Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Faggot Phenomenon
And The Beauty Of Suicide

Let's talk about homoseuxals for a bit, shall we? Now, you always hear people yammer on about how "unatural" homos are and how "perverted" they are, but honestly, I think that they've got it completely backward! On the contrary, faggots are *EXTREMELY* important to the survival of this planet.

To put it as bluntly as possible, on a purely genetic level, nature itself has recognized that humanity is a fucking plague upon this planet and if not countered in some way, *WILL* destroy the entire earth itself and all life upon it.

As such, as a genetic failsafe, more and more people are being born homosexual in order to prevent mass breeding and to blunt the incredible overpopulation of the human species. Simply put, the more people who are gay, the less we'll be able to breed through conventional means and the less people there will be on the planet. Tres simple, non?

Similarly, there's also an increase in people who are depressed. I believe that this depression is a completely natural occurrence and is basically another kind of genetic failsafe. Basically, on the genetic level, your body knows that you're an evolutionary dead end, so in order to prevent you from breeding and passing on your faulty genes, a trigger is kicked on in yer brain to make you feel so depressed that you'll want to kill yourself...for the benefit of the species.

Again, it's completely natural and anyone who is feeling overly depressed should be highly encouraged to end their lives as a gift to the rest of us who enjoy life and enjoy living. Their deaths will mean more oxygen for the rest of us, as well as reducing precious, wasted resources, which in turn will benefit the planet.

And honestly, isn't the continuation of the planet more important than the life of someone who is depressed who *WANTS* to die? It really makes no sense at all to try and intervene and prevent such a natural and beautiful sacrifice to mother earth.

Those that want to kill themselves should be praised and remembered throughout history as patriots and warriors in the fight to save the planet from the human disease which has infested her for so long. It is only because of selfish human PERVERSION that we try and interfere with such a natural, evolutionary design.


1 comment:

Rafael Minuesa said...

Actually it is a strategy of the Governments to restrain the overpopulation.
It is inflicted on the population with the aid of subliminal images and sounds.
The lesser of all evils, as the Head of States say ...

My alter-ego laparanoia is preparing a post on the topic aptly titled:
"The Suicidal Faggot Conspiracy"