Thursday, January 15, 2009

Faces Of PoE

This picture was recently posted on PoE (the text came a couple years prior):

It's the user NoCode, a PoE reg...and despite every indication to the's a GIRL! *shudder* I guess she was beaten with the ugly stick one too many times as a child or something because...damn! Granted she's not the ugliest PoE reg, but she's right up there. What always gets me though is how these types always try and rag on me about my looks. Now, granted I'm not liak fuckin Fabio or anything and I could probably stand to lose a few pounds, but holy fucking's one thing to be overweight, it's another thing to be just plain *UGLY*.

I guess maybe that's why those liak NoCode always put so much energy into attacking people's weight, I mean it's not as if they could really complain about looks given how freakin nasty they look. Although in NoCode's case she's pretty portly lookin, especially in her face (where it counts the most). I'm sure if she see's this post she'll probably spaz and have herself a little fit, after all, she can make fun of and attack *OTHER* people, but according to her unwarranted self importance *NO ONE* can do the same in return I'm sure.

That's real typical of volatile froup Webbies, basically they can dish it, but they sure the fuck can't stand the heat themselves. And in fact most of their own fuckheadedness stems directly from an underlying urge to try and tear others down so that those liak herself can try and feel better about how horribly fuckin *UGLY* they look...or to try and feel better about how much of a freakin *FAILURE* they are.

Now I'm certainly not against kookology, or trolling, or flaming or anything liak that, but honestly, if you're engaging in any facet of volatile communication in order to try and build yourself up against someone else...yeah, that's just all shades of completely fucking pathetic, it really is. Even for as much of a horrible fucking bastard as I posture I would *NEVER* do to someone what I wouldn't be completely willing to have done to myself (and often worse). At its root all this is *SUPPOSED* to be about having fun, not trying to really belittle someone to give yourself an ego boost.


Anonymous said...

You know you'd hit that, nigger.

Onideus said...

I wouldn't hit that with a ten foot pole. It looks liak a *MAN* you freakin fag. If that's the way you swing, hey, whatever floats yer boat, but that sure the fuck ain't the way I play ball.

Anonymous said...

u say that liek u got other options kid lol

Onideus said...

I have no shortage of "options" at all, Kiddo...take your mother for that's a sweet piece of ass right there. Oh yeah your mom and I go *WAY* back. I've got some dirty pictures of the two of us, wanna buy some? I'll sell 'em to ya...*REAL* cheap.

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