It was a bit of a pain in the butt to manually remove the red eye but I think it turned out pretty good. Her eyes are really dilated in the picture though so it's hard to see just how brilliantly blue her eyes really are.
And her hair, well, it's not really hair so much as fur, with the exact same consistency and feel of rabbit fur. She's a Ragdoll apparently, as I've come to learn, and I was extremely lucky to get her. I check the local humane society website every day and as soon as I saw her picture up I raced down there to go and get her, barely beating out another lady who came in wanting her just as I was filling out the paperwork for her. Apparently really nice looking Ragdolls are kind of on the expensive side and I got her for only $100 so that was a hell of a bargain.
Apparently that incredibly soft fur and brilliantly blue eyes come at a price though. I guess in order to make them look like that they have to inbreed them to a certain degree and as such they develop all sorts of fun medical conditions. You can kind of tell in that picture, where her ears are a bit damaged and it sort of looks like she has ear mites. It continually clears up, then gets bad, then clears up again, almost like a cycle. She also gets real bad cat acne too, so I have to scrub her face with a wash cloth everyday...which she really doesn't like...at all. If you don't though then it gets really bad and they just like scab over and spread, so there's not much choice. A small price to pay for such a pretty cat.
My sister in law picked her name, Persephone, partly because the Greek goddess was highly known for her incredibly beauty and also because she was Goddess of the underworld, snatched away by Hades from the living world and her mother, which is a kind of allegory to my snatching her away from the other lady that wanted her at the humane society and also because my character form is often characterized as evil, hellish and so forth. I've even been called the full embodiment of the anti-christ by some. ^__^
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