Reposted here, from Usenet:
Question, when you post things like "I fucked your mother" do you think that has some sort of psychological effect upon them?
No, it's meant to be a completely ironic, sarcastic bitch slap of mocking cynicism. Basically it's kind of my way of saying, "You're a fuckin retard and this is what you get for being a fuckin retard."
If they whine about it, it just makes it that much moar lulzy in that the whole thing is meant to be directly reflective of their own idiocy, basically a parody of their own retardation.
I don't waste good material on Hatter Addicts and retarded fuckwits and all the better they're ever going to get for their idiocy is a good hard verbal slap across their idiot faces with exactly what they deserve...shit.
If they don't like getting shit on then they can either strive to deserve better, or they can whine and bitch about it, either way it's of little consequence to me personally.
The *REALLY* ironic part about the whole thing though, is that, as absolutely fuckin stupid as most of these retards are...yeah, yeah it *REALLY* does bother them actually. LOL, I know, it's completely hilarious to sane, intelligent people, but it's true. To complete, stupid ass losers who have as much sense as a box of rocks, it *REALLY* does bother them to say shit like that. Which, again, is part of why it makes the whole thing so incredibly hilarious.
Yippie, copying and pasting your bullshit from Alt.2600 now? What happened Baby Matt? Cut your fingers on a pair of safety scissors? Poor little diaperboi. -Robert James
Hey pissy! Still all upset about losing your websites, huh? Are you still distributing child pornography? Ya know you might want to skip town, Fumbles...I heard that the kids over at Encyclopedia Dramatica went ahead and reported you to the local authorities for plastering kiddie porn all over their site...been thinkin maybe I ought to go ahead and report you as well, since you were uploading that child porn shit all over Usenet as well. Pedophiles like you belong in prison after all, don't you agree?
I removed Robbie Boi's last post, it was just a screaming tantrum of incoherent idiocy. He seems to get really upset and throws a fit every time someone makes him look real stupid. His identity has finally been uncovered though, his real name is Christian Chandler and you can see one of his famous man-child fits here:
robert the dORK LmaO
that pic is rlly gross
plz delete!!!!
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