I like fuzzy pillars...but sometimes their fuzziness stings yer skin a bit...I think it's to make them taste bad. That way if they get eaten by something, well, at least they'll have the satisfaction of knowing that they gave their attacker indigestion!
In further news, I've uncovered a *MASSIVE* conspiracy! I'm here to blow the lid off the biggest cover up since 9-11! DON'T BE FOOLED!

It's those dentists! Every last one of them is in on it too! Can you believe it?! They've been deceiving us all this time, with their demented, devious, demeanors and dishonest discourse, derailing our daily drudge and dominating us to endure discolored, dingy, decayed, disgusting, dentures unless we brush our teeth!
All this time we've been conned by those crafty, cretinous, contemptible, conspiring, culprits of crooked corruption! But they've fooled us for the last time! And they won't be getting away with it either!
No siree, a magnificent, mystery mom has managed to muster up a method of mopping up the muck and maligning those malicious, misrepresenting, mischievous malcontents!
Now that they've all been outed, their secrets torn open, their lies disproved, there's no room for denial or refutal for this foul, fumbling, fixed, fictitious, foisted fraud!
We're free from the fastidious, fatiguing formula of frivolous fictition from those fiendish, freakish foes, for which we've foolishly forced, furiously upon our foreworn fangs, as well as the faulty, fruitless flossing of our festoon foundries.
But no more! Rejoice my friends, for the secret is out...for only a finite fee of fifty dollars! Certainly *WELL* worth the price to circumvent the cunning, conspiracy crisis of these foistrous fuckheads!
Protip - Gestures and smilies really get the ED forum groupies into a gigantic, grumpus, snit fit.
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