Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's *GREEN* You Filthy, Magnificent Bastards!

Well, okay, there's some blue in it too:
Green Player

OOOoooOOOooo...it's ~*MODERN*~

...I haven't the foggiest what the hell *THAT* means exactly, but that was my general interpretation of it. Custom video players, coming to you for the low, low price of only fity dolla. Joo wan teh playah, is gon be fity dolla. Joo pay now, no layder, dis no chairdee oprayshun!

*bangs fist on the counter*


*flails about the room wildly*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Think I'm Gonna Start Sendin Off Bills

To all the major image search engine companies, most notably Yahoo, who is apparently taking liberties with my data archive:

I don't mind if people want to hot link to the thing and use the images on message boards and so forth, I really don't, but when a major corporate entity takes it upon themselves to populate their entire image search with hot links to *MY* stuff...yeah...that pisses me off. Especially when my traffic shoots up over 50% in three months as a result of it without any direct back tracking to my sites. I wouldn't care so much if I was actually making more money off of it via my ad banners, but I'm not. The only ones who are profiting off of it are Yahoo and other image search engines.

And the way I see it, it's only going to get worse. Less than 1% of the data archive is currently online, but that's still well over 3,000 files. And if only 1% causes a 50% jump in my already high web traffic...yeah...that's just gonna eat my server alive without any benefit to me at all.

I have thought about using it though as an opportunity to help spread my philosophies and such, basically by randomly replacing images with images of say goatse. On the one hand it teaches people the important lesson that you really can't control what you see online and, hopefully, wizens them up enough to get their idiot children off the grid. And on the other hand it'll sure make Yahoo and others think twice before they start ripping off my directory structures and serving my images up as if they're coming from them.

Just how bad is the problem getting for me? Watch this...
who cares

Go to Yahoo image search and search for "who cares" with no quotes. Oh, look at that, the very first link is from *MY* server. Want to see another? Try this:
bridget gay

Search for "bridget gay", again no quotes, oh look at that, again the FIRST link. *shakes head* This shit is gonna have to stop, even if I have to get nasty about it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Found Waldo!

Here he is folks, Waldo Jaquith!

Apparently Waldo Jaquith ENJOYS WEARING DIAPERS and PLAYING BABY as can easily be seen by this picture which is absolutely proof positive of his deranged and sordid lifestyle. Tsch, tsch, tsch...I'm afraid he won't get very far in politics with images like these leaking out to the press...well, okay, I guess it wouldn't have mattered much anyway, I mean it's not like the kid has much of anything going for him, amiright?

Perhaps he'll be so inclined to make a comment now that his DIAPER pictures have been released out onto the Internet. I mean, it's not like there's any denying it now, amiright? ^__^

Where's Waldo?

Uh oh, looks like Waldo ran away from the debate! Here's a partial quote from his malformed little blog: "Troll, begone!"

Yup, that was pretty much it. Well that and a long string of 5th grade level invectives that I guess he was hoping would "get back" at me or something...LOL. Of course, as usual, with these types of cowards, he's blocked me from posting on his blog. Now, true it wouldn't really take any effort at all on my part to fire up a proxy server and torment the little sophomoric name calling butter troll into a frothing frenzy, but then, I find it a lot more enjoyable to simply "post behind their back" so to speak. And honestly, it's what they wanted, so they shouldn't have any complaints at all about it. I'm fair enough to the point where I give morons a chance to defend their stupidity, but if they don't want to take it, well, that's on them.

And so, without further adieu, here's the post lil Waldo DOESN'T want you to see:

Uh huh, ya know if you're going to quote a link off Special ED, why not THIS one:

Uh oh...hypocrisy! And how. *nods* I think it's cute though, how kids like yourself scream troll whenever you get hammered real good in a debate, because when you get right down to it...you ~really~ have no idea at all what a "troll" even is (or the art of UPA and IPA as most of us oldbies prefer to call it). Here, let me give a free cl00, Sparkles...if I was trolling you...you wouldn't know it. And I'd likely be your best friend to boot. LOL

Don't feel too bad though, if I was in your position, after having said so many incredibly stupid things regarding Flash...yeah I'd probably run away and scream troll too. Don't worry, no one was actually expecting you to attempt to counter any of my arguments...I mean, because you *CAN'T* and all. Just remember, I didn't make reality...I just verbally bitch slapped you with it. ^__^