Wednesday, December 16, 2009


You know sometimes I forget that most anime isn't targeted towards kids...or that it's usually at an emotionally gut wrenching level beyond American filming. I started watching Full Metal Alchemist, thinking it was going to be a pretty light hearted show all's not, it's really, really, *REALLY* the fuck not.

The worst part so far was one of the semi-main characters who turns out to be a complete fucking psychopath who winds up transmuting his own five year old daughter and the family dog into a "talking chimera"...yeah, it pretty much goes downhill from there.

The whole series seems pretty centered on the whole "dealing with death" theme, that and the horrifying results of war and racism. If you showed this series to any solider on his way to go and fight in a war somewhere, well, I highly doubt he'd be able to go through with it afterwards.

This series is right up there with Chrno Crusade on the level of pure emotional mind fucks. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though, I mean this shit is coming from the one country that had nuclear fucking bombs dropped the hell on it...guess that's well enough to fuck the "human spirit" of the populous pretty good, even over the long term.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mapish Consorts

This is a partial thread repost from one of the Webbie boards I'm posting about my game on. I figured I would repost it here so that other people can read it as well.

Thanks for the update!

What you have is very good, I hope it will be as fun to play as it is to read about. However what you seem to have is more of a 3D cube than a 4D hypercube.

A 4D hypercube has 8 cubical sides (or hyperfaces). Each cube is connected to 6 other cubes through its 6 sides (or hyperedges).

This is much like how there are 6 faces on a regular 3D cube, and each each face is adjacent to 4 others, all the other faces except the one on the opposite side.

Although it doesn't matter to me how many dimensional realities you wish to have, I think your present explanation would be more consistant with a 4D hypercube if there were 8 total. If the space folded continuousely as in the animation, each reality would only connect to the adjacent 6, however passing through the middle or 'interstice' as you call it would allow you to connect to all 8, altho the space folding transformation would not be as continuous.

Actually, that gives me an idea. What if the interstice was one of the hyperfaces, and each reality is a hyperface adjacent to the interstice? Then with the 6 realities, the interstice, and the hyperface oposite the interstice (some kind of anti-interstice?) you would have the 8 hyperfaces your hypercube needs.

Thanks for the info, I'll see about incorporating your ideas into it. The "science" of the story definitely needs some ironing out. I'm not trying to make it extremely exacting, but I would at least like it to be semi-plausible and at the very least believable by the average player. It's the old "Hollywood Illusion" as it were. Convincing the audience that sheer bullshit is actually plausible, potential reality.

*Mipsus goes off to eject the warp core and realign the pattern buffers for the transporter*


Yeah, I know it doesn't have to be scientificly perfect. Sorry, I just had to post that because my math sense was tingling.

*athomson quantum teliports instantly to the other side of the universe by hitching a ride on a stream of entangled electrons* :-)

Nah, yer post was good, it gave me some good ideas. Critiques, suggestions, maps, character forms, story lines, art work and ideas are always welcome. If there's something you want to see in the game just tell me and I'll see about incorporating it. The game's going to be big enough to include plenty of ideas, so there's tons of room for expansion.

I just finished up making one of the basic maps:
4th Space Map 1

Each pixel represent a 32x32 tile. Dark green represents forest, light green is grass, tan is dirt/sand, dark brown is lower mountainous areas, dark gray is high, rocky mountainous areas, white is snow, faded green is snowy forests, light gray is snowy mountains, the blue is water obviously and the light bluish outlines are shorelines or shallow waters.

I think how I'm going to make this work is that the worlds are going to come in sets, so each world will have a kind of "mirror world", that'll be somewhat the same, but slightly different. Like in this one, the alternate world is going to have a complete land mass on the bottom right there and it's going to be explained that the reason it's mostly gone in this world is because of some nth level, cataclysmic destruction.

The original universe is going to be a mirror of our own, but basically a few thousand years older with some various small changes in events, land mass, etc. Along with highly advanced technology since they'll be a few thousand years ahead. It's going to be that the 4th Space, the alternate realities, were basically created accidentally in an experiment gone awry. The original experiment was to try and travel through time, but instead it fucked everything up and cubed the universe into various, fragmented, folded dimensional realities.

In some respects it'll be similar to the episode of Farscape when the ship tried to travel at warp and then everything went wrong and it got split into four realities with holes between the four in various locations. Only on a universal scale. That's basically where I got the idea from. That and the episode of Voyager, "Shattered", as well as the "mirror universe" in Star Trek were also inspirations.

The over world maps are going to work a little different from traditional RPGs. As they're suppose to represent an entire planet you're not going to be able to just wander around on foot, which is kind of ridiculous. So in each world, to travel around you *HAVE* to find various means of transportation. Each world will have different forms of transportation, some more advanced than others. Also, as you're traveling around, in some worlds you'll encounter random enemies of various sorts and in others not, depending on the circumstances of that particular world.

One of the things you'll be able to do as you're traveling is to stop on the map screen and "get out" of your transportation. Which in most cases will lead you to a random, generic map that matches the terrain you stopped on. Most will have nothing there, maybe some common items, maybe some monsters. There will be a few spots though in which there will be really good/hidden items, quest items, people to talk to, houses, "Easter eggs", various puzzle related factors, etc, etc. You'll be able to find these hot spots via researching, sleuthing, talking to people, etc, etc.

In some respects it'll be similar to Zelda, "The Ocarina Of Time", where if you have a rumble pack you can find hidden chambers that can be bombed open. That's what the idea is based upon. Basically the whole game is sort of like a massive conglomerate of all the best ideas and my most favorite ideas that I've seen in other video games, anime, cartoons, movies, etc. Along with my own original story. Although even my story is going to be based somewhat on mainstream tropes that I'm fond of, in anime, as well as video games, TV shows and movies. They'll then be refined, expanded upon, broken apart and combined in various ways and developed more indepthly (so as to avoid obvious cliches).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Interstice

Whew, been awhile since I've done any updates. Been kinda busy. But anyway, today I threw together the Fourth Space "Interstice", which is basically a kind of space between spaces that acts as a conduit between the Fourth Space dimensions. When you start off, only two spacial dimensions are open for travel, the one to earth and another to one of the four Forth Space dimensions, like nyah:
Starting Interstice

The Fourth Space can be described as a kind of hypercube, it contains four separate outer face dimensions and then a top and bottom dimension, our home dimension being on the bottom. Like so:

How you're able to transport between dimension is visualized here, which shows the workings of a hypercube:

The inner box represents the current dimension you're in, in relation to yourself, so to travel to another dimension you're basically being spatially folded into the destination dimension. Said dimension then becomes the center cube. Everyone, no matter what dimension they're in, has their current dimension as the center cube, in relation to themselves, with the other dimensions existing in folded space, which is why you can't see them even though they're all basically in the exact same place and time.

One of the story arcs will revolve around the destabilization of the dimensional hypercube, which means the various realities will start to overlap and merge with one another and extreme chaos will then ensue. ^__^

Here's what the Interstice looks like when you have all the key crystals:

Complete Interstice

The key crystals are found in the various dimensions, so when you find one it'll open up the way to another dimension and then in that dimension you'll find the next key crystal, and so on.

There is one master dimension to the other five, and represents the original dimension. Due to some yet to be explained circumstances that original dimension was basically spatially cubed forming the other dimensions. As it is a hypercube, there is the possibility that the separate dimensions could lose cohesion which would cause each of them to be cubed, and then those cubes each being cubed themselves, exponentially creating an infinite number of folded universes all existing on the same relative plane. So needless to say, preventing the dimensions from losing cohesion will be an important factor in the story line.

In addition to the key crystals opening up the various dimensions, within each dimension there are transportation crystals and blocks, which can be used to warp from one location to another location within the same dimension. Here's what they look like:

These crystals can be used any number of times and you can put them in and take them out of the transport blocks as you like. You will have a limited number of them, with dozens of transport blocks within each dimension, which will be used to create various puzzles throughout the game. Some of the transport crystals will already be in place, some with only one end in place, and others that you'll simply find by themselves or obtain through some means.

The transport blocks are bidirectional, so one block will always lead to another block and that block will in turn lead back to the previous. In the cases where you have a transport block set that's missing both transport crystals and you only have one left on you, you can put that crystal into one of the transport blocks, but if you try transporting you'll basically wind up trapped on the destination end with no way back unless you can find another transport crystal to complete the connection.

In addition to the generic transport crystals there will be specially colored, unique transport crystals, which can be used to alter the regular pathways of the transport blocks. So if you put a red transport crystal in one block and then put another red transport crystal into another, not normally linked block, those two blocks will then form a temporary connection to each other so long as the colored transport crystals remain in place. This will of course add to the puzzle factor and there will be various circumstances where you'll really need to "think outside of the box" (pun intended) in order to progress through the game.

There will be a number of side quests that won't be directly relevant to the main story arc, these side quests will be *MUCH* harder than the regular game progression, but they could pay off in being able to obtain various rare items which can help you move through the main story arc more quickly, others will simply add more story and interest in the characters, with no super rare items obtained.

Unlike most all RPGs, this one will be very unique in that the bosses and mini-bosses will act differently and use different strategies depending on the items and weapons you're carrying as well as your character stats. So if you level up to a massive degree and are basically God like in strength, the bosses are going to be able to tell how strong you are and they'll alter their tactics accordingly. So sheer strength and level building won't really help you much in most situations, instead you'll have to actually think, find information about the bosses, their techniques and such, and then you'll need to come up with counter tactics in order to defeat them.

It'll be sort of like in the Mega Man series, where each boss is particularly weak against another obtained weapon, although this will take it to a more in depth level, although not so completely complicated and confusing that it's just frustrating and annoying (Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories comes directly to mind in that particular fault). You'll also gain techniques, weapons, and various items when you defeat bosses and mini-bosses, so the game won't be completely linear, you'll be able to choose how you want to progress through the game, being able to choose between various quests at various stages in the game.

You have to complete all the primary quests, but you can pick and choose which ones you want to go through first and you'll even be able to back track, such as going halfway through one quest, picking up some items/weapons/techniques/etc and then being able to go back and start through a different quest within that particular story arc. Again, this will add more strategy and puzzle scenarios, in that you'll find certain things in one quest which will aid you in another, so you'll have to do some back tracking, look for clues, figure out puzzles, etc, kind of making the game sort of like a Sherlock Holmes mystery of sorts at various stages. Like puzzles within larger puzzles, basically. But again, it won't be so completely impossible and confusing that you'll just get frustrated and want to quit out of boredom and annoyance.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Faggot Phenomenon
And The Beauty Of Suicide

Let's talk about homoseuxals for a bit, shall we? Now, you always hear people yammer on about how "unatural" homos are and how "perverted" they are, but honestly, I think that they've got it completely backward! On the contrary, faggots are *EXTREMELY* important to the survival of this planet.

To put it as bluntly as possible, on a purely genetic level, nature itself has recognized that humanity is a fucking plague upon this planet and if not countered in some way, *WILL* destroy the entire earth itself and all life upon it.

As such, as a genetic failsafe, more and more people are being born homosexual in order to prevent mass breeding and to blunt the incredible overpopulation of the human species. Simply put, the more people who are gay, the less we'll be able to breed through conventional means and the less people there will be on the planet. Tres simple, non?

Similarly, there's also an increase in people who are depressed. I believe that this depression is a completely natural occurrence and is basically another kind of genetic failsafe. Basically, on the genetic level, your body knows that you're an evolutionary dead end, so in order to prevent you from breeding and passing on your faulty genes, a trigger is kicked on in yer brain to make you feel so depressed that you'll want to kill yourself...for the benefit of the species.

Again, it's completely natural and anyone who is feeling overly depressed should be highly encouraged to end their lives as a gift to the rest of us who enjoy life and enjoy living. Their deaths will mean more oxygen for the rest of us, as well as reducing precious, wasted resources, which in turn will benefit the planet.

And honestly, isn't the continuation of the planet more important than the life of someone who is depressed who *WANTS* to die? It really makes no sense at all to try and intervene and prevent such a natural and beautiful sacrifice to mother earth.

Those that want to kill themselves should be praised and remembered throughout history as patriots and warriors in the fight to save the planet from the human disease which has infested her for so long. It is only because of selfish human PERVERSION that we try and interfere with such a natural, evolutionary design.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Fuzzy Pillars!

I like fuzzy pillars...but sometimes their fuzziness stings yer skin a bit...I think it's to make them taste bad. That way if they get eaten by something, well, at least they'll have the satisfaction of knowing that they gave their attacker indigestion!

In further news, I've uncovered a *MASSIVE* conspiracy! I'm here to blow the lid off the biggest cover up since 9-11! DON'T BE FOOLED!

It's those dentists! Every last one of them is in on it too! Can you believe it?! They've been deceiving us all this time, with their demented, devious, demeanors and dishonest discourse, derailing our daily drudge and dominating us to endure discolored, dingy, decayed, disgusting, dentures unless we brush our teeth!

All this time we've been conned by those crafty, cretinous, contemptible, conspiring, culprits of crooked corruption! But they've fooled us for the last time! And they won't be getting away with it either!

No siree, a magnificent, mystery mom has managed to muster up a method of mopping up the muck and maligning those malicious, misrepresenting, mischievous malcontents!

Now that they've all been outed, their secrets torn open, their lies disproved, there's no room for denial or refutal for this foul, fumbling, fixed, fictitious, foisted fraud!

We're free from the fastidious, fatiguing formula of frivolous fictition from those fiendish, freakish foes, for which we've foolishly forced, furiously upon our foreworn fangs, as well as the faulty, fruitless flossing of our festoon foundries.

But no more! Rejoice my friends, for the secret is out...for only a finite fee of fifty dollars! Certainly *WELL* worth the price to circumvent the cunning, conspiracy crisis of these foistrous fuckheads!


Protip - Gestures and smilies really get the ED forum groupies into a gigantic, grumpus, snit fit.



Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh Shi-

LOL, check out the lulz!
Encyclopedia Butthurt

Wooo!! *nods*

I especially liked the part where Mthrfckn jumps in and starts crying about how it was really someone else whose the pussy. *snicker* Yeah, nice save there, Fumbles. I think what he meant to say was that he's not able to make like a pussy himself, so he PM'd some mommy moderator and asked them to do it for him.

The part where he starts posting links to my blog is also real funny. Apparently he's quite the fan boi. I mean it's not like I go around posting the address of this blog all over the web, it's mostly intended just for Netters and as such it's primarily only posted in my Usenet .sig.

Not sure why they're reading it though, my blog isn't for my mouthy haters and Hatter Addicts, it's meant for people who actually *ENJOY* my work, not for those who get all butt hurt and pissy about it.

I did just notice something particularly odd though...they don't own them. The web board I mean, it's a cookie cutter bullshit setup, probably a freebie one at that. Check it out:

Might be fun to go over their ToS and see if I can't get them to lose their little freebie board. That'd be *REALLY* funny, not to mention ironic. As I've always said, you should never do to anyone what you wouldn't want done to yourself, so since they like banning people so much, well, maybe the same ought to be done to them? I think it'd be a good lesson...although granted the ED kids are a lot like CWC, they don't really seem to learn at all from their verbal ass kickings.

They're not much for kookology and lulz either, most of them are just in it so they can try and feel all self superior. Srsly, they recently had a whole fuckin multiple page forum thread all about how posting on ED makes them feel important. *snicker* I'll see if I can find the link to it, if I can, I'll do an update to this article.

In the mean time, enjoy the lulz of them bitching and whining about being exposed as gutless fuckin PUSSIES. Not that it was really new news or anything, but I guess the little goobers just weren't aware at all of how the rest of the Internet looks at them. ^__^

There was just a post by some guy named Dr. TL:DR whose reposting my blog entries on ED along with the text:
"didnt read it but im sure it's pretty gay"

LOL, as if I'd really expect any of them to be able to. I mean it's not exactly like I go out of my way to try and dumb my work down to the 4th grade reading level. Pretty much unless yer a college graduate yer gonna have a hard time getting through most of my posts. Either because you'll encounter too many "big words" or because yer Ritalin wears off by the time you get to the second sentence.

I found it!

An Elite Internet Club

LOL, also check out the latest post from mthrfckn where he's all, "ZOMG DON'T GIVE HIM ANY ATTENTION!!1!"


Yeah, like that's gonna make me lose interest in fucking around with yer idiot froup for shits and giggles. This kid is obviously seriously the fuck out of his league, he really has no fuckin cl00 at all.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Encyclopedia Butthurt

So, in case you haven't been keeping up, Encyclopedia Dramatica got itself a cookie cutter Webbie board and an IRC channel to boot! So I decided to go on over and check 'em out! I was banned from the forums in less than two days. Reason for the ban? None given. Srsly, their reason for banning me was pure, mass level, BUTT HURT.

Apparently it came as somewhat of a surprise to the other regs as I was still chatting in the IRC channel and everyone thought it was a little odd since I hadn't done anything mean or nasty to anyone there and was actually contributing to the lulz on a variety of topics...I guess though the one who did the banning was some tweenage muppet fuck by the name of "mthrfkn" (real original there).

I guess I fucked the kid's mother or something, because I was informed that he had some massive hard on for me and was absolutely ENRAGED when he found out I was posting and I guess got even moar upset when he found out that every other reg in the froup wasn't frothing over me in hatred like he was.

I think part of what makes the kid so angry and upset is that he can dish it, but he sure the fuck can't take it, and the fact that I can, well, it just drives him bonkers.

So anyway, flash forward a few weeks later and I uncover a massively EPIC LOLcow the likes of which hasn't been seen since CWC...I mean I'm talkin about a kook so gawd damn epic she PRAYS TO GOD TO MAKE HER A MERMAID! And she recently turned 20! Yeah, I kid you fucking not, this girl is like the female version of Chris. I made a page for her here:
Megan Squiers

So, being that I'm a fairly nice guy all around I decided it would be pretty pig headed of me not to share with other trolls, so I went on over to the ED IRC channel and posted a bit about the girl and everyone got real excited and someone said they would make a post for me on the forums after I got all the data compiled and sorted out for maximum LOLs. So I agreed and logged off. A couple days later, after I built the before mentioned site, I went back to the IRC channel to tell them all about it, only when I got there the user "mthrfkn" was there and apparently in massive need of a tampon as he just instantly started tryin to jump all over me with inane bullshit and trying to "attack" me with 5th rate, grade school bullshit whilst frothing on at the mouth like I killed his family or fucked his sister or something. So, being me, of course I just laughed at the little goober and made fun of him, which I guess was too much for the kid to handle so he got all spastic and banned me from the IRC channel like he did on the forums.

Now, yes, I could fire up some proxies and just go right back and start posting or chatting in IRC, but I got to thinkin about it and I figured...ya know...why should I? I mean the whole purpose of Encyclopedia Dramatica is ~supposed~ to be all about documenting, tracking, and exploiting LULZ all over the grid, which was exactly what I was giving them, practically going out of my way really to give it to them and to share epic material that I really didn't have to...and what do I get for my massively incredible contributions? Yeah, butthurt, massive fuckin butthurt.

So no, I'm not going to waste my time on ignorant tweenagers who have no real interest in LULZ, they're far too busy banning each other and stepping all over themselves for unwarranted self importance on their little shit stain of a Webbie board. To the point where, as I came to find out, is apparently some kind of a major problem they're having, where the regs keep senselessly banning their own users left and right for no reason at all, other than the fact that they're all mostly butthurt and can't handle being on the receiving end.

The group they've made really doesn't have any genuine interest at all in the art of trolling or kookology, they just want to run around trying to pick on people slightly kookier than they are so they can try and feel better about how incredibly fucking pathetic they all are. Kookologists they are not.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beauty Comes At A Price Apparently

I took some pictures of my cat "Persephone" today. I usually just call her "Puff" or "Sprouts" though for short. Here's one of the pics:

It was a bit of a pain in the butt to manually remove the red eye but I think it turned out pretty good. Her eyes are really dilated in the picture though so it's hard to see just how brilliantly blue her eyes really are.

And her hair, well, it's not really hair so much as fur, with the exact same consistency and feel of rabbit fur. She's a Ragdoll apparently, as I've come to learn, and I was extremely lucky to get her. I check the local humane society website every day and as soon as I saw her picture up I raced down there to go and get her, barely beating out another lady who came in wanting her just as I was filling out the paperwork for her. Apparently really nice looking Ragdolls are kind of on the expensive side and I got her for only $100 so that was a hell of a bargain.

Apparently that incredibly soft fur and brilliantly blue eyes come at a price though. I guess in order to make them look like that they have to inbreed them to a certain degree and as such they develop all sorts of fun medical conditions. You can kind of tell in that picture, where her ears are a bit damaged and it sort of looks like she has ear mites. It continually clears up, then gets bad, then clears up again, almost like a cycle. She also gets real bad cat acne too, so I have to scrub her face with a wash cloth everyday...which she really doesn't all. If you don't though then it gets really bad and they just like scab over and spread, so there's not much choice. A small price to pay for such a pretty cat.

My sister in law picked her name, Persephone, partly because the Greek goddess was highly known for her incredibly beauty and also because she was Goddess of the underworld, snatched away by Hades from the living world and her mother, which is a kind of allegory to my snatching her away from the other lady that wanted her at the humane society and also because my character form is often characterized as evil, hellish and so forth. I've even been called the full embodiment of the anti-christ by some. ^__^

Monday, October 12, 2009

Your Mom

Reposted here, from Usenet:

Question, when you post things like "I fucked your mother" do you think that has some sort of psychological effect upon them?

No, it's meant to be a completely ironic, sarcastic bitch slap of mocking cynicism. Basically it's kind of my way of saying, "You're a fuckin retard and this is what you get for being a fuckin retard."

If they whine about it, it just makes it that much moar lulzy in that the whole thing is meant to be directly reflective of their own idiocy, basically a parody of their own retardation.

I don't waste good material on Hatter Addicts and retarded fuckwits and all the better they're ever going to get for their idiocy is a good hard verbal slap across their idiot faces with exactly what they deserve...shit.

If they don't like getting shit on then they can either strive to deserve better, or they can whine and bitch about it, either way it's of little consequence to me personally.

The *REALLY* ironic part about the whole thing though, is that, as absolutely fuckin stupid as most of these retards are...yeah, yeah it *REALLY* does bother them actually. LOL, I know, it's completely hilarious to sane, intelligent people, but it's true. To complete, stupid ass losers who have as much sense as a box of rocks, it *REALLY* does bother them to say shit like that. Which, again, is part of why it makes the whole thing so incredibly hilarious.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

An Interesting Dream I Had

I dreamt I invented a material that, when penetrated, could turn kinetic energy into electrical was really fuckin cool too. Like if you shot at it with a gun, it would release a kind of lightning bolt of energy outward in response to it...very interesting. How it all worked exactly...well, I can't actually remember that part of the dream (conveniently), so now I'm tryin to work out how it might be possible, at least theoretically. *nods*

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


...I altered the settings on my computer to play all stereo sound as mono and only in the right receiver. For the longest time I've been kind of in denial about the whole thing. I mean I knew about, had it tested and diagnosed, told people about it, but kept on using stereo settings on my computer. It finally dawned on me though that I was missing about half the song, because many songs use lyrics and music that can only be heard on the left speaker, which, for me, means I can't hear them at all. I used to think/believe that the hearing was just bad, but that I could still hear out of it, but swapping all the music/sound to the left speaker, I found I couldn't actually hear much of anything at all, it just sounded like listening to a song while underwater.

It really hit me then though, that I really am effectively deaf in that ear, basically losing half of one of my senses. It has made me appreciate the senses I still have a lot more though. When you lose something like that, it really makes you realize just how incredibly precious and just how much people take for granted something as simple as being able to hear a song. I will never again, ever, be able to hear stereo sound...not unless somebody comes up with a way of regenerating nerve cells.

I would like to believe that it's made me a better person though because of it. I can understand and relate to the loss that others suffer when losing one complete, and even multiple senses. To lose something like that, something that can't be fixed, something permanent, really makes you appreciate what you have left. In a way, it really is like losing a part of yourself (metaphorically speaking, obviously physical), losing a part of who you are as a person.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do You Know What Day It Is?

It's Mad Hatter Day!


Coconut frosting with coconut cake...mmmm...coco-nutty. ^__^

Oh, and it's double layered, with vanilla pudding in the middle. *nods* Doki, doki.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Love Carl's Junior ^__^

I got a $25 gift card for Carl's Junior today in the mail! Apparently they *REALLY* enjoyed the feedback I left on their website last week:

I read your press release regarding the "McHype" and, I'm sorry, but no. You've made a mistake. The burgers at Carl's Jr. are simply too good to even bother acknowledging McDonalds, or any other fast food burger joint for that matter. The lessers like McDonalds can throw out as many cheap imitations as they like, try whatever little marketing gimmicks they can, but at the end of the day they're all just shoveling out soggy, squished and slightly microwaved cardboard burgers that have likely been sitting in a heat bin for 10 or more minutes.

Carl's Jr. simply cannot be compared to that, not even on the most fundamental level. A Carl's Jr. burger isn't simply food, it's an experience. A mouthgasm that literally molests your taste buds with pure epic awesome incarnate. It is beyond any level of comparison. Those like McDonalds are not fooling anyone with more than three brain cells and, simply put, you should not even take the bother to acknowledge their existence in any of your ads or marketing endeavors. Quite frankly they don't deserve the recognition nor importance to even be mentioned in the same sentence as Carl's Jr.

^__^ if they would just BUILD a Carl's Junior here in Walla Walla. It's no fun at all having to drive all the way to TriCities (50 miles away) just to eat such incredible awesomeness. I recommend their teriyaki burger and their western bacon double burger:

...which are just absolutely incredibly awesome beyond belief (and they actually look just like those pictures when you buy them). When they say restaurant style hamburgers at a fast food joint, yeah, that's *REALLY* not an exaggeration. *nods*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm Eating A Bell Pepper

...not exactly sure why.


It's cruncy.

Crunch, cruch, crunch...bell peppery goodness...


I made these yesterday:

I don't know if I'll use it for a redesign of teh Backwater site though...maybe for something else...haven't really decided. Been playing around a lot with shadow forms here lately, to give a kind of faux 3D look. You have to be a lil careful though, it's easy to go overboard...kinda liak with teh reflection forms.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oops, I Broke It

I found a fun toy over on PoE:
Save Niki

I went to play with it by adding the following comment:

...then the site was taken down. :(

I did archive the whole thing though before they had the chance to rip it all down:


Speaking of PoE, seems they're almost effectively net.dead, I used to be able to find quite a few fun toys to play with on there, but these days...not so much. I probably only even check their site maybe every 3 or 4 months, things have been that slow over there. Guess they just couldn't hack it in teh volatile web froups community. They never were that strong though, many of their regs were just as, if not even kookier than the targets they went after. And their "no interference" policy has always been little more than an obvious copout for the fact that they just can't handle themselves in flame wars and are only effective with teh art when they're talking about people behind their backs.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gangsta Pizza 'N Fast Food Chit, Aight!

Pizza Hut has this new stuffed crust PAN pizza now, which is pretty freakin awesome...and *REALLY* freakin cheap! I got one today (they come in large), half Hawaiian and half bacon and olives for only $16 via delivery! Normally the regular stuffed crust pizzas are like $22 each via delivery! So that's a heck of a bargain. I believe it's a promotional thing though, so I don't know how much longer it'll last.

I think the thing I love the most about Pizza Hut though is their online ordering system. It's just all shades of kicking ass in every other direction and then some.

In other fast food related news, we *STILL* don't have a Carl's Junior in this retarded little town (Walla Walla), which is just raping the sweet baby Jesus in my opinion. Carl's Junior is like the *GOD* of fast food fact it almost seems wrong to even put them into the same category as fast food hamburgers. I mean fast food hamburgers aren't supposed to look like the ones they show on television commercials, they're supposed to be soggy and squished and slightly microwaved after sitting in a heat bin for 10 minutes...not made completely fresh, with a fluffy, chewy bun, with crispy veggies and flame barbecued meat and so forth. When they say restaurant style burgers...yeah, they're not fuckin kidding. That shit is teh BOMB, yo! Werd to yer motha!

*flashes some gang signs*

Oh yeah, ya know I'm a lil bit gangsta. Maybe you're a lil bit gangsta yerself? Fuck, we *ALL* be a lil bit gangsta! Peace out, my wiggers!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Other People's Quotes That I Liak

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bumbling Bloggers Like Tim O'Reilly

Now, most of us, those of us who are Netters and Webbies, we easily recognize the bumbling RL based blogger. You know the type, they just stumbled on over to the grid *WAAAAAY* back in liak two thousand and FIVE! Actively surfing such pedestrian level sites like eBay, Amazon and other highly marketed beacons of direct RL attraction. Such superficial forms though are rarely very informative and give RLs a false sense of reality on the grid. Effectively, they don't teach these children of the Internet what the Internet is all about, how it differs from real life, what they can really expect, or how to deal with things on the net level.

Because of that fact, if and when such RLs encounter some aspect of the *REAL* Internet, they are very often quite poorly prepared to handle it, very often making bad decisions that only worsen whatever situation they've put themselves in.

Now, "blogging" is not a new concept, and it has actually existed since long before that particular term was ever coined. Problem is, in the early days of the Internet RLs were effectively and RIGHTLY banned from blogging in that having your own blog required technical expertise, the kind that RLs just don't have (even the ones who ~think~ they have it). But we are now living in Web 3.0, the "cookie cutter" Internet age, where any idiot with a mouse can create a website or a blog with little to no sense at all as to what it is they're even doing or where they're even at.

This has led to a great exodus of sorts, a mass immigration of idiots, much like the original AOL invasion of Usenet, circa 1996 and the "eternal September" that followed. The people who run these cookie cutter outfits are often RLs themselves, who simply outsource much of their operation to those who know what they're doing who build them the cookie cutter constructs they need to pawn off to the muddled masses.

At this point any idiot with a keyboard can have a blog, say whatever they want, and of course, look liak a fuckin retard. Case in point, let's take Tim O'Reilly, founder of "O'Reilly Media" (he certainly is high on himself, innt he?). Now Tim is a "blogger" and spends much of his time stumbling around the top crust of the grid and fumbling out verbal inanity at every opportunity. Now our story with Tim really begins with another blogger, whom you might recognize. One Kathy Sierra, who basically embodies every last thing that's wrong with RLs on the Internet and why they shouldn't be here.

Kathy, liak most RL bloggers, has no sense between the real world and the Internet. To Kathy, the Internet *IS* real life and she treats everything she see's online as if it were actually real and believable. This of course makes her a bright, shining target for every last troll on the grid, looking to upset some little RL fruitloop for the entertainment value of watching them spaz out over words on a fuckin screen. And hoo boy, did lil Kathy just run with it. Most likely suffering from a "victim complex", Kathy did just about every last thing she could to try and victimize herself and ran around collecting pity points at every opportunity. The height of which culminated in "death threats" that ~scared~ poor lil Kathy *SO* badly that she was crying her eyes out and just couldn't even come out of her house.

As a result she just about took her lil blogger ball and went home foreverz! ...fortunately for us she finally did and the wicked witch of whining is ding dong net.dead. Of course she couldn't "leave" without putting up a whole "woe is me, teh bad guyz wun!" post. Obviously because, as has been noted, she has a victim complex, she *LIKES* being "attacked" she *LIKES* raping sympathy and pity points off other idiots online. Whoring herself out as a delicate little flower, all stepped on and trampled by dat mean 'ol Interwebz. The level of slurpage she got off of her "leaving" was nothing short of epic...on a massively sad fuckin level. The poor lil snowflake just couldn't handle all the "abuse" anymore.


Yeah, right. Just to make a point of reference, since I first started posting online...I've probably received around...mmm...20 to 30 THOUSAND death threats in varying forms and circumstances. And that's been since nineteen fuckin ninety four! o_O I mean, it's been a gawd damn decade and a half of death threats against me and, well, gee, I haven't had anyone attempt to make good on any of them! At all! In *ANY* form! And unlike lil Kathy there are people who *REALLY* have good reason to want to try and kill me, especially those I performed unethical sociological and psychological experiments on.

But it never happens...and it never will. And you know why too...if you're a Netter or a Webbie, if you're someone who actually *UNDERSTANDS* the Internet and the underlying sociological structures. On the one hand you have trolls of course, looking to pray on those foolish enough to treat the Internet as if it were real life, trying to get a rise out of them, trying to get them to have a meltdown and make outlandishly kooky counter threats or to watch them have a total mental breakdown as they attempt to put themselves up on the virtual cross. Sorry kiddies, but the cross is for Christ...not you, you're no victim, not in this world anyway.

On the flip side of course you also have other RLs, who are actually genuinely ~serious~ about their threats...well, not so much in that they would ever try and carry them out, just to the point of trying to "scare" a person so they can "get back" at them. Such individuals really aren't much of a step up above the dribbling little wannabe victims and they are, effectively, enablers for the very behavior that fuels their hate of the person in the first place. A vicious cycle as it were, a ping pong game of social retardation. What fuels those types of "death threats" is of course the largely text-only environment of the Internet, which gives most people a sense of detachment and feelings of safety and anonymity, believing they can say whatever they want without any possible repercussions or backlash. Put any of those people in a similar real life situation and I guarantee they'll mostly all keep their fuckin idiot mouths shut altogether and won't say a thing.

The last point to keep in mind is that there are quite a number of children online, whose neglectful parents use the Internet as their babysitter. Such children can and will say almost anything, often without any clue at all as to what it is they're even suggesting, often without any comprehension at all of things like consequences and repercussions. To them, the Internet represents a portal into a world where they can say anything, do anything, pretend to be anything, and nothing matters at all on any level, and they of course are *ALWAYS* in the right (even when they're in the wrong, which is 99.9% of the time). Places liak 4chan and other "mainstream" volatile web communities are often the source of the largest tweenage and teenage infestations on the grid.

And if you think a death threat on the fucking Internet from a semi-illiterate 9 year old who lives half a world away is something you really ought to concern yourself with...yeah, you really are a fuckin idiot.

So anyway, back to our story, lil Kathy got a couple of these "death threats" and went BAAAWWWling about it *ALL* over the fuckin place, to the point that she even managed to get the attention of Tim O'Reilly, a "celebrity blogger" of sorts, who posted this fuckin trash:

In it, O'Reilly gets his lil virtual training panties all up into a snit and quotes off this lil gem:

"The fact that there's all these really messed-up people on the internet is not a statement about the internet. It is a statement about those people and what they do and we need to basically say that you guys are doing something unacceptable and not generalise it into a comment about this is what's happening to the blogosphere."

Wow...just...WOW! Okay, first of all, do note the fact that lil O'Reilly can't even figure out that the word Internet is CAPITALIZED, a sure sign of n00b level stupidity. I've always said, if you don't know how to spell the word Internet, you ought not to go running around trying to pass off opinions about it. Because it *REALLY* just makes you look liak a fuckin ass. And that's probably the best way of defining O'Reilly on the Internet...a gawd damn ass hat, and not much moar.

O'Reilly believes that we Netters and Webbies are "messed up", because we don't try and recreate the real world online, rather we use the online world as it was meant to be a free and open medium of communication...*ALL* communication, of any sort, without any opposing rules, laws, regulations, or "codes of conduct" as O'Reily wishes there was. Such forms are nothing more than Internet impotency in most cases and there are no shortage of people around to help educate you proper in how this world *REALLY* works.

People like O'Reilly are basically an affront to everything that the Internet stands for and he completely misses the whole fuckin point as to *WHY* little miss attention whore Kathy was even "targeted" in the first place. You can't take anything online seriously, you have to take *EVERYTHING* with a grain of salt, because on the Internet you have no real way of knowing FOR CERTAIN whether something is real or not real. Anything in the online world can be fabricated or manipulated...a fact that is sorely missed by our justice systems, who rarely understand the nature of the Internet.

Those who can't get that concept through their head present themselves as entertainment packages, targets to be shot up with words carefully crafted to try and get them to spaz out and have a little mental meltdown over nothing moar than words on a screen. It's a sport, really, amongst trolls, or Internet performance artists as we like to call ourselves. But moar than that it's also a teaching tool, designed to force people to comprehend that they can't take things online seriously, or, if they do, they're going to wind up with their lil mind all ripped apart. Or in the cases of online attention whores liak lil Kathy, they actually *FEED* off of it, or rather they feed off the emotional sympathy and pity that they manage to molest out of others around them as a result of it.

Ultimately the goal of an Internet performance artist is to back someone into a corner and force them to lash out in every way that they can to "fight off" their attacker, once they've exhausted every means they can think of to "get back" at the person whose bested them, that's when they're effectively forced to comprehend that, simply have no real power over anyone all. And ultimately, the only one who can *REALLY* make you angry or upset you. At most, all anyone online can do is to provide you with opportunities and excuses to play out whatever little emotional games that *YOU* want to try and play, as you so desperately try and define the Internet as you do the real world. Such attempts are absolute comedy gold to those of us who actually understand the Internet, those of us who have evolved socially to a level where *NOTHING* online bothers all. At the very most all it is, is simply...words on a screen. Nothing moar than that. You must *CHOOSE* to make it moar than that and it is *ALWAYS* on you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lobsters Of Such

Today we shall talk of, no particular reason of sorts, it just seems to be the thing to talk about today.

Now, most people know that lobsters are usually a greenish blackish mottled kind of color...*BUT*, in some rare instances lobsters can actually have *OTHER* colors. Such as nyah:
: Educational_-_Lobster_Colors_01.jpg

This is due to the fact that the lobsters shell color is comprised of pigment colors that are yellow, red and blue, and in ordinary circumstances there's a general, even mixing. But in some *VERY* rare cases that genetic mixing hooha doesn't go right and then, TADA! You get multicolored lobsters! Even stranger, the color isn't restricted to a single type and you can wind up with all sorts of various color anomalies, such as nyah:
: Educational_-_Lobster_Colors_02.jpg

That has primarily to do with the fact that genetically the shell color is broken up into segments, so if only some of those segment colorations go wrong then you'll wind up with a lobster that has multiple color partitions.

So in conclusion...lobsters is tasty.


Doki, doki. Oh, and also, LOBSTER KNIFE FIGHT! Behold the awesomeness:


And last but not least, lobsters can be kyoot:

That is all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's *GREEN* You Filthy, Magnificent Bastards!

Well, okay, there's some blue in it too:
Green Player's ~*MODERN*~

...I haven't the foggiest what the hell *THAT* means exactly, but that was my general interpretation of it. Custom video players, coming to you for the low, low price of only fity dolla. Joo wan teh playah, is gon be fity dolla. Joo pay now, no layder, dis no chairdee oprayshun!

*bangs fist on the counter*


*flails about the room wildly*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Think I'm Gonna Start Sendin Off Bills

To all the major image search engine companies, most notably Yahoo, who is apparently taking liberties with my data archive:

I don't mind if people want to hot link to the thing and use the images on message boards and so forth, I really don't, but when a major corporate entity takes it upon themselves to populate their entire image search with hot links to *MY* stuff...yeah...that pisses me off. Especially when my traffic shoots up over 50% in three months as a result of it without any direct back tracking to my sites. I wouldn't care so much if I was actually making more money off of it via my ad banners, but I'm not. The only ones who are profiting off of it are Yahoo and other image search engines.

And the way I see it, it's only going to get worse. Less than 1% of the data archive is currently online, but that's still well over 3,000 files. And if only 1% causes a 50% jump in my already high web traffic...yeah...that's just gonna eat my server alive without any benefit to me at all.

I have thought about using it though as an opportunity to help spread my philosophies and such, basically by randomly replacing images with images of say goatse. On the one hand it teaches people the important lesson that you really can't control what you see online and, hopefully, wizens them up enough to get their idiot children off the grid. And on the other hand it'll sure make Yahoo and others think twice before they start ripping off my directory structures and serving my images up as if they're coming from them.

Just how bad is the problem getting for me? Watch this...
who cares

Go to Yahoo image search and search for "who cares" with no quotes. Oh, look at that, the very first link is from *MY* server. Want to see another? Try this:
bridget gay

Search for "bridget gay", again no quotes, oh look at that, again the FIRST link. *shakes head* This shit is gonna have to stop, even if I have to get nasty about it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Found Waldo!

Here he is folks, Waldo Jaquith!

Apparently Waldo Jaquith ENJOYS WEARING DIAPERS and PLAYING BABY as can easily be seen by this picture which is absolutely proof positive of his deranged and sordid lifestyle. Tsch, tsch, tsch...I'm afraid he won't get very far in politics with images like these leaking out to the press...well, okay, I guess it wouldn't have mattered much anyway, I mean it's not like the kid has much of anything going for him, amiright?

Perhaps he'll be so inclined to make a comment now that his DIAPER pictures have been released out onto the Internet. I mean, it's not like there's any denying it now, amiright? ^__^

Where's Waldo?

Uh oh, looks like Waldo ran away from the debate! Here's a partial quote from his malformed little blog: "Troll, begone!"

Yup, that was pretty much it. Well that and a long string of 5th grade level invectives that I guess he was hoping would "get back" at me or something...LOL. Of course, as usual, with these types of cowards, he's blocked me from posting on his blog. Now, true it wouldn't really take any effort at all on my part to fire up a proxy server and torment the little sophomoric name calling butter troll into a frothing frenzy, but then, I find it a lot more enjoyable to simply "post behind their back" so to speak. And honestly, it's what they wanted, so they shouldn't have any complaints at all about it. I'm fair enough to the point where I give morons a chance to defend their stupidity, but if they don't want to take it, well, that's on them.

And so, without further adieu, here's the post lil Waldo DOESN'T want you to see:

Uh huh, ya know if you're going to quote a link off Special ED, why not THIS one:

Uh oh...hypocrisy! And how. *nods* I think it's cute though, how kids like yourself scream troll whenever you get hammered real good in a debate, because when you get right down to ~really~ have no idea at all what a "troll" even is (or the art of UPA and IPA as most of us oldbies prefer to call it). Here, let me give a free cl00, Sparkles...if I was trolling wouldn't know it. And I'd likely be your best friend to boot. LOL

Don't feel too bad though, if I was in your position, after having said so many incredibly stupid things regarding Flash...yeah I'd probably run away and scream troll too. Don't worry, no one was actually expecting you to attempt to counter any of my arguments...I mean, because you *CAN'T* and all. Just remember, I didn't make reality...I just verbally bitch slapped you with it. ^__^

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blast From The Past

So, here lately I've been attempting to clean up the horrid fucking disaster that is my data archive, with...some progress. One of the things I've been doing and have needed to do for some time is go through old bookmarks and screen cap the data before it's lost forever in a sea of virtual nothingness. If there's one thing I've learned online it's that things NEVER last, so get while the gettings good I say.

Anyway, I came across this lil gem in my efforts from 2K6:

In which Joe and his lowly band of virtual ass slurpers decide to try and take on dat mean 'ol Mad Hatter! You get three guesses how *THAT* turned out, and no, the first two don't count.

Sho'nuff, when the heat got put on lil Joe and his friends, including a particularly mouthy little ass hat named Waldo Jaquith...yup, they started censoring out my posts and then finally just blocked me from posting altogether, but then...can you blame them? I mean, here you have a guy like Joe who has been running all over the grid trying his absolute best to pass himself off as some kind of a web developer and then along comes the proverbial bad ass of web coding himself and just slams the fuck out of the guy...yeah...running away was pretty much his only option.

The reason I brought this old post up though wasn't just to rag an lil Joe and his butt slurping friend Waldo...although granted I am enjoying that part of it. No, the primary reason I bring it up is because it gives me a good chance to go over some of the COMMON MYTHS about Flash. Now, where shall we start with about this comment from Waldo Jaquith (who claims to be a web developer):

"You can't print it, you can't style it, you can't make it accessible and when used as this joker uses it, you can't link to individual pages."

Now, I think Waldo is a real good representation of what I call "college flunkies". See Waldo probably went to some hoity toity, over priced, rich kids college and got some sort of poser class degree in web development or some shit. Nice and all, but there's a ~real~ problem when flunkies like Waldo get out in the real world...they have no skills. Or rather, the only skills they have are what they learned in college and once that spoon fed education stopped, so did their future. The world of web design is one in which things are in CONSTANT motion. And if you can't keep on the ball, if you can't continually learn ON YOUR OWN new technologies and forms...yeah...yer just a college flunkie, plain and simple.

The fact of the matter is Waldo's comments would have actually made some the mid 90s. Unfortunately for Waldo Flash has grown leaps and bounds since then and is currently the absolute best front end available for web design...provided you know how to use it. Now I'll be the first to admit that there are a *WHOLE* lot of people running around using Flash who have no fucking clue at all as to what they're even doing, but keep this simple rule in mind...just because *YOU* can't do it...doesn't mean it's not possible. In other words never use your own limitations as the basis of measuring a technologies worth.

Let's start with that first one...
"can't style it"...


Huh, look at that. Yup, you sure can style it! With CSS, XML or pretty much anything else you like for that matter.

Let's look at this one now:
"you can't link to individual pages"

Oh really...

LOL, so simple...well, for me anyway, not so much for an amateur I suppose. ^__^

Next up:
"You can't print it"

Ouch! Boy that one *REALLY* shows how out of date this Waldo guy is. I mean, hells bells, Flash has had print support since VERSION FOUR:


Very nice too since the developer gets to control what can and can't be printed by the end user. Of course keep in mind that, that's only going to stop the kiddies like Waldo, experts like me can of course print screen content, or, my favorite, decompile the SWF files and rip the content out directly!

Well, I think this post is long enough for now. If anyone comes up with some new ideas about what they think Flash can't do be sure and fire up a comment and I'll set ya straight. Again though, never ASSume that something can't be done just because *YOU* can't do it or because you've never seen anyone else do it. Your own ignorance does not a good comparison make.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bob's Creeptacular Game

So unless you've been living in a cave you've probably heard about the retard "Bob" and his uber amazing totally k-rad bestest evar video game for the Nintendo DS (or, at least, that's what he thought). Long story short, "Bob" had an incredible sense of over exaggerated self importance and when Nintendo outright rejected and basically ignored the little goober, yeah, he threw a great big screaming, really, he *LITERARLY* threw a fucking tantrum. Amongst a variety of other kooky and retarded things, which, I guess after he finally got it through his head that throwing a tantrum wasn't going to get his game on the DS he suddenly started in on the "Oh wait...I didn't just do that, did I?" and backpedaled his ass into a 180, claiming it was all just a "viral marketing" gimmick...uh huh, sure "Bob", sure.

The really amusing part about the whole retardation is that "Bob" wouldn't actually tell ~anybody~ what his game was even about and the only proof that it even existed at all was a few real crappy 2D sprite forms running real sloppily over a crappy looking map. He claimed that it was ~so~ incredible because he had spent like the past TEN YEARS of his meandering, fuckwitted little non-existence working on the thing. Pretty much flying a giant banner that said, "NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER". Narcissists in general are extremely fixated on sheer numbers, seeing quantity as quality, rather than being able to recognize quality in and of itself. So if someone claims that they're ~totally~ awesome simply because they wasted most of their life on something...yeah, most likely a narcissist.

So, eventually, after all was screamed and tantrumed, lil Bobby boi ~finally~ released a craptacular demo of his ~totally~ awesome game that could be played on a Nintendo DS emulator (sort of, it was pretty glitchy and kludgy).

And for those of us that took the courage, the patience, the sanity out of our lives to brave the monstrosity, well we were shown an incredibly reflective, Mary Sue, self inserted pixel representation of Bob himself that would give us all horrible nightmares in the weeks to come. Yes, Bob himself took a variety of aspects from his own life and basically made a video game about himself (narcissist much). That in and of itself isn't what's so disturbing though, what's disturbing is all the scenes like this...

Bob's mom refers to "Bob" as "little guy", generally the sort of nickname reserved for five year olds, not so much teenagers.

Apparently Bob's mom doesn't let Bob out of the house unless he has her explicit permission. Keep in mind that Bob's Mary Sue is in his mid teens in this game.

She worries about him getting lost...again, a teenager.

Overprotective Mothers...yeah that's a bit of an understatement there, Bob.



I mean, good Christ almighty, what the shit is that all about?! I mean if this were just some off the wall incestuous bondage fetish game I might not think it so odd, but remember, this game character is supposedly him in real life, this game is supposedly taken from aspects of his real life! Now, I surely hope to someone's God that there's ~some~ blurry line in there between reality and Bob's incestuous bondage fantasy, cause the idea of Bob being treated like a four year old well into his late teens is, well, just a tad on the disturbing side. But now here's the real mind fuck, if you really look at Bob, all the crazy video taped tantrums and shit he did, all the pompous, self-circle jerking build up, and all the generous amounts of uncreatively crazy that makes up Bob...well, you don't think he just magically turned out like that out of the blue, do you? I mean, ~something~ musta happened to the poor boi to turn him into such an incredible kooky basket case...*nods*...I think maybe that line in Bob's game between fantasy and reality isn't as blurry as one might want to hope.

My theory is that Bob has led an incredibly fucked up life, with an extremely over protective mother that essentially, possibly even to this day, treats him like a retarded five year old. And living in such an environment, with an overly loving mommy figure to constantly coddle you and tell you what a ~special~ "little guy" you are all the time, well you're going to be living in a world where you think just being able to wipe your own ass is some kind of an ~incredible~ accomplishment. And in line with that, making some incredibly craptacular, Mary Sue, self-insert fanfic of an RPG, well shit, if you've been living in Bob's world yer gonna think you're next to fucking Jesus himself, pulling off something like that (no matter how incomplete, lame, crappy, kludgy and infested with banal mediocrity of game play and mechanics that it is). And likewise, if you're that "retarded five year old" whose been coddled and praised for every time you've been able to keep from shitting your pants for more than a few hours at a time, well, what do you think is gonna happen when someone like that faces rejection for the first time?

This starting to fall all into place for you? Yeah, Bob's incredibly kooky meltdown was no "viral marketing" campaign at all, not even remotely. The sad truth of it all is that the "little guy" faced rejection for the first time in his hopeless little life, and mommy just couldn't make it all better, so for him it was like hitting a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, no break, no air bag, no seatbelt. That fucker just slammed the hell into reality so hard that he quite literarily broke down, trashed his own room, flailing about and screaming in what is no doubt the most disturbing example of a "man child" tantrum I've personally ever seen in my life.

The sad truth of the matter is that it isn't "Bob's Game", it's "Bob's Autobiography" and details the sickening childhood he was forced to endure as we the audience are taken on a Wily Wonka boat ride down the ever moar disturbing river of Bob's creepy, sordid, incestuous life. Each new frame of dialogue bringing us one step closer to being able to understand the how and why behind Bob's incredible online kookplosion of epic proportions. He truly is a very disturbed individual, but it really isn't his fault at all, it's his sicko mother that no doubt turned him into the man child he is today and I feel a great swell of pity for him, having his entire life essentially flushed down the toilet by his whacko family. Bob probably would have been better off aborted than born, given the horrific life he's been forced into, it truly is sad...monumentally so. :(

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Same Old SASSy Bitches
aka "The New Effort"

So apparently a few of the dregs left over from when I had SASS obliterated attempted to recreate their little web stain in the form of "The New Effort"... yeah...tweenage muppet fuck much? Honestly I can't even remember a time when I saw a froup so completely overrun with twelve year olds. But hey, don't take my word for it, check *THIS* shit out.

I think my favorite part was near the end, after they setup a block to keep me from humiliating them any further (I believe it was around page 9 or 10) and then started trying to claim that they were k-rad hax0rs who used their uber l33t skills to find out my home address online (conveniently ignoring the fact that *I* openly post my address and have posted my address since, oh, liak 19 fuckin 95. LOL Yeah...these kids...not all that bright. Here's a few of my favorite SASSy bitch quotes:

"The premiere pantshitter imho"

"found this on his ED page made me lol for serious someone should up date his vs section"

"Hey Hatter just so you know, I've pretty much stopped reading your posts altogether."

...apparently the 10 year old fuckup somehow thinks I give a shit whether he's reading my posts or walking on out into traffic and getting hit head on by a semi. *snicker* Their continual *NEED* to try and explain themselves and justify themselves to *ME* of all people is just absolutely precious. ^__^

"Looks like we ran off hatter in record time and got his address on top of that! did we ever even run him off sass?"

...says the dipshit AFTER they block me from posting or replying, and once again thinking that they somehow magically haxor3d my address (completely ignoring the fact that *I* was the one who put it up in the first place). LOL


I guess that's supposed to imply they're dressing up in cheerleader outfits (lollies anyone) to try and give themselves a circle jerk support cheer...either that or they've got a thing for suckin "lollipops"...DJ Alligator style if you get the reference.

"final boss of internet defeated"

Nerd alert!

"updating ED page"

Oooh, boy that sure is a burn! Honestly, it's like I'm being verbally assaulted by a horde of functionally retarded eight year olds strung the fuck out on caffeine and crack. Speaking of the ED page though I really do need to get it fixed, as all these second string wannabe pants shitters keep frothing all over the damn thing to the point that it makes the whole article just look like one giant clusterfuck of sour grapes and monumental butthurt.

"hatter is your car sitting on cinder blocks in your front yard or did you have to junk it completely after you fell through the floor"

That quote coming from *THIS* kid:

...yiy, meth addict anyone? The kid looks like he's been huffin paint thinner. Not to mention the explosion of zits all over his mouth...then again maybe he's just got a bad case of herpes from suckin too much "lollipop". *shudder*

Well, to be perfectly blunt, these poor little high school dropouts weren't much to write about. Basically just yer typical tweenage lusers lashing out blind at anything moving, whilst blaring some Linkin Park and projecting out all their prepubescent hormonal rage and frustration. It's "crawling in their skin" and "their wounds just won't heal"...well, at least until their balls finally drop and they manage to grow the fuck up and stop being a horde of whiny little ass stains.