Wednesday, December 16, 2009


You know sometimes I forget that most anime isn't targeted towards kids...or that it's usually at an emotionally gut wrenching level beyond American filming. I started watching Full Metal Alchemist, thinking it was going to be a pretty light hearted show all's not, it's really, really, *REALLY* the fuck not.

The worst part so far was one of the semi-main characters who turns out to be a complete fucking psychopath who winds up transmuting his own five year old daughter and the family dog into a "talking chimera"...yeah, it pretty much goes downhill from there.

The whole series seems pretty centered on the whole "dealing with death" theme, that and the horrifying results of war and racism. If you showed this series to any solider on his way to go and fight in a war somewhere, well, I highly doubt he'd be able to go through with it afterwards.

This series is right up there with Chrno Crusade on the level of pure emotional mind fucks. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though, I mean this shit is coming from the one country that had nuclear fucking bombs dropped the hell on it...guess that's well enough to fuck the "human spirit" of the populous pretty good, even over the long term.

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