I just...I just can't stop eating them...
For breakfast...for lunch...hell I've even eaten them for dinner on occasion! They're just so convenient, so tasty...and yet at the same time offering underlying nutritional goodness. It's liak eating a candy bar...that's actually good for you! And did I mention how AWESOME they taste? Holy fucking Keeristmas these things taste incredible. The mixture between the peanut butter and the chocolate, partially infused together over the surface...*shudder*...oh I've got the tingles. And they're also very reasonably priced, which only adds to their incredible convenience. Seriously, if you haven't yet tried these little bastards...you have no idea the level of awesomeness that you're missing out on. *nods*
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Iconic Works
I did some icon work today and finished up my money icons:
Spiffy! I'm a usin 'em in teh lil RPG game I'm idly working on. I'll probably make coin versions next! ^__^
Spiffy! I'm a usin 'em in teh lil RPG game I'm idly working on. I'll probably make coin versions next! ^__^
Breaking PoE News
From nyah:
Kthor apparently got fired from his coushy video game developer position, which isn't too surprising considering what an incredible lack of skill the guy has in...well, everything. I guess he just couldn't bullshit his way through it any longer...that and they probably found out that he's into the whole furry "yiff" lifestyle and all. I don't imagine that went over too well. This couldn't have come at a worse time too, what with how he and his ~lowered expectation~ of a lopsided strumpet recently shit out a carbon copy fuckup to replace themselves with. Oh well, I suppose she can make a little extra money selling her body on the side...and Kthor might be able to get a job as a pizza boi or something.
Kthor apparently got fired from his coushy video game developer position, which isn't too surprising considering what an incredible lack of skill the guy has in...well, everything. I guess he just couldn't bullshit his way through it any longer...that and they probably found out that he's into the whole furry "yiff" lifestyle and all. I don't imagine that went over too well. This couldn't have come at a worse time too, what with how he and his ~lowered expectation~ of a lopsided strumpet recently shit out a carbon copy fuckup to replace themselves with. Oh well, I suppose she can make a little extra money selling her body on the side...and Kthor might be able to get a job as a pizza boi or something.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Influx Of Retards
Been a lot of retards here lately posting retarded little comments on my blog. As such I've now disabled anon replies. Most retards aren't quite as mouthy when they're not allowed to hide liak fuckin pussies. They certainly are obsessive little clusterfucks though, I'll give 'em that. It looks like they spent their entire weekend making idiot replies...too bad I only skimmed through 'em all and then mass deleted the whole lot. LOL Well, it's not as if they would have had anything moar productive to do with their lives anyway, so I guess they won't feel too bad about it. It probably doesn't take much to entertain a retard anyway. *nods*
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bob's Idiocy
While I was perusing around the wasteland that is PoE I stumbled across this:
*epic face palm*
Time it took me to realize what "Bob's Game" *ACTUALLY* was...about 22.8 seconds. Time it will take the PoEtards, Special ED lusers, SA Goons and the liak to figure it out...probably the fuck never. Oh well, at least Bob will always have his little "game" to play (with you pin headed retards as the pawns of course). And it really *IS* his game, in every way. LOL
*epic face palm*
Time it took me to realize what "Bob's Game" *ACTUALLY* was...about 22.8 seconds. Time it will take the PoEtards, Special ED lusers, SA Goons and the liak to figure it out...probably the fuck never. Oh well, at least Bob will always have his little "game" to play (with you pin headed retards as the pawns of course). And it really *IS* his game, in every way. LOL
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Feeling Better
Ahhh...I feel much better today. I got a good 16 hours of sleep, drank a lot of fluids and even ate some food (crackers, soup, cereal and such). Looking over the grid to see what I've missed in the past few days it seems there's a large surge in Hatter Addict traffic over on PoE...well as "huge" as it can get with their dwindling numbers anyway. So I figured it'd be some good fun to go through some of their recent mewlings and froth hatred and slap the lessers around for a few cheap laughs.
First up, a post from "XahXhaX"...no, seriously, I can't make this shit up, that's really what the d00d calls himself. Sounds liak he went all Parkinsons on his keyboard or some shit. Anyway, he writes:
What's with the split personalities? 'Nocode is a dog blah blah...but I would never be mean to somebody!' This is playground mentality throughout, if this were in person he would probably smack the books out of her hand before leaving a note on her locker that 'somebody liaks u'. I'm thinking somebody has a crush.
LOL, "playground mentality", I guess such reaching, overly cliche, pop-psych tactics are about all the better anyone can expect from the PoEtards these days. They never were very strong opponents so it's not liak I was expecting any better. And of course the whole point of the post just sails right on over the retards head. Their overly caustic reaction to it really does just prove my point though...don't dish it, if you can't take it.
The very fact that these retards are whining and pissing their training panties over me pointing out how fuckin ugly NoCode is really just hits it right out of the irony ballpark. I mean why would you run the fuck around on the grid tryin to spread lies and shit about someone when *YOU* look a thousand times uglier than they do? Projection, obviously. But as I said...you shouldn't ever do to someone what you aren't willing to have done to yourself.
Now certainly it doesn't bother me in any way to have frothing little nobodies liak this poster child for Parkinsons snitting on about my looks, as I said, I *KNOW* I look good. Obviously though, by their reaction, they *KNOW* that she really is just dog fuckin ugly (their words, not mine).
It's an important lesson that moar sloppy ass n00b.jobs need to learn though. That whatever you say about someone can just as easily be turned right back around onto you...often with much more ferocity and invectiveness. Most n00bs liak the PoE kids also fail to recognize that moar often than not they use what bothers *THEM* more than what would actually bother their opponents. And in doing so they essentially give away their own personal weaknesses and the best means of counter attacking them.
Next up, let's look at a post from "Brass" (where the fuck do they come up with these retarded nymes?):
He doesn't believe he can cure cancer. He doesn't believe he took down PoE. He doesn't believe he invented perpetual motion. He doesn't believe Walmart is a great job. He doesn't believe he's a god-level programmer.
All Matty wants to do is enjoy other people gnashing their teeth in frustration over him.
Yes, he believes that part.
LOL, you're right, I don't believe in Hatter Addict delusions and easily burnable strawmen. And the very fact that so many of you ignorant retards has to fall back on them with such incredible frequency proves beyond any shadow of a doubt just how much "teeth gnashing" you're doing over my posts.
Anyone who isn't a pathetic Hatter Addict knows full well that I never claimed to have invented "perpetual motion" nor that I had cured cancer, nor did I ever claim Wal*Mart was the very best job in all of existence. And of course I never claimed to be a God of programming either. But despite the fact that I never said *ANYTHING* even remotely of the sort, boy that sure isn't going to stop these retards from twisting my every other post around for the benefit of their reaching little invective throws. *snicker* It's a wonder that they don't realize *WHY* their attacks are so ineffectual. If only the retards would stop playing pretend and tried to attack me with something *REAL*...of course, I guess there really isn't anything *REAL* they can attack me with.
Next up is a post from "Whitaker" (white cracker?):
What's even more ironic is that he seems to have started up his song-and-fagdance about the lack of activity on POE at a time when the activity is actually *increasing,* due to the resumption of regular site updates, plus the meteoric rise of the "Bob's Game" forum, etc.
It's terribly cute, how they're so quick to get all pissy and indignant about their failing traffic and to start shining on with bullshit to try and convince (themselves?) otherwise. Really, the only thing that's giving them an "increase" in traffic at the moment is, well, their frothing on about little old me. *snicker* Not much of an "increase" though I'm afraid. At least not comparatively speaking to what their overall traffic once was.
Next up is a post from "Runic" (read 13 year old boy) who writes:
She looks just fine. What's he going on about?
Now, granted that's the opinion of a likely tweenage, hormonally charged, fatty, pimple encrusted loser who would be willing to fuck the family dog for lack of a better option, but seriously...at least try and *PRETEND* to have a little self respect why don't you. I mean if your ~lowered expectations~ have sunk so low that you start finding the overtly androgynous "Pats" of the world as viable dating partners...well either you're bisexual or you've just hit the very bottom of the fuckin barrel and you've started tunneling under. *SHE* doesn't the fuck even *LOOK* liak a girl, in fact when I first saw the picture with the "she" references I just ASSumed that "she" was a transsexual, a "trap" as they say on 4chan.
But then the horrifying reality set in and I realized, "Oh God...oh Jesus Christ, that's a NATURAL woman?!" At that point I felt an incredible wave of pity for the poor girl, having been inflicted with such horrible looks. But then out of idle curiosity I decided to see if she had ever made any comments in my forum. Sure enough she had...and sure enough there were quite a few where she was trying to attack me for *MY* looks. At that point...yeah...there was no pity left for her, only the pleasurable satisfaction of knowing that karma had done the bitch up good and proper with a bit of poetic justice.
Next up is a post from "Nonentity"...yeah...I think that one speaks for itself.
In relation to this picture:
They write:
Wow, no wonder he's messed up--he hasn't had a date since he was eight years old!
*Hatter lights the poorly put together strawman ablaze.*
I liak how this retard provides himself as a perfect example of Hatter Addict wishful thinking. He's essentially trying to cling to about three different fallacies here, including the claim that the absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Sorry, Dumbfuck, but reality doesn't work that way. I have continually "dated" girls/women throughout my entire life and unlike the PoEtard losers I never had any shortage of girls/women who wanted to spend time with me. Not simply because I'm good looking, but also because I'm funny, sweet, charming and downright loveable.
Of course that's real easy to see looking through some of the other pictures (that the PoEtards conveniently skipped) in my online photo archive:
Junior Prom
I Was A Hippie
MacGuyver Mullet
Kyootness of Me
Keep in mind though that the girls I date aren't fucking losers liak the PoEtards, so they don't invest nearly as much emotion and "give-a-fuck" as they do when it comes to online communication. That being the case, they, liak me, treat the Internet as a play thing rather than as some meaningful and epic social circle which your entire life hinges upon. The Internet just isn't important liak that to people liak me...people who never had any problems interacting socially in the *REAL WORLD*. Only the *LOSERS* liak the PoEtards who had to retard onto the grid, posting anon to hide their hideous looks invest so much emotion and care into this construct. To everyone else it's just a big joke and nobody takes this shit seriously.
Our next post comes from our favorite PoE Parkinson's case "XahXhaX" (sounds liak his spell checker threw up or something):
Just looking at his posting on usenet (search google groups for Onedius), they all call him a fag and disregard him. He can't seem to keep civil or even tolerable any place where other people gather, and the closest thing he has resembling a real relationship appears to be the 'no you shut up' matches with whichever guy doesn't know better.
LOL, this poor dipshit can't even discern the difference between a Hatter Addict and a froup reg. Granted Hatter Addicts tend to post the LOUDEST, but their frothing little NONpinions are hardly the norm. These posts I think are a good representation of how most people feel about me on Usenet:
And this is how most of the *ACTUAL* froup regs respond to my posts:
Once again, Hatter Addict post:
Froup regular post:
Then again most of the PoEtards *ARE* Hatter Addicts, so it's likely that, that is all they're really looking for in their little Google dumpster dives. Basically a sort of selective reading comprehension if you will.
The fact that even the furries reject him and he manages to get banned from the likes of furaffinity is hilarious.
Being "rejected" by Neer and a few dozen of his homosexual fan boys is hardly representative of the whole of the furry community. Most furries are actually in support of my little endeavor and are looking forward to what I can create for them. A lot of furries also hold quite a lot of resentment and bitterness towards FA because of various reasons. The most recognizable and the inspiration behind my mascot for the site, is Krystal, finally being able to enjoy her sammich. LOL
If he died tomorrow,
Oh you just *KNEW* that one was coming. I bet a day doesn't go by that some Hatter Addict somewhere doesn't long for my death. Yes, yes they really are *THAT* pathetic.
we would probably
I love the way they retard back into the sheeple mentality liak that. Always wanting to refer to themselves as "we", too weak and pathetic to actually stand up on their own and speak for themselves.
be the only ones to ever know, even if news didn't leak back months
after the fact since he's banned here too.
Even then, I would hope his epitaph is something along the lines of "finally shit himself unintentionally"
Wow...now that is just a monumental autoflame right there. Basically what this dipshit is saying is that even my DEATH wouldn't bring him any comfort or happiness and that the only way his incredible butthurt could be relieved is if he could verbally attack a DEAD PERSON.
Holy...fucking...shit...yeah, these PoEtards are *REALLY* this fucking pathetic. *snicker* And to think, that they actually wonder *WHY* their miserable filth hole is slowly dying out. I mean when it reaches a point where you start frothing online for not only someone's death, but for the wanton opportunity to insult and verbally attack them *AFTER* they're dead (and can't defend themselves)...that's just taking butthurt to a whole new level of sad.
If that fucking loser Chet had any self respect at all he'd look at this guy's post and he'd just dump the whole fuckin shit bucket altogether, realizing just how monumentally sad his stain of a site has become. I mean when your regs have been verbally fucked up the ass *SO* badly that they're having wistful jerkoff fantasies about making fun of a DEAD PERSON...*whistles*...time to take a step back, time to log off, see if you can't realign with reality before you go completely over the deep end.
10 to 1 says we see this kid in the news in the next 6 to 12 months, likely for having shot up half his school because they "said mean things about him on teh interwebs". It's pretty fucking sad when a place liak PoE becomes your child's online babysitter, as it seems to be the case with this "XahXhaX" kid. Of course, Chet does liak 'em young, especially the boys. He carries a torch for kids who carry candles if you catch my meaning. ^__^
First up, a post from "XahXhaX"...no, seriously, I can't make this shit up, that's really what the d00d calls himself. Sounds liak he went all Parkinsons on his keyboard or some shit. Anyway, he writes:
What's with the split personalities? 'Nocode is a dog blah blah...but I would never be mean to somebody!' This is playground mentality throughout, if this were in person he would probably smack the books out of her hand before leaving a note on her locker that 'somebody liaks u'. I'm thinking somebody has a crush.
LOL, "playground mentality", I guess such reaching, overly cliche, pop-psych tactics are about all the better anyone can expect from the PoEtards these days. They never were very strong opponents so it's not liak I was expecting any better. And of course the whole point of the post just sails right on over the retards head. Their overly caustic reaction to it really does just prove my point though...don't dish it, if you can't take it.
The very fact that these retards are whining and pissing their training panties over me pointing out how fuckin ugly NoCode is really just hits it right out of the irony ballpark. I mean why would you run the fuck around on the grid tryin to spread lies and shit about someone when *YOU* look a thousand times uglier than they do? Projection, obviously. But as I said...you shouldn't ever do to someone what you aren't willing to have done to yourself.
Now certainly it doesn't bother me in any way to have frothing little nobodies liak this poster child for Parkinsons snitting on about my looks, as I said, I *KNOW* I look good. Obviously though, by their reaction, they *KNOW* that she really is just dog fuckin ugly (their words, not mine).
It's an important lesson that moar sloppy ass n00b.jobs need to learn though. That whatever you say about someone can just as easily be turned right back around onto you...often with much more ferocity and invectiveness. Most n00bs liak the PoE kids also fail to recognize that moar often than not they use what bothers *THEM* more than what would actually bother their opponents. And in doing so they essentially give away their own personal weaknesses and the best means of counter attacking them.
Next up, let's look at a post from "Brass" (where the fuck do they come up with these retarded nymes?):
He doesn't believe he can cure cancer. He doesn't believe he took down PoE. He doesn't believe he invented perpetual motion. He doesn't believe Walmart is a great job. He doesn't believe he's a god-level programmer.
All Matty wants to do is enjoy other people gnashing their teeth in frustration over him.
Yes, he believes that part.
LOL, you're right, I don't believe in Hatter Addict delusions and easily burnable strawmen. And the very fact that so many of you ignorant retards has to fall back on them with such incredible frequency proves beyond any shadow of a doubt just how much "teeth gnashing" you're doing over my posts.
Anyone who isn't a pathetic Hatter Addict knows full well that I never claimed to have invented "perpetual motion" nor that I had cured cancer, nor did I ever claim Wal*Mart was the very best job in all of existence. And of course I never claimed to be a God of programming either. But despite the fact that I never said *ANYTHING* even remotely of the sort, boy that sure isn't going to stop these retards from twisting my every other post around for the benefit of their reaching little invective throws. *snicker* It's a wonder that they don't realize *WHY* their attacks are so ineffectual. If only the retards would stop playing pretend and tried to attack me with something *REAL*...of course, I guess there really isn't anything *REAL* they can attack me with.
Next up is a post from "Whitaker" (white cracker?):
What's even more ironic is that he seems to have started up his song-and-fagdance about the lack of activity on POE at a time when the activity is actually *increasing,* due to the resumption of regular site updates, plus the meteoric rise of the "Bob's Game" forum, etc.
It's terribly cute, how they're so quick to get all pissy and indignant about their failing traffic and to start shining on with bullshit to try and convince (themselves?) otherwise. Really, the only thing that's giving them an "increase" in traffic at the moment is, well, their frothing on about little old me. *snicker* Not much of an "increase" though I'm afraid. At least not comparatively speaking to what their overall traffic once was.
Next up is a post from "Runic" (read 13 year old boy) who writes:
She looks just fine. What's he going on about?
Now, granted that's the opinion of a likely tweenage, hormonally charged, fatty, pimple encrusted loser who would be willing to fuck the family dog for lack of a better option, but seriously...at least try and *PRETEND* to have a little self respect why don't you. I mean if your ~lowered expectations~ have sunk so low that you start finding the overtly androgynous "Pats" of the world as viable dating partners...well either you're bisexual or you've just hit the very bottom of the fuckin barrel and you've started tunneling under. *SHE* doesn't the fuck even *LOOK* liak a girl, in fact when I first saw the picture with the "she" references I just ASSumed that "she" was a transsexual, a "trap" as they say on 4chan.
But then the horrifying reality set in and I realized, "Oh God...oh Jesus Christ, that's a NATURAL woman?!" At that point I felt an incredible wave of pity for the poor girl, having been inflicted with such horrible looks. But then out of idle curiosity I decided to see if she had ever made any comments in my forum. Sure enough she had...and sure enough there were quite a few where she was trying to attack me for *MY* looks. At that point...yeah...there was no pity left for her, only the pleasurable satisfaction of knowing that karma had done the bitch up good and proper with a bit of poetic justice.
Next up is a post from "Nonentity"...yeah...I think that one speaks for itself.
In relation to this picture:
They write:
Wow, no wonder he's messed up--he hasn't had a date since he was eight years old!
*Hatter lights the poorly put together strawman ablaze.*
I liak how this retard provides himself as a perfect example of Hatter Addict wishful thinking. He's essentially trying to cling to about three different fallacies here, including the claim that the absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Sorry, Dumbfuck, but reality doesn't work that way. I have continually "dated" girls/women throughout my entire life and unlike the PoEtard losers I never had any shortage of girls/women who wanted to spend time with me. Not simply because I'm good looking, but also because I'm funny, sweet, charming and downright loveable.
Of course that's real easy to see looking through some of the other pictures (that the PoEtards conveniently skipped) in my online photo archive:
Junior Prom
I Was A Hippie
MacGuyver Mullet
Kyootness of Me
Keep in mind though that the girls I date aren't fucking losers liak the PoEtards, so they don't invest nearly as much emotion and "give-a-fuck" as they do when it comes to online communication. That being the case, they, liak me, treat the Internet as a play thing rather than as some meaningful and epic social circle which your entire life hinges upon. The Internet just isn't important liak that to people liak me...people who never had any problems interacting socially in the *REAL WORLD*. Only the *LOSERS* liak the PoEtards who had to retard onto the grid, posting anon to hide their hideous looks invest so much emotion and care into this construct. To everyone else it's just a big joke and nobody takes this shit seriously.
Our next post comes from our favorite PoE Parkinson's case "XahXhaX" (sounds liak his spell checker threw up or something):
Just looking at his posting on usenet (search google groups for Onedius), they all call him a fag and disregard him. He can't seem to keep civil or even tolerable any place where other people gather, and the closest thing he has resembling a real relationship appears to be the 'no you shut up' matches with whichever guy doesn't know better.
LOL, this poor dipshit can't even discern the difference between a Hatter Addict and a froup reg. Granted Hatter Addicts tend to post the LOUDEST, but their frothing little NONpinions are hardly the norm. These posts I think are a good representation of how most people feel about me on Usenet:
And this is how most of the *ACTUAL* froup regs respond to my posts:
Once again, Hatter Addict post:
Froup regular post:
Then again most of the PoEtards *ARE* Hatter Addicts, so it's likely that, that is all they're really looking for in their little Google dumpster dives. Basically a sort of selective reading comprehension if you will.
The fact that even the furries reject him and he manages to get banned from the likes of furaffinity is hilarious.
Being "rejected" by Neer and a few dozen of his homosexual fan boys is hardly representative of the whole of the furry community. Most furries are actually in support of my little endeavor and are looking forward to what I can create for them. A lot of furries also hold quite a lot of resentment and bitterness towards FA because of various reasons. The most recognizable and the inspiration behind my mascot for the site, is Krystal, finally being able to enjoy her sammich. LOL
If he died tomorrow,
Oh you just *KNEW* that one was coming. I bet a day doesn't go by that some Hatter Addict somewhere doesn't long for my death. Yes, yes they really are *THAT* pathetic.
we would probably
I love the way they retard back into the sheeple mentality liak that. Always wanting to refer to themselves as "we", too weak and pathetic to actually stand up on their own and speak for themselves.
be the only ones to ever know, even if news didn't leak back months
after the fact since he's banned here too.
Even then, I would hope his epitaph is something along the lines of "finally shit himself unintentionally"
Wow...now that is just a monumental autoflame right there. Basically what this dipshit is saying is that even my DEATH wouldn't bring him any comfort or happiness and that the only way his incredible butthurt could be relieved is if he could verbally attack a DEAD PERSON.
Holy...fucking...shit...yeah, these PoEtards are *REALLY* this fucking pathetic. *snicker* And to think, that they actually wonder *WHY* their miserable filth hole is slowly dying out. I mean when it reaches a point where you start frothing online for not only someone's death, but for the wanton opportunity to insult and verbally attack them *AFTER* they're dead (and can't defend themselves)...that's just taking butthurt to a whole new level of sad.
If that fucking loser Chet had any self respect at all he'd look at this guy's post and he'd just dump the whole fuckin shit bucket altogether, realizing just how monumentally sad his stain of a site has become. I mean when your regs have been verbally fucked up the ass *SO* badly that they're having wistful jerkoff fantasies about making fun of a DEAD PERSON...*whistles*...time to take a step back, time to log off, see if you can't realign with reality before you go completely over the deep end.
10 to 1 says we see this kid in the news in the next 6 to 12 months, likely for having shot up half his school because they "said mean things about him on teh interwebs". It's pretty fucking sad when a place liak PoE becomes your child's online babysitter, as it seems to be the case with this "XahXhaX" kid. Of course, Chet does liak 'em young, especially the boys. He carries a torch for kids who carry candles if you catch my meaning. ^__^
Horrible, Horrible Sickness
Holy fucking Christ almighty I have *NEVER* been so unbelievably fucking sick in my life! For over twenty four hours I was throwing up and shitting at least EVERY TWO HOURS. Finally it let up about 12 hours or so ago and I was able to finally get some sleep and was able to drink some water without throwing it up. Even right now though I feel just absolutely fucking awful in about 13 different directions. For that first twenty four hours though it was just beyond a living hell, I probably took a whole box of anti-diarrhea medicine and it did absolutely *NOTHING* to help. Right now I'm just incredibly thankful I can sleep without having to throw up and shit constantly. This is not something I would ever wish upon anyone, no matter how horrible of a person they might be. I'm trying to let as many people know as I can to *NOT* eat any products that may have peanut butter in them, ESPECIALLY cookies (which I believe is what got me sick). Don't take this salmonella outbreak lightly, trust me, you DO NOT want to go through the torturous hell that I had to endure. -_-
Holy fucking Christ almighty I have *NEVER* been so unbelievably fucking sick in my life! For over twenty four hours I was throwing up and shitting at least EVERY TWO HOURS. Finally it let up about 12 hours or so ago and I was able to finally get some sleep and was able to drink some water without throwing it up. Even right now though I feel just absolutely fucking awful in about 13 different directions. For that first twenty four hours though it was just beyond a living hell, I probably took a whole box of anti-diarrhea medicine and it did absolutely *NOTHING* to help. Right now I'm just incredibly thankful I can sleep without having to throw up and shit constantly. This is not something I would ever wish upon anyone, no matter how horrible of a person they might be. I'm trying to let as many people know as I can to *NOT* eat any products that may have peanut butter in them, ESPECIALLY cookies (which I believe is what got me sick). Don't take this salmonella outbreak lightly, trust me, you DO NOT want to go through the torturous hell that I had to endure. -_-
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Faces Of PoE
This picture was recently posted on PoE (the text came a couple years prior):
It's the user NoCode, a PoE reg...and despite every indication to the contrary...it's a GIRL! *shudder* I guess she was beaten with the ugly stick one too many times as a child or something because...damn! Granted she's not the ugliest PoE reg, but she's right up there. What always gets me though is how these types always try and rag on me about my looks. Now, granted I'm not liak fuckin Fabio or anything and I could probably stand to lose a few pounds, but holy fucking shit...it's one thing to be overweight, it's another thing to be just plain *UGLY*.
I guess maybe that's why those liak NoCode always put so much energy into attacking people's weight, I mean it's not as if they could really complain about looks given how freakin nasty they look. Although in NoCode's case she's pretty portly lookin, especially in her face (where it counts the most). I'm sure if she see's this post she'll probably spaz and have herself a little fit, after all, she can make fun of and attack *OTHER* people, but according to her unwarranted self importance *NO ONE* can do the same in return I'm sure.
That's real typical of volatile froup Webbies, basically they can dish it, but they sure the fuck can't stand the heat themselves. And in fact most of their own fuckheadedness stems directly from an underlying urge to try and tear others down so that those liak herself can try and feel better about how horribly fuckin *UGLY* they look...or to try and feel better about how much of a freakin *FAILURE* they are.
Now I'm certainly not against kookology, or trolling, or flaming or anything liak that, but honestly, if you're engaging in any facet of volatile communication in order to try and build yourself up against someone else...yeah, that's just all shades of completely fucking pathetic, it really is. Even for as much of a horrible fucking bastard as I posture I would *NEVER* do to someone what I wouldn't be completely willing to have done to myself (and often worse). At its root all this is *SUPPOSED* to be about having fun, not trying to really belittle someone to give yourself an ego boost.
It's the user NoCode, a PoE reg...and despite every indication to the contrary...it's a GIRL! *shudder* I guess she was beaten with the ugly stick one too many times as a child or something because...damn! Granted she's not the ugliest PoE reg, but she's right up there. What always gets me though is how these types always try and rag on me about my looks. Now, granted I'm not liak fuckin Fabio or anything and I could probably stand to lose a few pounds, but holy fucking shit...it's one thing to be overweight, it's another thing to be just plain *UGLY*.
I guess maybe that's why those liak NoCode always put so much energy into attacking people's weight, I mean it's not as if they could really complain about looks given how freakin nasty they look. Although in NoCode's case she's pretty portly lookin, especially in her face (where it counts the most). I'm sure if she see's this post she'll probably spaz and have herself a little fit, after all, she can make fun of and attack *OTHER* people, but according to her unwarranted self importance *NO ONE* can do the same in return I'm sure.
That's real typical of volatile froup Webbies, basically they can dish it, but they sure the fuck can't stand the heat themselves. And in fact most of their own fuckheadedness stems directly from an underlying urge to try and tear others down so that those liak herself can try and feel better about how horribly fuckin *UGLY* they look...or to try and feel better about how much of a freakin *FAILURE* they are.
Now I'm certainly not against kookology, or trolling, or flaming or anything liak that, but honestly, if you're engaging in any facet of volatile communication in order to try and build yourself up against someone else...yeah, that's just all shades of completely fucking pathetic, it really is. Even for as much of a horrible fucking bastard as I posture I would *NEVER* do to someone what I wouldn't be completely willing to have done to myself (and often worse). At its root all this is *SUPPOSED* to be about having fun, not trying to really belittle someone to give yourself an ego boost.
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