up an infinite number of e-mail addresses on the fly and they all lead back to one account. *nods* So, if you had ~any~ sense AT ALL you would auto ban any account creation that tried to use a Backwater e-mail addy...but then these kids don't seem too bright and their shit is all cookie cutter to begin with so I suppose maybe they just don't know *HOW* to do that. I mean the idiot owner already point blank stated that he knew fucking shit about coding so that should give you a pretty good idea of where this stain of a board stands.
So, anyway, back to the new account creation. After I created the account it took nearly TWENTY FUCKIN MINUTES for an admin to even notice...with MULTIPLE POSTS. And it took said admin about two minutes to delete all the posts out, which clearly shows that they're doing it all manually by hand and don't have any custom deletion bots...hell I bet they don't even have anything that can delete out all posts from a single user. *sigh* Tsch, tsch, tsch...these kids today. They just don't comprehend the fact that their ability to have web board is *NOT* a's a PRIVILEGE, that those of my standing ALLOW them to have. So if you piss someone like me off...tsch, tsch, tsch...papa spank! ^__^
Given how incredibly pathetic and failing these kids are I think I'll just go with my first idea, of having their host dump their whole web board, rather than waste the good programming of my web bots to drive them all fucking nuts and force them to sit at the computer all day long trying to contend with a regenerative posting bot. Yes, that would be amusing, but they really don't seem to have very many people even using their shit board and, well, if there's no audience...well what's the point?
So, anyway, back to the new account creation. After I created the account it took nearly TWENTY FUCKIN MINUTES for an admin to even notice...with MULTIPLE POSTS. And it took said admin about two minutes to delete all the posts out, which clearly shows that they're doing it all manually by hand and don't have any custom deletion bots...hell I bet they don't even have anything that can delete out all posts from a single user. *sigh* Tsch, tsch, tsch...these kids today. They just don't comprehend the fact that their ability to have web board is *NOT* a's a PRIVILEGE, that those of my standing ALLOW them to have. So if you piss someone like me off...tsch, tsch, tsch...papa spank! ^__^
Given how incredibly pathetic and failing these kids are I think I'll just go with my first idea, of having their host dump their whole web board, rather than waste the good programming of my web bots to drive them all fucking nuts and force them to sit at the computer all day long trying to contend with a regenerative posting bot. Yes, that would be amusing, but they really don't seem to have very many people even using their shit board and, well, if there's no audience...well what's the point?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Uh Oh...
So it appears the webbie board I was talking about in that last post...yeah they banned me, and unfortunetly for them they put the reason for that ban as a slanderous and libel statement. Tsch, tsch, tsch...
*runs a WHOIS on their server*
Looks like they're being hosted by these guys:
Now let's have a look at their ToS!
Use of our services to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying of music, books, photographs, or any other copyrighted work. The offer of sale of any counterfeit merchandise of a trademark holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. Any account found to be in violation of anothers copyright will be expeditiously removed, or access to the material disabled. Any account found to be in repeated violation of copyright laws will be suspended and/or terminated from our hosting. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please email with the information required. A list of required information may be found here. If the request is of a licensing issue, we may require further documentation., my, my...well they certainly are breaking that rule in about thirty eight different directions, now aren't they? *nods*
Here's another fun section:
Examples of unacceptable material on all Shared and Reseller servers include:
*Sites promoting illegal activities
*Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
LOL, I should go ahead and have their little stain of a webbie board wiped off the face of existence...just to teach them an important lesson. ^__^
*runs a WHOIS on their server*
Looks like they're being hosted by these guys:
Now let's have a look at their ToS!
Use of our services to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying of music, books, photographs, or any other copyrighted work. The offer of sale of any counterfeit merchandise of a trademark holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. Any account found to be in violation of anothers copyright will be expeditiously removed, or access to the material disabled. Any account found to be in repeated violation of copyright laws will be suspended and/or terminated from our hosting. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please email with the information required. A list of required information may be found here. If the request is of a licensing issue, we may require further documentation., my, my...well they certainly are breaking that rule in about thirty eight different directions, now aren't they? *nods*
Here's another fun section:
Examples of unacceptable material on all Shared and Reseller servers include:
*Sites promoting illegal activities
*Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
LOL, I should go ahead and have their little stain of a webbie board wiped off the face of existence...just to teach them an important lesson. ^__^
Butthurt Furtard Hatter Addict
The mods locked my thread on the source of this discussion, so I'll just put this here:
Aww, ain't that adorable. You know very well that wtf_fa mods ban people who delete their own posts or comments.
Edited for slight clarification!
Apparently not when it's the mods doing the deleting, Sunshine. Try and pay attention better if you can. You look like a Hatter Addict though to be perfectly honest. Ya gotta love Hatter Addicts...they're pretty much the lowest of the low, pathetic little dribbling wastes of oxygen that have devoted their entire pointless little lives in the endless pursuit of trying to "get back" at me. *snicker*
I think maybe you should be taught an important lesson though. Now, you obviously think it's fun to run around online talking shit about people and posting links that lead to ones RL info and a vast assortment of slander and I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned? I mean, if you dish it out on that level, well, you should be able to take it, huh?
*looks over yer lil DA page*
Ahhh, a furry...yeah yer likely a Hatter Addict, what with some of the nasty things I've done to your particular "breed" so to speak. Doesn't appear to be any pictures of you...there is one of your cat though. LOL, that might be fun to play with. Of course, usually, if I can't find any pictures of my particular target I'll go for the next best thing...their friends! LOL, don't worry, I'll make sure they know it's cause of you. ^__^
For reference this little fruit loop, "Seraph Bezel" aka "Voxive" thought that it'd be a good idea to run around talking shit about me and posting the link to my DA article. Tsch, tsch, tsch...poor kid obviously doesn't understand the first rule of flaming/trolling...which is to NEVER use any tactic that you wouldn't want used against yourself...and worse. I don't think it'll be too hard to expose her hypocrisy and break her down. `, )
Aww, ain't that adorable. You know very well that wtf_fa mods ban people who delete their own posts or comments.
Edited for slight clarification!
Apparently not when it's the mods doing the deleting, Sunshine. Try and pay attention better if you can. You look like a Hatter Addict though to be perfectly honest. Ya gotta love Hatter Addicts...they're pretty much the lowest of the low, pathetic little dribbling wastes of oxygen that have devoted their entire pointless little lives in the endless pursuit of trying to "get back" at me. *snicker*
I think maybe you should be taught an important lesson though. Now, you obviously think it's fun to run around online talking shit about people and posting links that lead to ones RL info and a vast assortment of slander and I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned? I mean, if you dish it out on that level, well, you should be able to take it, huh?
*looks over yer lil DA page*
Ahhh, a furry...yeah yer likely a Hatter Addict, what with some of the nasty things I've done to your particular "breed" so to speak. Doesn't appear to be any pictures of you...there is one of your cat though. LOL, that might be fun to play with. Of course, usually, if I can't find any pictures of my particular target I'll go for the next best thing...their friends! LOL, don't worry, I'll make sure they know it's cause of you. ^__^
For reference this little fruit loop, "Seraph Bezel" aka "Voxive" thought that it'd be a good idea to run around talking shit about me and posting the link to my DA article. Tsch, tsch, tsch...poor kid obviously doesn't understand the first rule of flaming/trolling...which is to NEVER use any tactic that you wouldn't want used against yourself...and worse. I don't think it'll be too hard to expose her hypocrisy and break her down. `, )
Friday, April 3, 2009
Dragonball Z(ucks)
So, I watched the trailer for the new Dragonball "Evolution" movie mean it looks neat and all, but other than borrowing character names and vaguely copying the look of the Dragonballs...uh...yeah I don't see what it has to do with, at all. Roshi for example is supposed to be a really old womanizer slash pervy old guy whose far more silly than serious...and yet in the preview he's depicted as this uber serious, slightly older than middle aged guy. And Goku, whose supposed to be really easy going, a mostly clueless and carefree bubble head is depicted as a very coherent, sarcastic sounding prick. And don't even get me started on Bulma, or the fact that Goku's surrogate grandfather is still alive when he was supposed to have been killed when Goku was still a kid (by Goku himself, who turns into a giant rampaging ape when exposed to moonlight...unless his tail is cut off). About the only character that even comes close to the series is Piccolo...except for the fact that time line wise he wasn't actually evil anymore when Goku was at that age. Which of course brings us to the other glaring face palm, in that the movie's story isn't actually related to *ANYTHING* that actually happens in all. To the point that even the Dragonballs themselves don't even serve the same purpose/function as they did in the series. Honestly, I'm having trouble even figuring out *WHY* they bothered to call it Dragonball at all when they could have just as easily called it something else, changed the names and certainly NO ONE would ever mistake it for even being remotely related to the series. It might be a decent sci-fi kung fu movie...but it's no Dragonball, not by a long shot.
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