Sunday, March 21, 2010

Are You Raising A Disease Or A Child?

That's a question I keep coming back to, the more I read up on parents of children who ~supposedly~ have things like autism, aspergers, ADD, ADHD and the like. Now, I don't deny that those things exist, but it honestly seems as if some parents are more interested in labeling their child than they are raising them. There also seems to be a *LOT* of parents who seemingly "self-diagnose" their children, for whatever twisted reason. It's almost like a new form of Münchausen syndrome, one that the medical community seems very happy to accommodate in order to sell pharmaceuticals to parents so they can drug their child off to school everyday. Daddy's little disorder. Mommy's little malady. *shakes head* I feel a great swell of pity for those children, I really do.


Anonymous said...

hey mad hatter, check out

they're fans of yours there and even got a custom smiley of you on it.

Onideus said...

Looks like it's just another reincarnation of SASS, SMYD, etc, etc, etc.

That group of rejects basically rips itself all apart every six months or so and then winds up being rebuilt over and over again.

Usually it's the result of the reincarnated group being created by a single oldbie reg of the original group, who then eventually winds up being a butthurt little snit and starts abusing their admin power.

Then all the rest of the regs get all pissy and indignant, fight amongst themselves for weeks on end, and then the group is basically ripped apart and abandoned...only to have a "new" reincarnation started up by yet ~another~ one of the oldbie regs.

Lather, rinse and repeat.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that sounds pretty accurate.