So, I think I've got a good color pallet down for this blog, which I'll outline here for the benefit of my readers. Basically it goes like this:
This is quoted text from someone other than me.
This is quoted text from myself, ie not my "live" voice.
This is quoted thoughts/actions from myself, ie not my 'live' thoughts/actions. These will always be contained within asterisks.
This is my "live voice".
This is my "live" thoughts/actions, which will always be contained within asterisks.
This is a title of an article.
Here's the pallet and color theory scheme:
It's mostly a Tetradic Color Scheme, with one of the complementary pairs having a pretty wide degree angle apart, but I think it suits the overall style better, rather than going for a truer, more brilliant green and purple, which I think would make the colors look too neonic.
This is considered to be the most difficult color scheme to make work, and usually the best way to approach it is to center heavily on two of the colors and then use the others sparingly. On my blog, depending on whether it's mostly a "live" post or a quoted one, it'll alternate with the green and purple being the primaries and the purple and blue being the primaries. So anywho, we'll see how this works.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Current "Generation Barney" And "Racist" Invective Plays
I really do need to think of a better name for these...invective skits...word art plays...mmm...
*looks up the definition of skit*
"though both a sketch and skit are short entertaining presentations, a sketch is usually serious and unrehearsed, while a skit is typically rehearsed and comical"
Hmmm...if a sketch is serious, and a skit is comical...mmm...I could call it a skitch! And it sorta fits too since it is technically a serious form of comedy, or rather appearing serious with a humorous intent.
Well, anyway, below is the current version/rendition of the "Generation Barney" skitch. I've actually used dozens of different variations of this one over the past two years, each time I use it I try and evolve it, expand it, refine it, so this represents the most recent form of it that I've used.
The target in this case was this fucked up little tweenage online attention whore by the name of "Jess". She does all sorts of kooky stuff, the highlight being randomly attacking/screaming at people for "stealing" her "art", often when the only similarity is some vague color reference or they used some kind of overly generic, cliche name or whatever for one of their characters, which she of course claims sole copyright ownership of (even though hundreds of thousands of people were using variations of it long before she was ever even born). Anyway, with that in mind, here is teh skitch:
Jess is a product of early 90s public education. You see back in the early 90s they decided that they couldn't fail kids anymore because it might lower their self esteem, so if you wound up with an F they would just change it around to an A+ for having an *A*ttitude that was *+*ositive and pass you along to the next grade.
Of course the end result of all this was basically a rather large insurgence of completely fucking stupid MORONS, who despite being so incredibly untalented and completely lacking in both creativity and intelligence, see themselves as coming out on top. After all, how else would you expect an F student to see herself if you always give her As for having a positive Attitude?
Even when a tweenage child of the 90s retard like Jess completely fails at something, she still thinks she passed with flying colors. But there is hope! People like Jess can join Barney rehab clinics and take demotivational classes to help them realign with reality. We all just need to reach out and help her to understand what an idiot she is and that being an idiot does not make you a winner. Once she realizes and accepts that, she can start to get better.
I refer to kids like Jess as "Generation Barney", because growing up they always had Barney there to coddle them every step of the way and tell them that he loved them even if they were failures. And of course her generation was always drugged up off to school each day with enough Ritalin to ensure proper complacency and acceptance of their failing "accomplishments". They were told that it was "okay" to wet the bed, then that it was "okay" to shit yourself and before you knew it they were suddenly coming out with Pampers SIZE SEVEN to accommodate Generation FAILURE at its finest. They even had to super size kids meals, not because their generation was eating more, but because the morons didn't stop ordering them after the age of 10.
And as long as Jess's parents remember to drug her off to school each day they can rest well knowing she won't snap and kill all her classmates with the sudden epiphany of what she really is in life...a pathetic, dribbling failure who will never accomplish anything. It is so *VERY* important that kids like Jess continue to take their Ritalin for their whole life though, lest we wind up with more instances like the Columbine massacre. Such horrible atrocities as you know didn't start happening *UNTIL* Generation Barney, quite unsurprisingly.
After all, if you've been passed along all your life with a pat on the head and a bowl full of praise what do you think is gonna happen when those kids grow up? At that point even the most inconsequential of failures will be like slamming into a concrete wall at a 100 mph. Likely causing a total mental break down because they just never learned how to fuckin deal as a kid.
Fun stuff. This next one, which is still in development, is my "racist" skitch, which was done in response to all that retarded controversy over Imus when he said some girls were "nappy headed" (which apparently is somehow racist). So, with that in mind, here is teh "racist" skitch:
It's just Imus, People. Chill. Personally I would have called them "nappy headed niggers" just for added effect. I mean, really, if yer gonna poke at retards for the spaz factor, shit man, go for the fuckin gold.
Get them cracker asses out there to dance the "white boi" and then we can nail up a few clipped tipped kike sheisters on the cross whilst goatse fuckin Sambo up his filthy black ass with a giant watermellon. And don't even get me started on those cloggies and roo fuckers...oh and then ya got yer jap ass EngRish molesting squid suckers, yer alphabits arab, born to be bombs, camel clit lickers. And don't forget those seal bashing, raw meat eating snow blower chinks. Or yer Ox shit face painters. Filthy pinos, white flag waving crapauds, cannuck queebs, Jew killing krauts, guati chods, border bitch beaners, julab button headed knot topped gas pumpin stop 'n rob clerks, thick mick frotch frosted mick donald bitch drunk clover clowns.
...anyone else I'm missing? ^_^
I've only just done the one variation of that, so it still needs quite a bit of revision and expansion, especially in that I want to try and make the piece as absolutely "insulting" and "offending" to every single ethnic group I can possibly get it to. I'd also like to develop a similar one for religions (and non religions) as well. I think one good way of expanding it would be to pick out of each ethnic group like the "worst of the worst" example of a human being, for example with Germans that'd obviously be Hitler, and then do some kind of overly invective play off that, obviously with the insinuation that everyone in the ethnic group is exactly like that person.
The point is to forcibly hammer the notion that if you want to classify yourself as an ethnic group, then you inherently lose the right to be an individual, an individual that is not limited or governed by where you were born or what color your skin is. And that ethnic jokes can only really be insulting and/or offending if you give up your right to be an individual for what is, essentially, nothing more than a label, a social construct that doesn't actually exist beyond your ability to convince other sheeple of its relevance.
...of course most of the population on the planet is so absolutely fuckin stupid they won't even be able to recognize that intention at all, on any level and will of course blow up in epic, frothing kooksplosions in response to it...which, really, actually gives away my second intention for the piece...and that is to show that I'm not racist against any particular ethnic group, but rather I am "racist" against stupid people, to the point that I want to try and torture them with their own sheer fucking idiocy for my own personal entertainment. `, )
*looks up the definition of skit*
"though both a sketch and skit are short entertaining presentations, a sketch is usually serious and unrehearsed, while a skit is typically rehearsed and comical"
Hmmm...if a sketch is serious, and a skit is comical...mmm...I could call it a skitch! And it sorta fits too since it is technically a serious form of comedy, or rather appearing serious with a humorous intent.
Well, anyway, below is the current version/rendition of the "Generation Barney" skitch. I've actually used dozens of different variations of this one over the past two years, each time I use it I try and evolve it, expand it, refine it, so this represents the most recent form of it that I've used.
The target in this case was this fucked up little tweenage online attention whore by the name of "Jess". She does all sorts of kooky stuff, the highlight being randomly attacking/screaming at people for "stealing" her "art", often when the only similarity is some vague color reference or they used some kind of overly generic, cliche name or whatever for one of their characters, which she of course claims sole copyright ownership of (even though hundreds of thousands of people were using variations of it long before she was ever even born). Anyway, with that in mind, here is teh skitch:
Jess is a product of early 90s public education. You see back in the early 90s they decided that they couldn't fail kids anymore because it might lower their self esteem, so if you wound up with an F they would just change it around to an A+ for having an *A*ttitude that was *+*ositive and pass you along to the next grade.
Of course the end result of all this was basically a rather large insurgence of completely fucking stupid MORONS, who despite being so incredibly untalented and completely lacking in both creativity and intelligence, see themselves as coming out on top. After all, how else would you expect an F student to see herself if you always give her As for having a positive Attitude?
Even when a tweenage child of the 90s retard like Jess completely fails at something, she still thinks she passed with flying colors. But there is hope! People like Jess can join Barney rehab clinics and take demotivational classes to help them realign with reality. We all just need to reach out and help her to understand what an idiot she is and that being an idiot does not make you a winner. Once she realizes and accepts that, she can start to get better.
I refer to kids like Jess as "Generation Barney", because growing up they always had Barney there to coddle them every step of the way and tell them that he loved them even if they were failures. And of course her generation was always drugged up off to school each day with enough Ritalin to ensure proper complacency and acceptance of their failing "accomplishments". They were told that it was "okay" to wet the bed, then that it was "okay" to shit yourself and before you knew it they were suddenly coming out with Pampers SIZE SEVEN to accommodate Generation FAILURE at its finest. They even had to super size kids meals, not because their generation was eating more, but because the morons didn't stop ordering them after the age of 10.
And as long as Jess's parents remember to drug her off to school each day they can rest well knowing she won't snap and kill all her classmates with the sudden epiphany of what she really is in life...a pathetic, dribbling failure who will never accomplish anything. It is so *VERY* important that kids like Jess continue to take their Ritalin for their whole life though, lest we wind up with more instances like the Columbine massacre. Such horrible atrocities as you know didn't start happening *UNTIL* Generation Barney, quite unsurprisingly.
After all, if you've been passed along all your life with a pat on the head and a bowl full of praise what do you think is gonna happen when those kids grow up? At that point even the most inconsequential of failures will be like slamming into a concrete wall at a 100 mph. Likely causing a total mental break down because they just never learned how to fuckin deal as a kid.
Fun stuff. This next one, which is still in development, is my "racist" skitch, which was done in response to all that retarded controversy over Imus when he said some girls were "nappy headed" (which apparently is somehow racist). So, with that in mind, here is teh "racist" skitch:
It's just Imus, People. Chill. Personally I would have called them "nappy headed niggers" just for added effect. I mean, really, if yer gonna poke at retards for the spaz factor, shit man, go for the fuckin gold.
Get them cracker asses out there to dance the "white boi" and then we can nail up a few clipped tipped kike sheisters on the cross whilst goatse fuckin Sambo up his filthy black ass with a giant watermellon. And don't even get me started on those cloggies and roo fuckers...oh and then ya got yer jap ass EngRish molesting squid suckers, yer alphabits arab, born to be bombs, camel clit lickers. And don't forget those seal bashing, raw meat eating snow blower chinks. Or yer Ox shit face painters. Filthy pinos, white flag waving crapauds, cannuck queebs, Jew killing krauts, guati chods, border bitch beaners, julab button headed knot topped gas pumpin stop 'n rob clerks, thick mick frotch frosted mick donald bitch drunk clover clowns.
...anyone else I'm missing? ^_^
I've only just done the one variation of that, so it still needs quite a bit of revision and expansion, especially in that I want to try and make the piece as absolutely "insulting" and "offending" to every single ethnic group I can possibly get it to. I'd also like to develop a similar one for religions (and non religions) as well. I think one good way of expanding it would be to pick out of each ethnic group like the "worst of the worst" example of a human being, for example with Germans that'd obviously be Hitler, and then do some kind of overly invective play off that, obviously with the insinuation that everyone in the ethnic group is exactly like that person.
The point is to forcibly hammer the notion that if you want to classify yourself as an ethnic group, then you inherently lose the right to be an individual, an individual that is not limited or governed by where you were born or what color your skin is. And that ethnic jokes can only really be insulting and/or offending if you give up your right to be an individual for what is, essentially, nothing more than a label, a social construct that doesn't actually exist beyond your ability to convince other sheeple of its relevance.
...of course most of the population on the planet is so absolutely fuckin stupid they won't even be able to recognize that intention at all, on any level and will of course blow up in epic, frothing kooksplosions in response to it...which, really, actually gives away my second intention for the piece...and that is to show that I'm not racist against any particular ethnic group, but rather I am "racist" against stupid people, to the point that I want to try and torture them with their own sheer fucking idiocy for my own personal entertainment. `, )
Culinary Divinity
I made one of my favorite dishes today, which tastes incredibly awesome...only downside is that it takes about three hours to make (one hour for prep, two for cooking). Anyway, here's teh recipe for my mom's Beef and Peach Paprika for those that want to try it out for themselves:
1 lb-13oz can cling peach slices
1 1/2 lb round steak
1/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons paprika
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons oil
1 (16 0z) can tomatoes
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
Hot buttered noodles
Drain peaches; reserve 1/2 cup syrup. Cut steak into 2x1x1/2-inch strips. Combine flour, 1 teaspoon paprika, salt and pepper. Dust steak with flour mixture. Brown steak in oil, reserving remaining flour mixture. Add reserved peach syrup, remaining paprika, tomatoes and caraway seeds. Simmer 1 to 2 hours until tender. Mix reserved flour mixture with small amount of water; stir into steak mixture until thickened. Add peach slices and heat through.
Serve over noodles.
1 lb-13oz can cling peach slices
1 1/2 lb round steak
1/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons paprika
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons oil
1 (16 0z) can tomatoes
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
Hot buttered noodles
Drain peaches; reserve 1/2 cup syrup. Cut steak into 2x1x1/2-inch strips. Combine flour, 1 teaspoon paprika, salt and pepper. Dust steak with flour mixture. Brown steak in oil, reserving remaining flour mixture. Add reserved peach syrup, remaining paprika, tomatoes and caraway seeds. Simmer 1 to 2 hours until tender. Mix reserved flour mixture with small amount of water; stir into steak mixture until thickened. Add peach slices and heat through.
Serve over noodles.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Two For The Price Of None!
The following are both responses to replies to previous blog entries from "kirkjerk". These are *REALLY* long so unless you're just really interested in website design/development then you probably don't want to bother because you'll probably be bored to tears and you'll have no clue as to what either of us is even talking about. So, with that in mind, here we go:
I don't think so. I'm not going to go searching through the 200,000+ posts I've made on Usenet looking for a proverbial needle in a haystack. If *YOU* want to go looking for the posts, hey, be my guest. If it helps you any I believe they were made in ADG, or at least a cross post to ADG. Oh and these were involved:
The entire group itself actually helped me in the design process of the site by giving me active critiques of the color/form/style/etc which I then used to create multiple versions of site elements, like the music player, each improved version being the culmination of a generally shared consensus amongst the designers in the group.
There should also be a few posts somewhere where some of the regs talk about how neat the logo design is and asked me how I did it. There's also a few posts by some of my biggest detractors and Hatter Addicts who basically try attacking me on every level *EXCEPT* for that one particular site, which they often try and cite as the *ONLY* good site I've ever made. Considering how much those types absolutely hate me and wish I were writhing in horrible pain and agony for all of eternity...that's a pretty big compliment.
Hrmmm...I do have a few files that have some Google links, let me see if there's any in there.
Nah, nothing CB related. There's this one post by Toby Inkster regarding the perfect liquid site:
*searches moar*
Nope, most of the rest of the links I have are either to tutorial stuff I've made or people slurping my ass for helping them figure something out.
Developer with a focus on UI.
Uh huh.
Also, an informed web user.
Uh huh. We'll just conveniently forget about the part where you hadn't ever heard of Flash Lite. ;)
I don't see "box floating in the middle of space" that often...
Once again, that's called a "portal design" and it's quite common (although not to be confused with a "portal site").
except, as I realized from another thread, one off promotional sites, meant to be seen, show of a movie or service, and then forgotten. I don't know what the % of that type of site is.
I have no idea what the percentage is...probably low considering the level of difficulty it takes to make. Currently there is no W3C compatible way to even create a portal design...of course a lot of things aren't W3C compatible so I guess that's not too big a deal. They are just "recommended standards" after all, although some people like to worship the W3C as if it were God almighty of web design.
You really don't get the idea of taking advantage of browser space? Many, many well designed sites are structured with flow design: if you have a big screen, you see lots of content. If you have a small screen, you have to scroll (a current trend is to split the different, and have a maximum column size for readability, and then scroll.)
Yes I'm sure that's what they're teaching college flunkies these days, I've no doubt at all. There's a big difference between knowledge gained via "popular" book learning and knowledge gained directly from the community itself *AS* it's developed and created.
I've already explained why that form of design is deficient and, quite frankly, I really don't feel like trying to explain it all over to you again (all that stuff about scrolling off the navigation controls and having floating/reposition navigation controls as opposed to division frame scrolling). If you didn't "get it" the first time I don't think you'll ever "get it".
Oh, hey, free cl00, the number of websites using that form you like so much that use a floating/repositioning navigation control as less than 20%...if that. And we're talking about ~supposedly~ "professional" sites here. It's okay though, college flunkies aren't really expected to know any better. And as I said, if you didn't "get it" the first time I explained it you're not going to "get it" now.
Yes it does.
Look, I want you to re-read what I wrote...*REAAAAAL* slowly...and then I want you to re-read it again...and again...and just keep on re-reading it over and over and over again until you agree with me. You can do it, I know you can. There's a few ~key phrases~ and explanations that you're missing there. But with enough repetition I think maybe you'll figure it out. Free cl00, you're not wrong because what you think is wrong, you're wrong because the way you worded it is wrong. And no, it's not what you think, it's what you *SAY* that counts. *rolls eyes*
Users like to know that they can go and use the the fwd, back, reload buttons etc...then they don't have to relearn navigation for every site they go to -- (it's kind of like how Usenet was cool because it offered one user-selected UI for every newsgroup, and you could discuss anything without a new signup or relearning new forum navigation (or stuff like bbcode))
And once again this is one of those things that's basically entirely subjective. For every user you could find that says they need the "comfort" of suckling on the browser's back button teat I bet I can find another that says they like a cohesive, wholly contained site environment with its own custom controls. And in line with that I could start off on a whole great big long rant about the importance of the design environment, probably link to this, yadda, yadda, yadda...doesn't the fuck matter. It's completely subjective. If you don't like doing it that way then create a separate HTML page for every single Flash section. I really don't care what the fuck way you do it, I really don't. I have my reasons for doing it the way that I do it and I can assure you those ways did not come magically floating out of any one person's particular ass as I'm sure they did for you. To be perfectly blunt with you I've heard your side of the argument before, and I've heard it from people who were able to argue it *FAR* better than you're doing...but then I've heard all the counter arguments too...and your side just couldn't hold up. Especially when the only thing your side had going for it was this completely unprovable notion that people were somehow going to be ~upset~ and undone if suddenly they couldn't use the back button on a site.
My side won the arguments, on multiple occasions, not simply on the design aspects as mentioned in that link, but also as far as creating seamlessly loading sites...and *THAT* is the trick...that's where your side loses. You see people have different expectations out of different types of sites and a site that loads seamlessly is generally recognized as a "Flash site"...even if it's not Flash based at all (as many of my sites have been falsely labeled), it's *RECOGNIZED* as a Flash site *BECAUSE* of that seamlessly loading, NON RELOADING site design. Basically it's that flicker, that blanking, that RELOADING that triggers your perception as far as whether you'll use the back button or not. If the site DOES NOT reload and flash on and off then that visual cue for knowing that you can use the back button simply is not there and the user immediately looks to WITHIN the site itself for navigation.
Most Flash designers don't bother with URI construction, or making it clear to the user. I don't know how many times on, say, Boingboing I've seen them bitch "ok, here's a cool product or game, but the dumb flash site means I have to explain how to navigate to it" rather than just give a link.
Uh huh, and most non-Flash designers who use that "flow" page design you like so much never use a floating/repositioning navigation control and title what's your point? Crap developers are crap and they're infesting *ALL* aspects and areas of website design, not simply Flash designs nor any other form of website design.
You really don't get the iPhone's usecases.
*pats you on the head*
You keep thinking that. ^__^
On the contrary, the iPhone in general, for most people...has no real use. Most people who buy Apple products do so for the branding, the popularity, the "coolness" of owning it and showing it off to people. The vast majority of iPhone users are complete fuckin mallet heads who have no fucking clue at all as to what they can even do with the thing.
Starting with a tangent: ".mobi", if it's catching on at all, will not be popular at ALL with smartphones that have a decent shot at displaying almost any HTML based webpage. At most you're talking WAP-style browsers on cheap devices... (tangent to the tanget: there might be a promising market for that in India and other developing places-- I think my last division of Nokia is banking on that -- but I don't see it as setting the world on fire here, when an iPhone costs $200 plus a pricey but not THAT pricey contract)) Anyway, as you probably know, domains are important as brand-identity. Therefore, most companies will use client detection and redirection on their ".com" domains, rather than trusting people to remember "oh, wait, it's ".mobi"
Yes, they'll use redirection and feature detection...but they'll be redirecting to .mobi domains. And they *ARE* catching on, quite rapidly, for a whole variety of reasons, most of them concerning base resolution and search engines that cater specifically to mobile devices in which .mobi domains get top billing. Most companies are slowly waking up to the fact that the website that they designed for a 1024x768 display simply DOES NOT fucking work on something with a 320x480 display resolution. At that point they slap themselves across the head and say, "Huh, ya know maybe we ought to have a site that's specifically designed for that specific resolution." The only thing really standing in their way is product usage vs cost of development. As I said, most smart phone users currently are iPhone users who, simply aren't, they just have the damn thing to "look cool". *BUT* other smart phones are catching on for those who will *ACTUALLY* use them and once they fully support Flash in 2010 then they'll *REALLY* take off. At that point, once there's a large customer base that's *ACTUALLY* using the damn things *THEN* more and more companies will start seeing the cost effectiveness of designing smart phone specific websites. And once again they'll redirect to .mobi domain names as they'll be a variety of search engines that cater specifically to smart phones and websites designed for best use on a smart fact I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't some already.
Anyway, iPhone is perfectly wonder for both focused information, in a .mobi WAP like sense, as well as random entertainment and browsing. The problem is you seem to be mixing "entertainment" with "cool looking Flash websites".
Oh there's some irony for ya. An iPhone user snitting about something that "looks cool". *snicker* And no, I'm not mixing "entertainment" with "cool looking Flash websites", I'm mixing "entertainment" with *VIDEO* Oh your fucking gawd, how many times do I need to point it out to you:
Look, look man, it's right here:
Here, I'll give you another dozen links:
You got it yet? You need a couple more?
How about now, has it sunk in yet for ya?
Here, let me throw in some stuff from that list that you overlooked so easily:
4. Support of the On2 VP6+ codec.
Dee, dee, dee! You don't know what that is, do you? I mean seriously, you've never even heard of it I'll bet. *nods*
7. Support of alpha transparent video.
...I bet you have no idea what that is either, do you? Quick, run and Google as fast as you can!
19. Custom video/audio controls (can be done ~somewhat~ with javascript but ONLY with certain browsers like IE...and even then with only about half the functionality that you can get with Flash.
Now *SURELY* you can comprehend at ~least~ that part...I hope.
Tha fuck man, what do you think all this video content on the web is just coming out of some guy's ass or something? It's *FLASH* based, for some *REALLY* important fucking reasons, number 4 and number 19 being right the fuck up there at the top. Video is *THE* premiere source of entertainment in the here and now web wise. YouTube and similar site forms is literarily a *BOOMING* web industry. And a good 90% of it is *ALL* Flash based. Or hey, wanna talk about games? Flash based gaming is one of *THE* hottest web markets to get into right now, it's a literal fucking gold rush! Or what about Flash based animation? There are HUNDREDS of websites devoted to Flash animations, both on the professional level and on the amateur level. Simply put, Flash is *EVERYTHING* as far as entertainment is concerned on the Internet. You'd have to have been living in a fuckin cave to even *SUGGEST* otherwise. o_O
You are also harping on a mistake I used to make, thinking "gee, I have a computer at home, and a computer at work, when do I need an iPhone?" And the short answer is, just weren't as "cool" as all the other guys in the office, amirite? *nods*
there's a lot of in between times that the iPhone fills quite nicely.
Uh huh, sure. You can justify it any way you like man, but when it comes down to it, iPhone's are a fad and the only *REAL* reason you bought it is to "look cool"...that's it, that's the *ONLY* real reason. I mean fer fuck sake, you make it sound as if you'd *DIE* or something if you didn't have the Internet constantly at your disposal. People like you probably could use a little "offline" time, especially in that in your quest to "look cool" you'll likely be inclined to do really stupid shit, like try and use it while driving. There is *NO* plausible reason that you would need to be constantly fucking hooked up to the gawd damn Internet 24/7...that's just fucking crazy man. Seriously, you should probably log the fuck off sometime...go outside for awhile...blow the stink off yerself.
You have it to "look cool"...that's it...anything beyond that is just delusional over compensation almost any way you wanna look at it. For one simply the fact that you bought an iPhone instead of one of the many VASTLY superior other smart phones available says to me that you have no fucking clue at all about the thing and you don't actually use it in any meaningful, life altering way. I can think of ~some~ jobs and ~some~ situations in which a smart phone would be a good, handy thing to have...but that incredibly price bloated piece of shit would not the fuck even make the *LIST* of viable smart phone choices. If you own an bought it to "look cool", you didn't buy it because you needed something functionally superior. You went with the OVER PRICED, INFERIOR option simply because of the "coolness" factor in showing the thing off to people. Probably other guys at the office were getting them and, well hey, you didn't want to be left out of the "cool" group, huh? So you just ~had~ to go and buy one. And hey, like you said, there's *ALL* that time between work and know...driving and a minute...
Dee, Dee, Dee!
Yeah, well, if I had a nickel for every instance of me thinking you're "not getting it" in this thread, I'd have like $1.50 or something.
Hey man, don't blame me for your college flunkie "education", I wasn't the one that spoon fed you a bunch of useless, outdated crap and then left you fucked for lack of any other options. The problem with most people like you is that you get spoon fed all this bullshit when you're in college and people like you are almost completely incapable of learning at all on your own without having that spoon feeding. So the minute you get out of college...yeah...yer fucked man! And all you have going for yourself is the ~very~ limited level of knowledge that you probably half slept through whilst in college. That, keep in mind, was spoon fed to you by deficients who weren't good enough to get *REAL* jobs in the tech sector.
Those on my level...oh man...we fuckin eat, breath, sleep and SHIT this stuff. By the time *I* even went to college, my level of knowledge and skill exceeded the instructors so far that I was simply passed through more than half my courses and the other half was spent doing favors for the administration in exchange for straight As. I have quite literarily spent over a DECADE of my life devoted to learning every single possible thing I could about technology, the Internet, computers, graphic design, programming, networking, etc, etc, etc.
And I'm *STILL* doing it. To strive to be the "best of the best" one must devote themselves entirely to their field. You have to study, you have to read, you have to experiment, you have to *LEARN*...and not by having anyone hold your hand or assigning you homework. You gotta do it on yer own and you have to be serious about it.
No offense or anything, but when you said you were a "Java developer"...I couldn't help but chuckle at that. See that's what they breed in college flunkies, they teach you *ONE* particular skill in a whole *OCEAN* of other skills that you need to be of any actual, viable worth in this field. To me, when you say you're a "Java developer"...that's like you showing up for a construction job and telling the boss man that you're a "hammer user". A hammer is a *TOOL* it's *NOT* the job itself. There's no such thing as a "Java developer" job, there *IS* such a thing as a WEB DEVELOPER job, maybe even a web developer job with emphasis in Java coding, but there certainly the fuck is *NOT* a "Java developer" position...unless you got hired by some complete fuckin doorknob who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground as far as website development.
Here was my real life experience with your site. I clicked on a link, sounds or something. I saw what was there. I wanted to go back. I went to hit "back" on the browser, but realized it probably wouldn't work the way I wanted. I looked for a big logo to click on-- I tried to look for the site convention. it wasn't there. I looked around again, until FINALLY I found the dumb little thing, looking more like a video reverse button than something that said "site navigation".
LOL, well here was my 6 year old God daughters experience with the site. She clicked the link for the sound clips, immediately found the scroll bead and scrolled down the list, selecting her favorite Care Bear and then immediately recognized that she needed to click on the speaker icons or text descriptions in order to play the sounds. She played three or four of them, then decided she wanted to look at pictures. She immediately moved the mouse right on the back arrow and clicked back to the main page, instantly recognizing how to navigate through the site. Now, maybe you're just not as intelligent as a six year old, I dunno, I mean if it was really taking you *THAT* long to figure out how to click back to the main page...I mean holy shit's no wonder you only know Java coding. LOL I mean most parts of the site have only *TWO* primary controls, a scroll bead, and a back button. So basically what you're saying is that you spent like five minutes fumbling your eyes all over the site trying to find what should have been blindingly obvious to anyone over the age of three. Of course, we both know that's not the case. In reality it probably took you less than 5 seconds to figure out how to click back and once you figured it out that first time it was then intuitive for the rest of the site. Now, maybe for you 5 seconds of effort is just *WAY* too much, I mean, hell, you could only be arsed to learn Java coding after all, don't wanna put ~too~ much stress on yer brain, gotta keep things as ABSOLUTELY simple as possible, dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator (you), even if that means sacrificing style and design as well as loading efficiency and bandwidth usage. Innt that right? ^__^
Users like the navigation that works and looks the same on every site they visit. Too often Flash sites - including yours - fail to offer this.
Not really actually. I'm not sure who it was who told you that, but they were pulling shit out of their ass. Most users don't mind different styles of navigation so long as the *SITE* is consistent. NOBODY in their right mind would want *EVERY* website to look exactly the same and work exactly the same...that would just be horrifically boring in about thirteen different directions. Maybe you were sleeping in class that day though and you just misheard what the professor was saying. I'll bet that what he or she said was that navigation should be consistent...within the *SITE*...not the whole of the fucking Internet. Granted you should try and use similar/recognizable forms of navigation, but not to the point where EVERY site looks exactly the same. Nobody wants that. Don't be absurd. Well unless maybe they've got OCD or something...or a severe learning disability. *NORMAL* people don't want every website to look and function EXACTLY the same. They want VARIETY, they want STYLE, they want DESIGN. It's intriguing, it sparks the imagination, IT MAKES YOU THINK! Oh, I know, I know, five seconds of thinking...WOAH...such a strain on you I'm sure. *nods* Tha fuck man, where the fuck did you learn this idiot shit from? Seriously, I'd like to know what flunkie institute you went to just so I can make sure to *NOT* ever recommend it to anyone.
Microsoft has an interesting strategy of A. a higher level of keyboard only control than, say, OSX (for example: you can tab to a checkbox and set it with space, not on OSX), B. strong support for backwards compatibility - both in the "software you can run sense" as well as the "this is the button I'm used to clicking" - their bread and butter is people who like things to keep working the same, UI wise, so you get more of this "most ways you think you SHOULD be able to navigate this, will work". In a lot of cases this increases usability (since the alternate ways aren't visible or distracting" but in some cases, yeah, it can increase confusion.
I would say in *ALL* cases of people first learning how to use a computer (those that didn't grow up with it). I've helped teach and tutor a *LOT* of people over the years with computers, especially older folks, and one of the things they *ALWAYS* get frustrated with is all the various, multiple ways of doing the exact same thing. It makes the computer seem overly complicated and confusing for them which then further intimidates them from wanting to learn how to use it.
Shit, I lost track of which site I was talking about for that... basically a little joke that the subject matter of the site seemed to echoed in the navigation
That's a *GOOD* thing. Again I'll refer you to this article I wrote.
Here's another good post, similar to that one I wrote:
I didn't say "custom scrollbars are bad". If you use them, though, they should LOOK like scrollbars... that means some kind of line, a skinny one, a fat one, whatever, that the little nub moves on. This is what carebears lacked, though I know that's a nitpick.
It certainly is at that. If it takes a person less than five seconds to figure out how to navigate a site then there's nothing wrong with it. The point is that you should stay consistent WITHIN the site itself. Otherwise your argument is essentially like saying that every video game ever made should all have the exact same kind of interface and navigation design/controls. In other words it's absolutely absurd. Now with *SOME* sites, for example government sites and sites designed to give pure information with absolutely no entertainment level, then yes, you would want to use the most familiar type/style of interface possible, but that's the *ONLY* time it holds up. Once again, I point out the fact that you need to keep the site's intended AUDIENCE and the site's PURPOSE in mind when critiquing, which seems to be your biggest problem.
Non-decorated scrollbars on the right of a browser window look fine. Non-decorated scrollbars on the side of what is obviously a text area, look fine. It's when you use them for some kind of iframe looking thing... meant to give the impression that the scrollable area is "part" of the underlying page, i.e. seamless - that a grey Windows scrollbar in surrounded on all sides by tan, with no boundary for the top or bottom or left side of the scrolling area-- looks, frankly, like crap.
Again with the nit picking and subjectiveness. From a purely objective standpoint the only way that argument holds any water is if I was using just the scroller with *NO* back (like on the CB site) because in that case you wouldn't have any frame of reference for what the scroller does, or which direction it's supposed to move, or how far it can be moved. On the CB site it isn't necessary as boundary boxes are used to define the text area and on the IAS site a boundary box isn't necessary because the scroll bar backing defines the text area. Whether *YOU* think it looks like "ass" or not is ~completely~ subjective. I personally like it, as did the site owner and most everyone else, to the point where it's one of the most frequently asked questions I get via e-mail. Of course most of the people who e-mail me about stuff like that are looking for a cookie cutter solution so my explanations usually don't do them much good.
Oh, btw, that was one other thing I forgot to mention about that Flash Windows construct, it's being constructed so that the entire form is ~completely~ skinable, via style sheets. Not simply the colors and text and such, but you can actually skin it with image forms as well. The primary purpose of it at this point is to turn it into a kind of Flash based cookie cutter message board system, similar to UBB and the like. *MUCH* more advanced though. UBB and other such message boards rely entirely on PHP and databases in order to store message and user data. The form I'm working on only holds user data in a database, the messages and threads and such are instead stored as XML files, which allows for *MUCH* faster access all around, far less server resources and less bandwidth usage.
You're not wrong about keeping the navigation visible can be good (though I think your love of "fixed height sites" is misguided) but in that case, make the scrollbars look better...
I think maybe you might be a lil OCD my friend. You're the first person in fact to have ever even critiqued the scroll bars on my site...err, I take that back, one person at one time complained about the SIZE of a scroller I had for a video player at one time, although I agreed with him on that and made it bigger. Although, really, if any of my current navigation controls *REALLY* needed critiquing it would likely be the *SIZE*. Not so much for younger folk, but on occasion I do hear a lot of complaints from older folk who have a lot of trouble accessing various sites with small controls. That's why on the last redesign I did of my Backwater site I made the entire navigation system about 20% larger than it originally was...which got me quite a lot of praise.
Or is it tough to make control that in a Flash/HTML hybrid like Iron Art? In that case, I'd say the problem is you're trying to make a Flash looking site out of HTML...
No I was just making it the way I thought it looked best style wise. I usually try and go for a minimalist kind of feel, so I often look for ways I can take out things that are redundant or not entirely necessary. Taking out the bounding box on the IAS shop makes the design look cleaner and less cluttered.
I was less thinking specifics of "ToC page" or "in screen arrows" and more "boring slideshow" attitude. This might not be your fault, but it doesn't make for an impressive showpiece of web design either.
And once again you fail to recognize the PURPOSE of the site and the INTENDED AUDIENCE of the site. The purpose of that site is EDUCATIONAL and the intended audience is STUDENTS (who are learning) and as such it's a very good form to use. It's not a form I would necessarily use for anything else (maybe a story book scan type of site).
* Even if I accept that the goal of the site was as a short term thing ONLY (which is a bit of BS, people who get married tend to like to have this stuff as a keepsake, also you are still using it as examples of your work) and I should excuse the broken navigation that is hiding the content that used to be there in favor of a calendar (I have several of those at hand, thanks, I really don't need that from a wedding site) ... what advantage does this layout have over a typical blog-style page? (with maybe the calendar there as a secondary navigation...)
So what makes you think that I didn't create an offline version with a date lock set in for the married couple? Keepsakes are best not left up online, unless I suppose it's your server and you can directly control everything.
At least you recognized the PURPOSE of the site, in that it's being used as an *EXAMPLE* of work I've done. Obviously you don't have much experience with portfolios. Many, many, *MANY* web developers will include *EXAMPLE* sites in their portfolios, which are, just that, an *EXAMPLE*, not necessarily a *WORKING* site. In fact many of them will only include a few screen shots and don't even provide visitors with a navigatable model. A person who is looking at the site as an *EXAMPLE* of my work is *NOT* going to give a shit one way or the other about the specific couple featured nor are they going to be interested in looking through their fuckin blog entries. They just want to see what the damn thing looks like and how it functions and navigates on a basic level.
And once again, the ADVANTAGE is creating a *CLEAN*, *UNCLUTTERED*, *MINIMALIST* site design...which btw is specifically what the client requested. And once again, if the site was going to be ongoing and not simply a temporary fixture for a few months then I of course would have made a secondary navigation section, mostly likely a threaded style, modeled after Usenet, which would actually be quite superior to most of the blog forms of navigation currently available.
* BT: well, glad you do such work. There are a few minor features in the content (who cares that Flash can do alpha blended JPGs if the logos shown are gonna have white backgrounds! And some of the .higlights look like they should b--WAIT A MINUTE -- I just looked at the original. I agree losing the "wiggling box" effect is a big plus, but... but... everything that impressed me about the DESIGN of the site is there in the original!!! Your implementation might be fine and dandy, but who cares? This was a nifty looking little site that you redid from scratch. Good for you as a programmer, but as a designer?? God damn, that was the one site of yours that made me think that at least sometimes, you make things that look and sound good, but that wasn't even content you created.
You know I didn't want to say anything at first because you seemed to have really liked the design, so I just kinda kept my mouth shut about it, but um...most designers actually consider that to be one of the *WORST* designs I that it looks overly cookie cutter and generic. I'm guessing maybe you don't have much experience with Flash site templates and cookie cutter website forms in general. If you did you would know that pretty much *ALL* of them look similar to that. And that's why in general most designers try and shy away from that style. I did get a lot of props though on making it *LESS* cookie cutter by taking out that bouncing navigation control. I wanted to take out that overly cliche music as well, but the client wanted it left in.
I've said what I am. "Forum templates" is just not that interesting.
Uh huh, just the hammer is interesting, not the screwdriver, I gotcha. *nods*
* liquid is just fractional positioning and resizing. This is not rocket science in theory, and in implementation (not entirely your fault but) Firefox does it much, much better. Earlier versions just resized letters, but w/ Firefox-- wow. (Opera might have been doing it first though)
Well in case you hadn't noticed not everyone on the planet is using Firefox, now are they? The point in web development is to try and reach the widest audience possible through cross compatibility (within reason).
Well, sorry, I'm all about practical use. Smooth transitions are cool and all but...
Well it is practical in the sense that it proves you have a very high level of ability in web construction. The form pretty much requires an absolute mastery of understanding of both javascript and HTML.
Remind me, is liquid and god level stuff you brag about yourself, or is my emphasis on them from the ED page?
The EDiots try and twist the meaning to suit their attacks. They take the phrase "God Level" to mean that I'm somehow claiming to be the *GOD* of web design and absolute perfection incarnate. When what it *ACTUALLY* means is *CREATIONISM* design. Creating a site that acts like a living thing. Sadly I don't think the EDiots are actually doing it intentionally with the purpose of lying to try and slander/mock me, I think they're just really fucking stupid, which is why they don't "get it".
Now, that said, it *IS* something you can brag about if you can do it, not to the point of calling yourself the God of web development, but as I said before, it shows that you have an absolute mastery of HTML and javascript. You *CANNOT* create such a form otherwise. That sort of bragging though is only up to the "professional" level as far as college flunkies. To a top level designer having an absolute mastery of HTML and javascript is really only the first step so to speak. In order to be a true top level designer you have to be able to code in *ANYTHING*, rather than list specific language you know you list specific programming FORMS that you know (object oriented, scripting, markup, etc). It's basically the difference between someone who can speak multiple languages and someone who is a linguist. A linguist can in theory speak *ANY* language. They don't simply memorize language, but rather understand language on it's most basic and fundamental levels and roots. It's similar for a top level developer, but with programming languages rather than spoken/written languages.
And to the extent God Level coding is just "templates without transitions"... not too exciting.
For someone who isn't into web coding I'm sure it doesn't seem very exciting at all. After all, for someone who isn't into coding all you can see is "templates without transitions". However a web coder see's it for what it really is, creating a pseudo form of web AI, to try and mimic and replicate the reactionary responses that LIVING THINGS have. THAT is where the excitement comes in...but again, AI development isn't going to be very interesting to someone who isn't into web coding, or for someone who is merely at an amateur or flunkie level of web coding ability.
* I guess I havent' seen many "bad web 2.0 sites" And I never would have thought "that's web 2.0!" looking at your image
...actually I don't think you've seen too many websites in general. You were after all completely unable to recognize that one design as being so obviously cookie cutter. You also hadn't any experience with portal designs either. You strike me more as an RL than a Webbie (or Netter). See RLs (real lifers), they have a real superficial understand and experience with the web. Even if they go to a "lot" of websites they only go to "popular" and/or "corporate" level sites, they don't *REALLY* see the Internet. There was a really great example of that on SB where we were talking about game codes and someone mentioned GameFAQs as being "the best" source for codes...and on a "corporate" or massively "popular" level sure...but then for those of us who *REALLY* surf the web, those of us who look at the web at a COMMUNITY level, not simply the first page of Google hits, we've found this site:
...which is VASTLY superior to GameFAQs when it comes to codes. But RLs only see the web as the first page or two of Google hits, you don't *REALLY* search into the web, really digging in deep, often at a sub community level.
Sorry you think that. I think I know enough about the space to make meaningful criticisms
Let me know when you can manage to keep the intended audience and the site's purpose in mind when critiquing and I might agree with you.
The mods probably saw an outsider with a big reputation for confrontation coming in, and were content to let it happen in a thread that had already kind of become a joke, but I think have had problems w/ btard invasions before, and so when it looked like it might be progressing to other threads (outside of the Axe, maybe) they had to assume you might be some kind of griefer.
No offense but if the group has had problems before with invasions it's likely because your group is infested with irascible little kiddies who are easily driven to tantrum...which of course we both know is certainly a fact given the way that thread deteriorated so quickly with incredibly childish banality. /b/tards really thrive on that shit, they *LOOK* for people who treat their Internets as *REAL* ~serious~ business as they're very often easily driven to fit throwing, kooking out and spastic meltdowns. Again, that's not a problem with me, that's a problem with the group and with the mods for putting up with that kind of tweenage behavior. I would have never had any reason at all to start moving discussions into other threads if the kiddies hadn't imploded into a spastic tantrum, one that *SHOULD* have been prevented by the mods. But again, as the site is obviously being run by children they try and place all the blame onto me (and anyone else who "invaded" their group) rather than looking at *THEMSELVES* as the source of the problem. Sad to say, it basically makes the entire SelectButton site look like a really stupid joke. *shrugs*
A. Bob Sagat is not "hard core", but he is working a LOT more blue than most people who just know his "American Funniest" work would ever guess. (Looking back at the reruns you can kind of see the "O god I'm such a whore" look in his eyes). So right now he's only iffy as a symbol of family friendly humor.
There's this old saying...I forget how it goes exactly...but it's something like this guy goes out and fucks a goat and gets caught and everyone then knows him as a goat fucker. Later in life though he manages to become the mayor of the town, saves the economy, helps orphan children, donates to the poor and then later goes to medical school where he becomes a doctor and then cures some horrible disease...but despite all that, despite all those good deeds he did and all the prestige he managed to get as being the mayor and all the lives he saved by curing the disease...everyone still always just remembered him as "the goat fucker".
The point is you can't escape your past...especially not in Hollywood. You can try and "remake" and "redefine" yourself as much as you like...but no one is ever going to forget what you originally were. Vanilla Ice is another prime example of the "Bob Saget Syndrome". No matter how many times he tries to reinvent himself or switch music styles or change his appearance he will *ALWAYS* be remembered as the doofy white rapper slash wannabe gangster.
B. " pointless exchanges with internet defectives" - what do you mean.
I was implying that the guy himself was an "internet defective", attempting to project his own failings onto others...and thus when he asked if anyone had a fetish for replying to "internet defectives" it basically made it look like *HE* was seeking out people to talk to HIM and to recognize him...but then since no one replied to him or even acknowledged him, then the answer to his own question was "no", no one in the group had a "fetish" for talking to an "internet defective" like himself.
...I honestly didn't think I was being that subtle with the joke. *shrugs*
Lets just leave it at I find your "interesting people" filter lacking, generating way too much bad karma for its value, and suspect your criteria for evaluating people is as suspect as your criteria for evaluating web site design.
I should hope so, as I mostly judge people on their level of creativity, intelligence and uniqueness. I have a quote about that, it goes something like, "There are only two kinds of people in this world...those that PRODUCE...and those that PERPETUATE." Or alternately "There are only two kinds of people online...those that create...and those that run at the mouth."
Basically, to me, if you aren't creating something, if you're not using your life to it's fullest're worthless. Completely meaningless at best. Or, as the Scarecrow of OZ put it, "I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folk are like leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed."
It is my observation that human beings are only capable of doing just two things...experiencing...and creating things to invoke new experiences. No matter what you can think of, it can *ALWAYS* be defined as an attempt to experience something, or as an attempt to create something to try and invoke an experience. As such, if your life isn't wholly devoted to experiencing as much as you can and creating things to bring about new experiences, not just for yourself, but for're just a waste, you don't deserve the life you've been given when you squander it away so foolishly.
* My point was not about critique style, it was that of the sites you put up as examples of your quality work, only one, well, looked very good. Most of them had significant visual and/or usability problems - major ones that, were I in the market for a web designer, would give me second thoughts about hiring you, not just little nitpicks. (though a view of those)
Well that's okay, I generally don't like doing work for people who are ignorant as to how to actually critique a website. Hence the reason I work at Wal*Mart part time, it gives me the freedom to pick and choose my clients as I want them, never being under any obligation at all to take on a job if it doesn't really interest me and for the most part being able to use my creative energies on things that interest me, rather than things that interest someone else.
A lot of people ask me why don't I get a part time job in graphic design and or web design instead of working at Wal*Mart, but the problem there is that I would be going to work and basically burning off all my creative energies on the job, where as working at Wal*Mart when I get home from the job my creative energy is peaked and I get to use it all on things that interest me, things that *I* want to create, rather than what someone else wants. You see I'm not into web design to try and get rich or make a lot of money, I'm in it for the *ART*, I'm in it because I *LOVE* doing it, especially when I get to create sites that *I* want to create.
Creating is *MUCH* more important than the senseless acquisition of money. Generally that's something you see a lot of in those that are worthless. They try and delude themselves with the notion that if they just made more money, if they could just buy more "stuff" then they'll finally be happy. Of course the "stuff" is never enough and as soon as they get one thing they instantly start wanting something else, something bigger, something better, something they don't have that someone else does (like the people at your office who had iPhones when you didn't). That "stuff" doesn't really make you happy, it doesn't really give you very much in the way of new experiences, all it does really is make you want MORE "stuff", which means trying to make more money, which means wasting your life and all your creative energies on some dead end, spirit crushing job that you don't like and that makes you feel miserable day after day after day.
Seriously, there are SO many more important things to judge a website on than download size! Yes, the download size should not be ungainly huge, but look and feel and usability (i.e. how well it gets information to the user, and how good it looks doing it) swamps every other concern.
The problem there though is that most of that is largely subjective. As I said, site size is COMPLETELY objective, either it is, or it isn't, there is no room at all for interpretation.
Your obsession with download size reminds me of people who play "Perl golf", trying to get a function down to least possible number of characters possible. It's a fun little game, but in NO HOW should be mistaken for writing serious code that other people have to use, and is probably only tangentially related to actual meaningful programming skill.
You see to me that means you really don't understand the methodologies involved in limiting site size. In the realm of web design it's not that analytical, there's an actual art to it, one that requires an absolute mastery of understanding when it comes to not only web code, but graphic design and graphic encoding formats as well. Quite literarily as you're making the sites graphics there are ~little~ things you can do at almost every step that could not only reduce the overall file size, but increase the visual QUALITY of the site as well (as far as a purely objective form, via artifacting, pixelization, blurriness and the like). But unless you have that absolute mastery of the don't know how, you don't understand how it is that you can reduce the file size. And it's the same with code. If you're not good at coding then your code is very likely to be redundant, superfluous, often spaghetti bitched from a third party source, sloppy, incoherent, hard to read and often containing outdated, defunct or non cross compatible coding methodologies. And *ALL* of that has a direct relation to the overall size of the code. By being able to reduce the code to it's smallest possible form you show that you have an absolute mastery of the coding forms involved, that you didn't just simply copy and paste a bunch of garbage from someone else's site and rubber stamped it into your own. You prove your level of worth as far as coding knowledge. Everything else is subjective when you get right down to it.
You're making a huge mistake if you think that just because something is easy to quantify means it's an acceptable overall measure of quality.
See above.
* So, I've avoided taking any pot shots about Care Bears, but do you really think the main reason you get along well with them is because the people are so much better and kinder and gentler and fluffier as opposed to say, gamers? Did you approach the communities with just the same level of swagger and braggadocio?
Of course not. If I had done that they all would have run screaming in terror and likely would have outright banned me within the first five minutes of posting. As I said, I recognize them as a *WEAK* and *FRAGILE* community and social structure, and as such I never brag about anything, I never act condescending, I never act "playful", or sarcastic, or cynical, etc, etc. I don't even make mention at all about my skills or abilities in anything outside of merely presenting my CB site to them. They're completely off the grid as far as trolling endeavors are concerned.
Now with a GAMING site...well generally I see there being three types of gaming type that's comprised of mostly adults, who often enjoy talking about and discussing retro gaming and the like. The second type is one that's comprised of mostly kiddies who are really just into the latest Pokuman games or what the fuck ever, who think the N64 is a *REALLY* old game system. The third type is a mix of adults who like retro gaming as much as new games, but then also kiddies who want to try and play PRETEND adult by claiming that they're too into retro gaming, when most of the time their only experience with retro gaming is what they got out of an emulator on the family Dell. And most of them don't even like retro gaming at all, they just think it makes them look ~mature~ and ~sophisticated~ so they run around playing pretend.
So, given those three types, when I first arrived in SB I mistook the group for being the FIRST type, being comprised of mostly ADULT gamers, however it then turned out that the group is actually the THIRD type, in that it's infested with kiddies. Had I known that from the beginning I probably would not have engaged or "played" with the group directly, as there wouldn't have been too much sport involved with it and generally I try and not attack the weak and helpless if at all possible. Of course at this point the game is already well under way, so I might as well follow through, even if it's not requiring even the slightest amount of effort on my part to rip the majority of your groups inane little posts apart.
* Again, I explain why I "nitpicked" on the sig: it was there, sigs are generally meant to represent people, and the navigation was seriously bad.
And once again, the navigation was certainly *NOT* "seriously bad" in that the cycle only took about seven seconds. The only way your argument/critique even works is if the cycle time is exceeding 30 seconds or more. If it only takes SEVEN seconds of wait time to see the site you're looking for, then there really isn't any bother at all. FURTHER, it's actually MORE beneficial for me in that it forces people to look at the banners for all the *OTHER* sites as well, not just the one they're planning on visiting. As such, another site could spark their interest in which case they'll come back and look at it after they're done looking at the original site they intended to visit. In effect, it's almost like a form of advertisement for my sites.
...are you getting this now? I mean, do you see it? How *EVERYTHING* on this level is completely subjective? I mean you can literally argue anything from *ANY* standpoint or perspective...and in that particular standpoint or perspective...YOU'RE RIGHT! But that standpoint or perspective can be changed around just as easily as you presented it in the first place, just as I have done now with the above paragraph.
However, you can't expect people to give detailed bug reports out of the blue -- we're not your free QA staff, eh?, just two different people who noticed the same issue and poorly crafted warning message.
Again I had first mistook you for a web developer, I didn't realize you were an idiot. And no, I wouldn't expect idiots to tell me what browser and OS they were using. Normally you need to request that idiots tell you because they're too damn stupid to realize that, that information would be needed right off the bat.
If you had said "that's weird, could you give me the OS/browser/versions etc?" I would be happy to oblige
Yes, that's normally the way I deal with idiots, I'll keep that in mind for future discussions.
-- Windows XP, Firefox 3.0.6, the adobe version identifier page says "WIN 10,0,12,36". IE 6.0.2900 etc reports "WIN 9,0,45,0". The error message on the Yoga site is "This site requires Flash 8, you have Flash 0."
Oh, look at that, I think I just figured out in my head why it's not working. I thought maybe you were using Vista or something, but no, that's not it. The problem seems to be that the script is setup to only take a SINGLE character position, but the number 10 has TWO character positions, which is why it's not working right.
*looks at code*
No, no that can't be it.
...wait a minute...did those idiots change it? Did they change the ActiveX control name?!
*looks it up*
Oh, oh son of a bitch...
What the fuck is that?! Those MORONS! Tha fuck...why the fuck did they take out the period?!
*sigh*...well it's not even going to run that script unless Flash is detected, so I guess I can just set it up to use 0. The problem will be if they keep changing the fucking control name around at every version...those fuckin retards...what the fuck were they thinking?
*tries something*
Huh, that's weird. They must have fixed it I'm guessing. You should try and go to Adobe's site, go to the Flash download section and see if it'll update your Flash version, I bet it will, and then I bet that site will work.
The problem though is that for all the people who don't have the latest update they are going to have problems and I can't simply change it to just a 0 because then all the people with the fixed version are going to have problems. So for the time being I guess I'll have to include both 0 and 10.
That wikipedia page says absolutely nothing about "iPhone". it's for iPhone-like devices, sort of, but not the iPhone, which is what we were talking about at that part of the conversation.
I'm sorry, I forgot how much you love to nitpick. Developed specifically *FOR* smart phones, mobile devices, etc. The iPhone is both a smart phone as well as a mobile device. I'm wondering though, are you really *THAT* stupid, or was that just all the better of a tactic you could come up with to try and derail the discussion away from the fact that you had no fucking clue at all as to what Flash Lite was?
I just looked at on my iPhone. I have a nice page, geared at iPhone, I can view a trailer, enter my zip code, and there's a series of link to wellknown movie ticket sites.
So then you're not seeing the *REAL* site, you're seeing an alternative, redirected site made specifically for smart phones. You don't get to see and experience all the fun interactive features, hidden/unlockable behind the scenes footage and games and so forth...the ENTERTAINMENT, no, you just get INFORMATION...which is EXACTLY what I said in the first place.
We might be talking at crosspurposes here. If you're focused more on one off promotional sites, meant to give as much flash and wow, and online games, then yeah, Flash is a higher percent. When I think about all of the sites I come back to on a daily or weekly basis, NONE of them primarily use Flash navigation. (So the 96% figure might be high... there probably are more one off promotional sites created than I was thinking about.)
Not to mention online gaming, video sites...oh yeah, and *EVERY* single site that embeds a YouTube video. ^__^
* So youtube uses a lot of Flash, sure... but did you notice something? The navigation of the main site is pretty much good old HTML? Why do you think that is?
I'm not Miss Cleo so I wouldn't say for certain, it could be for any number of reasons. It could be when they were first developing the site they intended to use QuickTime or Windows Media and then later decided to use Flash once it had VP6+ codec support (which is really one of the only ways to make such a site a viable, cost effective reality). Of course, if they had already developed an HTML navigation system at that point they may not have seen a reason to change it just because they changed the video system. It could also be that their developers just aren't that good, maybe they went to the same flunkie college you did that taught you that Flash was more bloated than HTML? Maybe it was going to cost more? Generally Flash developers get paid a lot more than HTML developers and the like. Or maybe they just wanted to try and appeal to the mass retards who automatically think Flash == bad. Most likely it's that last one as even their Flash stuff is designed to try and look like it's HTML as much as possible. There are a *LOT* of retards who simply won't go to a site if it seems like it's all Flash based, mostly because of all the misconceptions and shit that people pull out of their ass based on very limited user experience. You yourself believed that Flash was inherently bloatier than HTML...where did you get that from? Did they teach that to you in the flunkie college you went to? Did you just ASSume it because it sounded good? Did you just read it online somehow with no proof provided?
* On Flash "direct port access"... we are talking at crosspurposes here. You're talking fat clients, and yeah, a Flash SMTP client might be possible in a way a standalone DHTML one wouldn't... but I'm thinking more like Gmails model, where you want the quickness and responsiveness of a fat client, but you would keep the heavy lifting on the server, and then use Ajax/JSON to communicate with the thin client.
But that's proprietary. You can't go to Gmail and use any mail account you have. With a *TRUE* mail client/browser you can setup and use *ANY* mail account, even multiple mail accounts. Gmail technically isn't a *REAL* e-mail account, it's a pseudo proprietary e-mail account, in that you *HAVE* to use their site to access it, you cannot setup your Gmail account on a standard mail client/browser. Further, such a setup is using a *LOT* more than just AJAX/JSON, that's merely the front end of such an operation. You were implying that AJAX/JSON was all you needed for such an operation, which is quite clearly incorrect on every level.
So I stand by my position: of the 20 things you listed, most are specialty applications for video and a few high end graphic effects -- not things you need to get information to people or even give them a good user experience.
Video is not a "specialty application" at this point. Video is a *STANDARD* application at this point. Especially with YouTube video embedding. But again, an AMATEUR doesn't need to know how his cookie cutter bullshit works, so that list wouldn't be of any interest to someone who isn't a web developer.
You also conveniently skipped over a few things, I'm guessing because you didn't understand what they were. Specifically regarding the use of alpha transparent images and being able to create alpha transparent JPEGs.
Here's a good example I created that I like to use:
Ya got nothin there! You lose. Now, maybe since you're not a graphic designer you don't understand how using alpha transparencies would allow you to create new, more advanced, smaller file sized and more portable (element wise) web interfaces, but again, if you're a web know graphic design as well as you know coding. If you don''re no web developer, just a code flunkie, an amateur. And that list isn't of any interest to an amateur.
Another one you ignored was regarding animated elements. Now, you might try and posture yourself as one of the Amish of the Internet, who inherently hates all animation, all video and wants the absolute most plain jane looking interface imaginable...but uh...the number of people who *DO* like it...yeah they *VASTLY* outnumber you. The vast majority of people *WANT* to see some flashy animation, cool transition effects, animated menus and navigation controls (like the ones on my IAS site).
That IAS site is really a great example, because originally the entire site was built with HTML and javascript and used the later to control the animation of the navigation controls. The animation however was choppy looking on most systems, not directly in synch with the sound clip, and didn't even work at all on a lot of systems until I added in a whole mess load of feature detection scripts and bypasses depending on what browser and OS they were using. The overall file size was also THREE TIMES as large as the current version.
Again, maybe that's not of much interest to an AMISH of the Internet, but to the vast majority it's what they want to long as it's fast loading, not too over the top and not inherently annoying (like the floaty navigation I took out of that one Flash site). Of course the problem is that Flash is something that generally should only be used by developers and not by amateurs, because when an amateur uses Flash it usually results in rather incredibly bloated, annoying, messy looking and well over the top design forms that just look like fucking ass in thirty eight different directions. But as I said, that list is mean for DEVELOPERS, not for amateurs. Amateurs should stick with simple HTML, CSS and limited javascript. If you want to do something beyond that...go hire yourself an actual web developer, because you'll just fuck it up if you try to do it yourself. Either that or find a nice, professionally coded cookie cutter form that you can just plug into your site.
Apple is still the 500lb gorilla in the room viz a viz the future of the real internet on mobile devices.
Not really. As far as the "cool" and generally useless product...yeah...but as far as FUNCTIONAL products...Apple doesn't even get to stand in line for judging. But that's okay, because people who want something just because it's the "cool" fad aren't really going to be using it for much of anything anyway.
And it's still a question mark of when any series of devices will run real flash, and not require a special version.
Um, hello, did you *NOT* read that article in the link I posted? 2010...that's not a question mark, that's a set date. By 2010 every smart phone EXCEPT for the iPhone will be running Flash 10. The only question mark is with your craptastic iPhone...but again, you only have it to "look cool", so whether it supports Flash or not isn't really of much use to you at all.
But for all these non-Flash-based sites, iPhone (and the other ones) tend to work just fine.
They work just fine as far as providing general information, but you lose most all of the entertainment since nearly all entertainment forms online are driven by Flash (for a whole variety of reasons, most of them in that list of mine). But once again, for someone who only has the thing to "look cool" it honestly doesn't really matter at all...I mean let's face it, most Apple users probably don't even know what Flash is, let alone know what they're missing by not having it.
* SEO isn't about making sure "Backwater Productions" comes to your site, it's about ensuring other more generic keywords get to it. What's the most generic search you can think of where your site is in the top 5 links? Like, that someone might type to get to your site? Trust, me typing "cutting edge website design", with or without the quotes, ain't it.
Try this: "offers cutting edge website design" and "productions":
Fourth link:
Seventh link:
Backwater Productions isn't a very good example of SEO though in that I actually try and AVOID too much recognition and attention. Let's try one of my clients though. Let's try "iron art" in quotes. Oh, look at that, the site itself is listed as the fourth link. Without quotes it's listed as the seventh link.
In case you hadn't noticed btw, and I'm sure you didn't, the DOMAIN NAME itself is the most important factor in search engine listing.
Further, you're actually quite wrong about SEO being the attempt to show up in a random keyword search, it's actually about the NAME OF THE COMPANY being shown as a top search result, preferably WITHOUT quotes. Why? Because most people will remember the NAME of a business, but they won't remember the URL of a business. So most people go to a search engine and type in the name of the business in order to actually find your website. To try and advertise your company through random keyword searches is just...plainly fucking retarded in about thirty eight different directions. Seriously, I don't know where you picked up that misconception, but it's *WAY* the fuck off. I mean, try and use some simple logic many times exactly do you think the phrase "website design" appears on the whole of the Internet? Um, hello, I'd reckon it's somewhere close to reaching the BILLION mark. And your saying that you're trying to make your site, one in a BILLION be the very FIRST search hit? *snicker* Sure man, sure. Even if the domain of your site was you'd have trouble getting in the top search results.
Now, one trick you can do, and I don't know if they teach you flunkies this in college or not, is to register multiple domain names, with those domain names having keywords related to your business. When someone runs a search for those keywords there's a good chance that your site ~might~ show up in the first few pages of results, granted it'll show up with the wrong URL, but when they click on the link they'll be instantly redirected to the appropriate URL. But then you need to factor in cost effectiveness there, as URLs can get pretty pricey if you're looking at buying a dozen or more of them just for one business.
And again, advertising wise you're really *NOT* going to get much business from people searching for random keywords. You need to advertise the *NAME* of your company and you want to try and have a unique, easy to remember name. That name will stick with people and they'll run a search on that name to find your site. Think about how often you use Google to find a company website like say Home Depot. You don't normally type in "hardware store", no, you type the NAME of the business you're looking for.
Essentially what you're saying is that SEO is about trying to ADVERTISE your business and business name through a search engine...and that's just fucking stupid. There are DOZENS of *MUCH* better ways to advertise the name of your business than through random searches in a search engine. SEO is about the *NAME* of your business bringing up your website in a search. And specifically search engines are designed and built to do just that. Search engines are *NOT* built and designed as direct advertising mediums. If you want to advertise through a search engine then you SPECIFICALLY use that search engines advertising features, like how Google has their little "sponsored links" section. But SEO really has *NOTHING* to do with advertising.
Although, granted, there are a variety of con artists running SEO scams trying to convince businesses that it has something to do with advertising and that they *HAVE* to have it. Even a lot of legitimate web design businesses will offer "SEO services", which basically is just bullshit. It's a buzzword, technobabble to most people. Hell I bet a good 95%+ of the people on the planet couldn't even tell you what SEO stands for, let alone what the fuck it's all about. And even the amateur developers who do know what it stands for most often have no fucking clue at all as to what it actually is, or they have some incredible gross misconception (like yourself).
Here's a fun exercise, presuming at this point that you're still trying to stick to your delusion that SEO is about random keywords...tell us all how to do it. LOL, tell us all the exact methodology involved. Can't do it, huh? Wanna try and pull some technobabble? Go ahead, I'll have a lot of fun ripping it apart. Ya got nothin, kid. And really, if such a form of essentially search engine advertising actually worked...everyone would be doing it...seriously, *EVERYONE*. LOL It's essentially a kind of pyramid scheme when you think about it. Every SEO scam artist promising every other company that ~they~ are gonna magically be the *FIRST* in the search engine...*snicker*...of course they can't *ALL* be first with your lil random keyword search, now can they? *shakes head* You have fun continuing to delude yourself though, it's not really of any consequence to me or any other real web developer for that matter.
Yes, the number of inbound links is important, but so is the PageRank of the pages containing the links, and I doubt webforums are very high at all.
That would depend on what the web forums are linked to. For example's forums would obviously have a pretty high ranking. It depends on other factors too. Take a look for a second at one of those examples I posted before:
...that's pretty neat, innt? Did you know that it wasn't me? I didn't list my site on that site, *THEY* listed it, without any permission from me. There are a lot of websites that essentially try and use a "reach around" style of advertising. Basically they use the popularity of individual sites in order to support their own popularity, whilst at the same time using the popularity they gain from dozens and hundreds of other sites for the mass benefit of everyone in their listings. Basically my site gains popularity from the collective of all the sites they have listed in their service whilst they simultaneously gain popularity from searches of my site.
It works likes this...people who search for the NAME of a company will likely come across and so they essentially piggy back your companies advertising. And then they benefit you in that people who search for random key words will likely come across their site first and will then find your site through them. Although ultimately it really helps them out more than it really helps you out, but hey, every little bit helps (especially since it's free).
I don't think so. I'm not going to go searching through the 200,000+ posts I've made on Usenet looking for a proverbial needle in a haystack. If *YOU* want to go looking for the posts, hey, be my guest. If it helps you any I believe they were made in ADG, or at least a cross post to ADG. Oh and these were involved:
The entire group itself actually helped me in the design process of the site by giving me active critiques of the color/form/style/etc which I then used to create multiple versions of site elements, like the music player, each improved version being the culmination of a generally shared consensus amongst the designers in the group.
There should also be a few posts somewhere where some of the regs talk about how neat the logo design is and asked me how I did it. There's also a few posts by some of my biggest detractors and Hatter Addicts who basically try attacking me on every level *EXCEPT* for that one particular site, which they often try and cite as the *ONLY* good site I've ever made. Considering how much those types absolutely hate me and wish I were writhing in horrible pain and agony for all of eternity...that's a pretty big compliment.
Hrmmm...I do have a few files that have some Google links, let me see if there's any in there.
Nah, nothing CB related. There's this one post by Toby Inkster regarding the perfect liquid site:
*searches moar*
Nope, most of the rest of the links I have are either to tutorial stuff I've made or people slurping my ass for helping them figure something out.
Developer with a focus on UI.
Uh huh.
Also, an informed web user.
Uh huh. We'll just conveniently forget about the part where you hadn't ever heard of Flash Lite. ;)
I don't see "box floating in the middle of space" that often...
Once again, that's called a "portal design" and it's quite common (although not to be confused with a "portal site").
except, as I realized from another thread, one off promotional sites, meant to be seen, show of a movie or service, and then forgotten. I don't know what the % of that type of site is.
I have no idea what the percentage is...probably low considering the level of difficulty it takes to make. Currently there is no W3C compatible way to even create a portal design...of course a lot of things aren't W3C compatible so I guess that's not too big a deal. They are just "recommended standards" after all, although some people like to worship the W3C as if it were God almighty of web design.
You really don't get the idea of taking advantage of browser space? Many, many well designed sites are structured with flow design: if you have a big screen, you see lots of content. If you have a small screen, you have to scroll (a current trend is to split the different, and have a maximum column size for readability, and then scroll.)
Yes I'm sure that's what they're teaching college flunkies these days, I've no doubt at all. There's a big difference between knowledge gained via "popular" book learning and knowledge gained directly from the community itself *AS* it's developed and created.
I've already explained why that form of design is deficient and, quite frankly, I really don't feel like trying to explain it all over to you again (all that stuff about scrolling off the navigation controls and having floating/reposition navigation controls as opposed to division frame scrolling). If you didn't "get it" the first time I don't think you'll ever "get it".
Oh, hey, free cl00, the number of websites using that form you like so much that use a floating/repositioning navigation control as less than 20%...if that. And we're talking about ~supposedly~ "professional" sites here. It's okay though, college flunkies aren't really expected to know any better. And as I said, if you didn't "get it" the first time I explained it you're not going to "get it" now.
Yes it does.
Look, I want you to re-read what I wrote...*REAAAAAL* slowly...and then I want you to re-read it again...and again...and just keep on re-reading it over and over and over again until you agree with me. You can do it, I know you can. There's a few ~key phrases~ and explanations that you're missing there. But with enough repetition I think maybe you'll figure it out. Free cl00, you're not wrong because what you think is wrong, you're wrong because the way you worded it is wrong. And no, it's not what you think, it's what you *SAY* that counts. *rolls eyes*
Users like to know that they can go and use the the fwd, back, reload buttons etc...then they don't have to relearn navigation for every site they go to -- (it's kind of like how Usenet was cool because it offered one user-selected UI for every newsgroup, and you could discuss anything without a new signup or relearning new forum navigation (or stuff like bbcode))
And once again this is one of those things that's basically entirely subjective. For every user you could find that says they need the "comfort" of suckling on the browser's back button teat I bet I can find another that says they like a cohesive, wholly contained site environment with its own custom controls. And in line with that I could start off on a whole great big long rant about the importance of the design environment, probably link to this, yadda, yadda, yadda...doesn't the fuck matter. It's completely subjective. If you don't like doing it that way then create a separate HTML page for every single Flash section. I really don't care what the fuck way you do it, I really don't. I have my reasons for doing it the way that I do it and I can assure you those ways did not come magically floating out of any one person's particular ass as I'm sure they did for you. To be perfectly blunt with you I've heard your side of the argument before, and I've heard it from people who were able to argue it *FAR* better than you're doing...but then I've heard all the counter arguments too...and your side just couldn't hold up. Especially when the only thing your side had going for it was this completely unprovable notion that people were somehow going to be ~upset~ and undone if suddenly they couldn't use the back button on a site.
My side won the arguments, on multiple occasions, not simply on the design aspects as mentioned in that link, but also as far as creating seamlessly loading sites...and *THAT* is the trick...that's where your side loses. You see people have different expectations out of different types of sites and a site that loads seamlessly is generally recognized as a "Flash site"...even if it's not Flash based at all (as many of my sites have been falsely labeled), it's *RECOGNIZED* as a Flash site *BECAUSE* of that seamlessly loading, NON RELOADING site design. Basically it's that flicker, that blanking, that RELOADING that triggers your perception as far as whether you'll use the back button or not. If the site DOES NOT reload and flash on and off then that visual cue for knowing that you can use the back button simply is not there and the user immediately looks to WITHIN the site itself for navigation.
Most Flash designers don't bother with URI construction, or making it clear to the user. I don't know how many times on, say, Boingboing I've seen them bitch "ok, here's a cool product or game, but the dumb flash site means I have to explain how to navigate to it" rather than just give a link.
Uh huh, and most non-Flash designers who use that "flow" page design you like so much never use a floating/repositioning navigation control and title what's your point? Crap developers are crap and they're infesting *ALL* aspects and areas of website design, not simply Flash designs nor any other form of website design.
You really don't get the iPhone's usecases.
*pats you on the head*
You keep thinking that. ^__^
On the contrary, the iPhone in general, for most people...has no real use. Most people who buy Apple products do so for the branding, the popularity, the "coolness" of owning it and showing it off to people. The vast majority of iPhone users are complete fuckin mallet heads who have no fucking clue at all as to what they can even do with the thing.
Starting with a tangent: ".mobi", if it's catching on at all, will not be popular at ALL with smartphones that have a decent shot at displaying almost any HTML based webpage. At most you're talking WAP-style browsers on cheap devices... (tangent to the tanget: there might be a promising market for that in India and other developing places-- I think my last division of Nokia is banking on that -- but I don't see it as setting the world on fire here, when an iPhone costs $200 plus a pricey but not THAT pricey contract)) Anyway, as you probably know, domains are important as brand-identity. Therefore, most companies will use client detection and redirection on their ".com" domains, rather than trusting people to remember "oh, wait, it's ".mobi"
Yes, they'll use redirection and feature detection...but they'll be redirecting to .mobi domains. And they *ARE* catching on, quite rapidly, for a whole variety of reasons, most of them concerning base resolution and search engines that cater specifically to mobile devices in which .mobi domains get top billing. Most companies are slowly waking up to the fact that the website that they designed for a 1024x768 display simply DOES NOT fucking work on something with a 320x480 display resolution. At that point they slap themselves across the head and say, "Huh, ya know maybe we ought to have a site that's specifically designed for that specific resolution." The only thing really standing in their way is product usage vs cost of development. As I said, most smart phone users currently are iPhone users who, simply aren't, they just have the damn thing to "look cool". *BUT* other smart phones are catching on for those who will *ACTUALLY* use them and once they fully support Flash in 2010 then they'll *REALLY* take off. At that point, once there's a large customer base that's *ACTUALLY* using the damn things *THEN* more and more companies will start seeing the cost effectiveness of designing smart phone specific websites. And once again they'll redirect to .mobi domain names as they'll be a variety of search engines that cater specifically to smart phones and websites designed for best use on a smart fact I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't some already.
Anyway, iPhone is perfectly wonder for both focused information, in a .mobi WAP like sense, as well as random entertainment and browsing. The problem is you seem to be mixing "entertainment" with "cool looking Flash websites".
Oh there's some irony for ya. An iPhone user snitting about something that "looks cool". *snicker* And no, I'm not mixing "entertainment" with "cool looking Flash websites", I'm mixing "entertainment" with *VIDEO* Oh your fucking gawd, how many times do I need to point it out to you:
Look, look man, it's right here:
Here, I'll give you another dozen links:
You got it yet? You need a couple more?
How about now, has it sunk in yet for ya?
Here, let me throw in some stuff from that list that you overlooked so easily:
4. Support of the On2 VP6+ codec.
Dee, dee, dee! You don't know what that is, do you? I mean seriously, you've never even heard of it I'll bet. *nods*
7. Support of alpha transparent video.
...I bet you have no idea what that is either, do you? Quick, run and Google as fast as you can!
19. Custom video/audio controls (can be done ~somewhat~ with javascript but ONLY with certain browsers like IE...and even then with only about half the functionality that you can get with Flash.
Now *SURELY* you can comprehend at ~least~ that part...I hope.
Tha fuck man, what do you think all this video content on the web is just coming out of some guy's ass or something? It's *FLASH* based, for some *REALLY* important fucking reasons, number 4 and number 19 being right the fuck up there at the top. Video is *THE* premiere source of entertainment in the here and now web wise. YouTube and similar site forms is literarily a *BOOMING* web industry. And a good 90% of it is *ALL* Flash based. Or hey, wanna talk about games? Flash based gaming is one of *THE* hottest web markets to get into right now, it's a literal fucking gold rush! Or what about Flash based animation? There are HUNDREDS of websites devoted to Flash animations, both on the professional level and on the amateur level. Simply put, Flash is *EVERYTHING* as far as entertainment is concerned on the Internet. You'd have to have been living in a fuckin cave to even *SUGGEST* otherwise. o_O
You are also harping on a mistake I used to make, thinking "gee, I have a computer at home, and a computer at work, when do I need an iPhone?" And the short answer is, just weren't as "cool" as all the other guys in the office, amirite? *nods*
there's a lot of in between times that the iPhone fills quite nicely.
Uh huh, sure. You can justify it any way you like man, but when it comes down to it, iPhone's are a fad and the only *REAL* reason you bought it is to "look cool"...that's it, that's the *ONLY* real reason. I mean fer fuck sake, you make it sound as if you'd *DIE* or something if you didn't have the Internet constantly at your disposal. People like you probably could use a little "offline" time, especially in that in your quest to "look cool" you'll likely be inclined to do really stupid shit, like try and use it while driving. There is *NO* plausible reason that you would need to be constantly fucking hooked up to the gawd damn Internet 24/7...that's just fucking crazy man. Seriously, you should probably log the fuck off sometime...go outside for awhile...blow the stink off yerself.
You have it to "look cool"...that's it...anything beyond that is just delusional over compensation almost any way you wanna look at it. For one simply the fact that you bought an iPhone instead of one of the many VASTLY superior other smart phones available says to me that you have no fucking clue at all about the thing and you don't actually use it in any meaningful, life altering way. I can think of ~some~ jobs and ~some~ situations in which a smart phone would be a good, handy thing to have...but that incredibly price bloated piece of shit would not the fuck even make the *LIST* of viable smart phone choices. If you own an bought it to "look cool", you didn't buy it because you needed something functionally superior. You went with the OVER PRICED, INFERIOR option simply because of the "coolness" factor in showing the thing off to people. Probably other guys at the office were getting them and, well hey, you didn't want to be left out of the "cool" group, huh? So you just ~had~ to go and buy one. And hey, like you said, there's *ALL* that time between work and know...driving and a minute...
Dee, Dee, Dee!
Yeah, well, if I had a nickel for every instance of me thinking you're "not getting it" in this thread, I'd have like $1.50 or something.
Hey man, don't blame me for your college flunkie "education", I wasn't the one that spoon fed you a bunch of useless, outdated crap and then left you fucked for lack of any other options. The problem with most people like you is that you get spoon fed all this bullshit when you're in college and people like you are almost completely incapable of learning at all on your own without having that spoon feeding. So the minute you get out of college...yeah...yer fucked man! And all you have going for yourself is the ~very~ limited level of knowledge that you probably half slept through whilst in college. That, keep in mind, was spoon fed to you by deficients who weren't good enough to get *REAL* jobs in the tech sector.
Those on my level...oh man...we fuckin eat, breath, sleep and SHIT this stuff. By the time *I* even went to college, my level of knowledge and skill exceeded the instructors so far that I was simply passed through more than half my courses and the other half was spent doing favors for the administration in exchange for straight As. I have quite literarily spent over a DECADE of my life devoted to learning every single possible thing I could about technology, the Internet, computers, graphic design, programming, networking, etc, etc, etc.
And I'm *STILL* doing it. To strive to be the "best of the best" one must devote themselves entirely to their field. You have to study, you have to read, you have to experiment, you have to *LEARN*...and not by having anyone hold your hand or assigning you homework. You gotta do it on yer own and you have to be serious about it.
No offense or anything, but when you said you were a "Java developer"...I couldn't help but chuckle at that. See that's what they breed in college flunkies, they teach you *ONE* particular skill in a whole *OCEAN* of other skills that you need to be of any actual, viable worth in this field. To me, when you say you're a "Java developer"...that's like you showing up for a construction job and telling the boss man that you're a "hammer user". A hammer is a *TOOL* it's *NOT* the job itself. There's no such thing as a "Java developer" job, there *IS* such a thing as a WEB DEVELOPER job, maybe even a web developer job with emphasis in Java coding, but there certainly the fuck is *NOT* a "Java developer" position...unless you got hired by some complete fuckin doorknob who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground as far as website development.
Here was my real life experience with your site. I clicked on a link, sounds or something. I saw what was there. I wanted to go back. I went to hit "back" on the browser, but realized it probably wouldn't work the way I wanted. I looked for a big logo to click on-- I tried to look for the site convention. it wasn't there. I looked around again, until FINALLY I found the dumb little thing, looking more like a video reverse button than something that said "site navigation".
LOL, well here was my 6 year old God daughters experience with the site. She clicked the link for the sound clips, immediately found the scroll bead and scrolled down the list, selecting her favorite Care Bear and then immediately recognized that she needed to click on the speaker icons or text descriptions in order to play the sounds. She played three or four of them, then decided she wanted to look at pictures. She immediately moved the mouse right on the back arrow and clicked back to the main page, instantly recognizing how to navigate through the site. Now, maybe you're just not as intelligent as a six year old, I dunno, I mean if it was really taking you *THAT* long to figure out how to click back to the main page...I mean holy shit's no wonder you only know Java coding. LOL I mean most parts of the site have only *TWO* primary controls, a scroll bead, and a back button. So basically what you're saying is that you spent like five minutes fumbling your eyes all over the site trying to find what should have been blindingly obvious to anyone over the age of three. Of course, we both know that's not the case. In reality it probably took you less than 5 seconds to figure out how to click back and once you figured it out that first time it was then intuitive for the rest of the site. Now, maybe for you 5 seconds of effort is just *WAY* too much, I mean, hell, you could only be arsed to learn Java coding after all, don't wanna put ~too~ much stress on yer brain, gotta keep things as ABSOLUTELY simple as possible, dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator (you), even if that means sacrificing style and design as well as loading efficiency and bandwidth usage. Innt that right? ^__^
Users like the navigation that works and looks the same on every site they visit. Too often Flash sites - including yours - fail to offer this.
Not really actually. I'm not sure who it was who told you that, but they were pulling shit out of their ass. Most users don't mind different styles of navigation so long as the *SITE* is consistent. NOBODY in their right mind would want *EVERY* website to look exactly the same and work exactly the same...that would just be horrifically boring in about thirteen different directions. Maybe you were sleeping in class that day though and you just misheard what the professor was saying. I'll bet that what he or she said was that navigation should be consistent...within the *SITE*...not the whole of the fucking Internet. Granted you should try and use similar/recognizable forms of navigation, but not to the point where EVERY site looks exactly the same. Nobody wants that. Don't be absurd. Well unless maybe they've got OCD or something...or a severe learning disability. *NORMAL* people don't want every website to look and function EXACTLY the same. They want VARIETY, they want STYLE, they want DESIGN. It's intriguing, it sparks the imagination, IT MAKES YOU THINK! Oh, I know, I know, five seconds of thinking...WOAH...such a strain on you I'm sure. *nods* Tha fuck man, where the fuck did you learn this idiot shit from? Seriously, I'd like to know what flunkie institute you went to just so I can make sure to *NOT* ever recommend it to anyone.
Microsoft has an interesting strategy of A. a higher level of keyboard only control than, say, OSX (for example: you can tab to a checkbox and set it with space, not on OSX), B. strong support for backwards compatibility - both in the "software you can run sense" as well as the "this is the button I'm used to clicking" - their bread and butter is people who like things to keep working the same, UI wise, so you get more of this "most ways you think you SHOULD be able to navigate this, will work". In a lot of cases this increases usability (since the alternate ways aren't visible or distracting" but in some cases, yeah, it can increase confusion.
I would say in *ALL* cases of people first learning how to use a computer (those that didn't grow up with it). I've helped teach and tutor a *LOT* of people over the years with computers, especially older folks, and one of the things they *ALWAYS* get frustrated with is all the various, multiple ways of doing the exact same thing. It makes the computer seem overly complicated and confusing for them which then further intimidates them from wanting to learn how to use it.
Shit, I lost track of which site I was talking about for that... basically a little joke that the subject matter of the site seemed to echoed in the navigation
That's a *GOOD* thing. Again I'll refer you to this article I wrote.
Here's another good post, similar to that one I wrote:
I didn't say "custom scrollbars are bad". If you use them, though, they should LOOK like scrollbars... that means some kind of line, a skinny one, a fat one, whatever, that the little nub moves on. This is what carebears lacked, though I know that's a nitpick.
It certainly is at that. If it takes a person less than five seconds to figure out how to navigate a site then there's nothing wrong with it. The point is that you should stay consistent WITHIN the site itself. Otherwise your argument is essentially like saying that every video game ever made should all have the exact same kind of interface and navigation design/controls. In other words it's absolutely absurd. Now with *SOME* sites, for example government sites and sites designed to give pure information with absolutely no entertainment level, then yes, you would want to use the most familiar type/style of interface possible, but that's the *ONLY* time it holds up. Once again, I point out the fact that you need to keep the site's intended AUDIENCE and the site's PURPOSE in mind when critiquing, which seems to be your biggest problem.
Non-decorated scrollbars on the right of a browser window look fine. Non-decorated scrollbars on the side of what is obviously a text area, look fine. It's when you use them for some kind of iframe looking thing... meant to give the impression that the scrollable area is "part" of the underlying page, i.e. seamless - that a grey Windows scrollbar in surrounded on all sides by tan, with no boundary for the top or bottom or left side of the scrolling area-- looks, frankly, like crap.
Again with the nit picking and subjectiveness. From a purely objective standpoint the only way that argument holds any water is if I was using just the scroller with *NO* back (like on the CB site) because in that case you wouldn't have any frame of reference for what the scroller does, or which direction it's supposed to move, or how far it can be moved. On the CB site it isn't necessary as boundary boxes are used to define the text area and on the IAS site a boundary box isn't necessary because the scroll bar backing defines the text area. Whether *YOU* think it looks like "ass" or not is ~completely~ subjective. I personally like it, as did the site owner and most everyone else, to the point where it's one of the most frequently asked questions I get via e-mail. Of course most of the people who e-mail me about stuff like that are looking for a cookie cutter solution so my explanations usually don't do them much good.
Oh, btw, that was one other thing I forgot to mention about that Flash Windows construct, it's being constructed so that the entire form is ~completely~ skinable, via style sheets. Not simply the colors and text and such, but you can actually skin it with image forms as well. The primary purpose of it at this point is to turn it into a kind of Flash based cookie cutter message board system, similar to UBB and the like. *MUCH* more advanced though. UBB and other such message boards rely entirely on PHP and databases in order to store message and user data. The form I'm working on only holds user data in a database, the messages and threads and such are instead stored as XML files, which allows for *MUCH* faster access all around, far less server resources and less bandwidth usage.
You're not wrong about keeping the navigation visible can be good (though I think your love of "fixed height sites" is misguided) but in that case, make the scrollbars look better...
I think maybe you might be a lil OCD my friend. You're the first person in fact to have ever even critiqued the scroll bars on my site...err, I take that back, one person at one time complained about the SIZE of a scroller I had for a video player at one time, although I agreed with him on that and made it bigger. Although, really, if any of my current navigation controls *REALLY* needed critiquing it would likely be the *SIZE*. Not so much for younger folk, but on occasion I do hear a lot of complaints from older folk who have a lot of trouble accessing various sites with small controls. That's why on the last redesign I did of my Backwater site I made the entire navigation system about 20% larger than it originally was...which got me quite a lot of praise.
Or is it tough to make control that in a Flash/HTML hybrid like Iron Art? In that case, I'd say the problem is you're trying to make a Flash looking site out of HTML...
No I was just making it the way I thought it looked best style wise. I usually try and go for a minimalist kind of feel, so I often look for ways I can take out things that are redundant or not entirely necessary. Taking out the bounding box on the IAS shop makes the design look cleaner and less cluttered.
I was less thinking specifics of "ToC page" or "in screen arrows" and more "boring slideshow" attitude. This might not be your fault, but it doesn't make for an impressive showpiece of web design either.
And once again you fail to recognize the PURPOSE of the site and the INTENDED AUDIENCE of the site. The purpose of that site is EDUCATIONAL and the intended audience is STUDENTS (who are learning) and as such it's a very good form to use. It's not a form I would necessarily use for anything else (maybe a story book scan type of site).
* Even if I accept that the goal of the site was as a short term thing ONLY (which is a bit of BS, people who get married tend to like to have this stuff as a keepsake, also you are still using it as examples of your work) and I should excuse the broken navigation that is hiding the content that used to be there in favor of a calendar (I have several of those at hand, thanks, I really don't need that from a wedding site) ... what advantage does this layout have over a typical blog-style page? (with maybe the calendar there as a secondary navigation...)
So what makes you think that I didn't create an offline version with a date lock set in for the married couple? Keepsakes are best not left up online, unless I suppose it's your server and you can directly control everything.
At least you recognized the PURPOSE of the site, in that it's being used as an *EXAMPLE* of work I've done. Obviously you don't have much experience with portfolios. Many, many, *MANY* web developers will include *EXAMPLE* sites in their portfolios, which are, just that, an *EXAMPLE*, not necessarily a *WORKING* site. In fact many of them will only include a few screen shots and don't even provide visitors with a navigatable model. A person who is looking at the site as an *EXAMPLE* of my work is *NOT* going to give a shit one way or the other about the specific couple featured nor are they going to be interested in looking through their fuckin blog entries. They just want to see what the damn thing looks like and how it functions and navigates on a basic level.
And once again, the ADVANTAGE is creating a *CLEAN*, *UNCLUTTERED*, *MINIMALIST* site design...which btw is specifically what the client requested. And once again, if the site was going to be ongoing and not simply a temporary fixture for a few months then I of course would have made a secondary navigation section, mostly likely a threaded style, modeled after Usenet, which would actually be quite superior to most of the blog forms of navigation currently available.
* BT: well, glad you do such work. There are a few minor features in the content (who cares that Flash can do alpha blended JPGs if the logos shown are gonna have white backgrounds! And some of the .higlights look like they should b--WAIT A MINUTE -- I just looked at the original. I agree losing the "wiggling box" effect is a big plus, but... but... everything that impressed me about the DESIGN of the site is there in the original!!! Your implementation might be fine and dandy, but who cares? This was a nifty looking little site that you redid from scratch. Good for you as a programmer, but as a designer?? God damn, that was the one site of yours that made me think that at least sometimes, you make things that look and sound good, but that wasn't even content you created.
You know I didn't want to say anything at first because you seemed to have really liked the design, so I just kinda kept my mouth shut about it, but um...most designers actually consider that to be one of the *WORST* designs I that it looks overly cookie cutter and generic. I'm guessing maybe you don't have much experience with Flash site templates and cookie cutter website forms in general. If you did you would know that pretty much *ALL* of them look similar to that. And that's why in general most designers try and shy away from that style. I did get a lot of props though on making it *LESS* cookie cutter by taking out that bouncing navigation control. I wanted to take out that overly cliche music as well, but the client wanted it left in.
I've said what I am. "Forum templates" is just not that interesting.
Uh huh, just the hammer is interesting, not the screwdriver, I gotcha. *nods*
* liquid is just fractional positioning and resizing. This is not rocket science in theory, and in implementation (not entirely your fault but) Firefox does it much, much better. Earlier versions just resized letters, but w/ Firefox-- wow. (Opera might have been doing it first though)
Well in case you hadn't noticed not everyone on the planet is using Firefox, now are they? The point in web development is to try and reach the widest audience possible through cross compatibility (within reason).
Well, sorry, I'm all about practical use. Smooth transitions are cool and all but...
Well it is practical in the sense that it proves you have a very high level of ability in web construction. The form pretty much requires an absolute mastery of understanding of both javascript and HTML.
Remind me, is liquid and god level stuff you brag about yourself, or is my emphasis on them from the ED page?
The EDiots try and twist the meaning to suit their attacks. They take the phrase "God Level" to mean that I'm somehow claiming to be the *GOD* of web design and absolute perfection incarnate. When what it *ACTUALLY* means is *CREATIONISM* design. Creating a site that acts like a living thing. Sadly I don't think the EDiots are actually doing it intentionally with the purpose of lying to try and slander/mock me, I think they're just really fucking stupid, which is why they don't "get it".
Now, that said, it *IS* something you can brag about if you can do it, not to the point of calling yourself the God of web development, but as I said before, it shows that you have an absolute mastery of HTML and javascript. You *CANNOT* create such a form otherwise. That sort of bragging though is only up to the "professional" level as far as college flunkies. To a top level designer having an absolute mastery of HTML and javascript is really only the first step so to speak. In order to be a true top level designer you have to be able to code in *ANYTHING*, rather than list specific language you know you list specific programming FORMS that you know (object oriented, scripting, markup, etc). It's basically the difference between someone who can speak multiple languages and someone who is a linguist. A linguist can in theory speak *ANY* language. They don't simply memorize language, but rather understand language on it's most basic and fundamental levels and roots. It's similar for a top level developer, but with programming languages rather than spoken/written languages.
And to the extent God Level coding is just "templates without transitions"... not too exciting.
For someone who isn't into web coding I'm sure it doesn't seem very exciting at all. After all, for someone who isn't into coding all you can see is "templates without transitions". However a web coder see's it for what it really is, creating a pseudo form of web AI, to try and mimic and replicate the reactionary responses that LIVING THINGS have. THAT is where the excitement comes in...but again, AI development isn't going to be very interesting to someone who isn't into web coding, or for someone who is merely at an amateur or flunkie level of web coding ability.
* I guess I havent' seen many "bad web 2.0 sites" And I never would have thought "that's web 2.0!" looking at your image
...actually I don't think you've seen too many websites in general. You were after all completely unable to recognize that one design as being so obviously cookie cutter. You also hadn't any experience with portal designs either. You strike me more as an RL than a Webbie (or Netter). See RLs (real lifers), they have a real superficial understand and experience with the web. Even if they go to a "lot" of websites they only go to "popular" and/or "corporate" level sites, they don't *REALLY* see the Internet. There was a really great example of that on SB where we were talking about game codes and someone mentioned GameFAQs as being "the best" source for codes...and on a "corporate" or massively "popular" level sure...but then for those of us who *REALLY* surf the web, those of us who look at the web at a COMMUNITY level, not simply the first page of Google hits, we've found this site:
...which is VASTLY superior to GameFAQs when it comes to codes. But RLs only see the web as the first page or two of Google hits, you don't *REALLY* search into the web, really digging in deep, often at a sub community level.
Sorry you think that. I think I know enough about the space to make meaningful criticisms
Let me know when you can manage to keep the intended audience and the site's purpose in mind when critiquing and I might agree with you.
The mods probably saw an outsider with a big reputation for confrontation coming in, and were content to let it happen in a thread that had already kind of become a joke, but I think have had problems w/ btard invasions before, and so when it looked like it might be progressing to other threads (outside of the Axe, maybe) they had to assume you might be some kind of griefer.
No offense but if the group has had problems before with invasions it's likely because your group is infested with irascible little kiddies who are easily driven to tantrum...which of course we both know is certainly a fact given the way that thread deteriorated so quickly with incredibly childish banality. /b/tards really thrive on that shit, they *LOOK* for people who treat their Internets as *REAL* ~serious~ business as they're very often easily driven to fit throwing, kooking out and spastic meltdowns. Again, that's not a problem with me, that's a problem with the group and with the mods for putting up with that kind of tweenage behavior. I would have never had any reason at all to start moving discussions into other threads if the kiddies hadn't imploded into a spastic tantrum, one that *SHOULD* have been prevented by the mods. But again, as the site is obviously being run by children they try and place all the blame onto me (and anyone else who "invaded" their group) rather than looking at *THEMSELVES* as the source of the problem. Sad to say, it basically makes the entire SelectButton site look like a really stupid joke. *shrugs*
A. Bob Sagat is not "hard core", but he is working a LOT more blue than most people who just know his "American Funniest" work would ever guess. (Looking back at the reruns you can kind of see the "O god I'm such a whore" look in his eyes). So right now he's only iffy as a symbol of family friendly humor.
There's this old saying...I forget how it goes exactly...but it's something like this guy goes out and fucks a goat and gets caught and everyone then knows him as a goat fucker. Later in life though he manages to become the mayor of the town, saves the economy, helps orphan children, donates to the poor and then later goes to medical school where he becomes a doctor and then cures some horrible disease...but despite all that, despite all those good deeds he did and all the prestige he managed to get as being the mayor and all the lives he saved by curing the disease...everyone still always just remembered him as "the goat fucker".
The point is you can't escape your past...especially not in Hollywood. You can try and "remake" and "redefine" yourself as much as you like...but no one is ever going to forget what you originally were. Vanilla Ice is another prime example of the "Bob Saget Syndrome". No matter how many times he tries to reinvent himself or switch music styles or change his appearance he will *ALWAYS* be remembered as the doofy white rapper slash wannabe gangster.
B. " pointless exchanges with internet defectives" - what do you mean.
I was implying that the guy himself was an "internet defective", attempting to project his own failings onto others...and thus when he asked if anyone had a fetish for replying to "internet defectives" it basically made it look like *HE* was seeking out people to talk to HIM and to recognize him...but then since no one replied to him or even acknowledged him, then the answer to his own question was "no", no one in the group had a "fetish" for talking to an "internet defective" like himself.
...I honestly didn't think I was being that subtle with the joke. *shrugs*
Lets just leave it at I find your "interesting people" filter lacking, generating way too much bad karma for its value, and suspect your criteria for evaluating people is as suspect as your criteria for evaluating web site design.
I should hope so, as I mostly judge people on their level of creativity, intelligence and uniqueness. I have a quote about that, it goes something like, "There are only two kinds of people in this world...those that PRODUCE...and those that PERPETUATE." Or alternately "There are only two kinds of people online...those that create...and those that run at the mouth."
Basically, to me, if you aren't creating something, if you're not using your life to it's fullest're worthless. Completely meaningless at best. Or, as the Scarecrow of OZ put it, "I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folk are like leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed."
It is my observation that human beings are only capable of doing just two things...experiencing...and creating things to invoke new experiences. No matter what you can think of, it can *ALWAYS* be defined as an attempt to experience something, or as an attempt to create something to try and invoke an experience. As such, if your life isn't wholly devoted to experiencing as much as you can and creating things to bring about new experiences, not just for yourself, but for're just a waste, you don't deserve the life you've been given when you squander it away so foolishly.
* My point was not about critique style, it was that of the sites you put up as examples of your quality work, only one, well, looked very good. Most of them had significant visual and/or usability problems - major ones that, were I in the market for a web designer, would give me second thoughts about hiring you, not just little nitpicks. (though a view of those)
Well that's okay, I generally don't like doing work for people who are ignorant as to how to actually critique a website. Hence the reason I work at Wal*Mart part time, it gives me the freedom to pick and choose my clients as I want them, never being under any obligation at all to take on a job if it doesn't really interest me and for the most part being able to use my creative energies on things that interest me, rather than things that interest someone else.
A lot of people ask me why don't I get a part time job in graphic design and or web design instead of working at Wal*Mart, but the problem there is that I would be going to work and basically burning off all my creative energies on the job, where as working at Wal*Mart when I get home from the job my creative energy is peaked and I get to use it all on things that interest me, things that *I* want to create, rather than what someone else wants. You see I'm not into web design to try and get rich or make a lot of money, I'm in it for the *ART*, I'm in it because I *LOVE* doing it, especially when I get to create sites that *I* want to create.
Creating is *MUCH* more important than the senseless acquisition of money. Generally that's something you see a lot of in those that are worthless. They try and delude themselves with the notion that if they just made more money, if they could just buy more "stuff" then they'll finally be happy. Of course the "stuff" is never enough and as soon as they get one thing they instantly start wanting something else, something bigger, something better, something they don't have that someone else does (like the people at your office who had iPhones when you didn't). That "stuff" doesn't really make you happy, it doesn't really give you very much in the way of new experiences, all it does really is make you want MORE "stuff", which means trying to make more money, which means wasting your life and all your creative energies on some dead end, spirit crushing job that you don't like and that makes you feel miserable day after day after day.
Seriously, there are SO many more important things to judge a website on than download size! Yes, the download size should not be ungainly huge, but look and feel and usability (i.e. how well it gets information to the user, and how good it looks doing it) swamps every other concern.
The problem there though is that most of that is largely subjective. As I said, site size is COMPLETELY objective, either it is, or it isn't, there is no room at all for interpretation.
Your obsession with download size reminds me of people who play "Perl golf", trying to get a function down to least possible number of characters possible. It's a fun little game, but in NO HOW should be mistaken for writing serious code that other people have to use, and is probably only tangentially related to actual meaningful programming skill.
You see to me that means you really don't understand the methodologies involved in limiting site size. In the realm of web design it's not that analytical, there's an actual art to it, one that requires an absolute mastery of understanding when it comes to not only web code, but graphic design and graphic encoding formats as well. Quite literarily as you're making the sites graphics there are ~little~ things you can do at almost every step that could not only reduce the overall file size, but increase the visual QUALITY of the site as well (as far as a purely objective form, via artifacting, pixelization, blurriness and the like). But unless you have that absolute mastery of the don't know how, you don't understand how it is that you can reduce the file size. And it's the same with code. If you're not good at coding then your code is very likely to be redundant, superfluous, often spaghetti bitched from a third party source, sloppy, incoherent, hard to read and often containing outdated, defunct or non cross compatible coding methodologies. And *ALL* of that has a direct relation to the overall size of the code. By being able to reduce the code to it's smallest possible form you show that you have an absolute mastery of the coding forms involved, that you didn't just simply copy and paste a bunch of garbage from someone else's site and rubber stamped it into your own. You prove your level of worth as far as coding knowledge. Everything else is subjective when you get right down to it.
You're making a huge mistake if you think that just because something is easy to quantify means it's an acceptable overall measure of quality.
See above.
* So, I've avoided taking any pot shots about Care Bears, but do you really think the main reason you get along well with them is because the people are so much better and kinder and gentler and fluffier as opposed to say, gamers? Did you approach the communities with just the same level of swagger and braggadocio?
Of course not. If I had done that they all would have run screaming in terror and likely would have outright banned me within the first five minutes of posting. As I said, I recognize them as a *WEAK* and *FRAGILE* community and social structure, and as such I never brag about anything, I never act condescending, I never act "playful", or sarcastic, or cynical, etc, etc. I don't even make mention at all about my skills or abilities in anything outside of merely presenting my CB site to them. They're completely off the grid as far as trolling endeavors are concerned.
Now with a GAMING site...well generally I see there being three types of gaming type that's comprised of mostly adults, who often enjoy talking about and discussing retro gaming and the like. The second type is one that's comprised of mostly kiddies who are really just into the latest Pokuman games or what the fuck ever, who think the N64 is a *REALLY* old game system. The third type is a mix of adults who like retro gaming as much as new games, but then also kiddies who want to try and play PRETEND adult by claiming that they're too into retro gaming, when most of the time their only experience with retro gaming is what they got out of an emulator on the family Dell. And most of them don't even like retro gaming at all, they just think it makes them look ~mature~ and ~sophisticated~ so they run around playing pretend.
So, given those three types, when I first arrived in SB I mistook the group for being the FIRST type, being comprised of mostly ADULT gamers, however it then turned out that the group is actually the THIRD type, in that it's infested with kiddies. Had I known that from the beginning I probably would not have engaged or "played" with the group directly, as there wouldn't have been too much sport involved with it and generally I try and not attack the weak and helpless if at all possible. Of course at this point the game is already well under way, so I might as well follow through, even if it's not requiring even the slightest amount of effort on my part to rip the majority of your groups inane little posts apart.
* Again, I explain why I "nitpicked" on the sig: it was there, sigs are generally meant to represent people, and the navigation was seriously bad.
And once again, the navigation was certainly *NOT* "seriously bad" in that the cycle only took about seven seconds. The only way your argument/critique even works is if the cycle time is exceeding 30 seconds or more. If it only takes SEVEN seconds of wait time to see the site you're looking for, then there really isn't any bother at all. FURTHER, it's actually MORE beneficial for me in that it forces people to look at the banners for all the *OTHER* sites as well, not just the one they're planning on visiting. As such, another site could spark their interest in which case they'll come back and look at it after they're done looking at the original site they intended to visit. In effect, it's almost like a form of advertisement for my sites.
...are you getting this now? I mean, do you see it? How *EVERYTHING* on this level is completely subjective? I mean you can literally argue anything from *ANY* standpoint or perspective...and in that particular standpoint or perspective...YOU'RE RIGHT! But that standpoint or perspective can be changed around just as easily as you presented it in the first place, just as I have done now with the above paragraph.
However, you can't expect people to give detailed bug reports out of the blue -- we're not your free QA staff, eh?, just two different people who noticed the same issue and poorly crafted warning message.
Again I had first mistook you for a web developer, I didn't realize you were an idiot. And no, I wouldn't expect idiots to tell me what browser and OS they were using. Normally you need to request that idiots tell you because they're too damn stupid to realize that, that information would be needed right off the bat.
If you had said "that's weird, could you give me the OS/browser/versions etc?" I would be happy to oblige
Yes, that's normally the way I deal with idiots, I'll keep that in mind for future discussions.
-- Windows XP, Firefox 3.0.6, the adobe version identifier page says "WIN 10,0,12,36". IE 6.0.2900 etc reports "WIN 9,0,45,0". The error message on the Yoga site is "This site requires Flash 8, you have Flash 0."
Oh, look at that, I think I just figured out in my head why it's not working. I thought maybe you were using Vista or something, but no, that's not it. The problem seems to be that the script is setup to only take a SINGLE character position, but the number 10 has TWO character positions, which is why it's not working right.
*looks at code*
No, no that can't be it.
...wait a minute...did those idiots change it? Did they change the ActiveX control name?!
*looks it up*
Oh, oh son of a bitch...
What the fuck is that?! Those MORONS! Tha fuck...why the fuck did they take out the period?!
*sigh*...well it's not even going to run that script unless Flash is detected, so I guess I can just set it up to use 0. The problem will be if they keep changing the fucking control name around at every version...those fuckin retards...what the fuck were they thinking?
*tries something*
Huh, that's weird. They must have fixed it I'm guessing. You should try and go to Adobe's site, go to the Flash download section and see if it'll update your Flash version, I bet it will, and then I bet that site will work.
The problem though is that for all the people who don't have the latest update they are going to have problems and I can't simply change it to just a 0 because then all the people with the fixed version are going to have problems. So for the time being I guess I'll have to include both 0 and 10.
That wikipedia page says absolutely nothing about "iPhone". it's for iPhone-like devices, sort of, but not the iPhone, which is what we were talking about at that part of the conversation.
I'm sorry, I forgot how much you love to nitpick. Developed specifically *FOR* smart phones, mobile devices, etc. The iPhone is both a smart phone as well as a mobile device. I'm wondering though, are you really *THAT* stupid, or was that just all the better of a tactic you could come up with to try and derail the discussion away from the fact that you had no fucking clue at all as to what Flash Lite was?
I just looked at on my iPhone. I have a nice page, geared at iPhone, I can view a trailer, enter my zip code, and there's a series of link to wellknown movie ticket sites.
So then you're not seeing the *REAL* site, you're seeing an alternative, redirected site made specifically for smart phones. You don't get to see and experience all the fun interactive features, hidden/unlockable behind the scenes footage and games and so forth...the ENTERTAINMENT, no, you just get INFORMATION...which is EXACTLY what I said in the first place.
We might be talking at crosspurposes here. If you're focused more on one off promotional sites, meant to give as much flash and wow, and online games, then yeah, Flash is a higher percent. When I think about all of the sites I come back to on a daily or weekly basis, NONE of them primarily use Flash navigation. (So the 96% figure might be high... there probably are more one off promotional sites created than I was thinking about.)
Not to mention online gaming, video sites...oh yeah, and *EVERY* single site that embeds a YouTube video. ^__^
* So youtube uses a lot of Flash, sure... but did you notice something? The navigation of the main site is pretty much good old HTML? Why do you think that is?
I'm not Miss Cleo so I wouldn't say for certain, it could be for any number of reasons. It could be when they were first developing the site they intended to use QuickTime or Windows Media and then later decided to use Flash once it had VP6+ codec support (which is really one of the only ways to make such a site a viable, cost effective reality). Of course, if they had already developed an HTML navigation system at that point they may not have seen a reason to change it just because they changed the video system. It could also be that their developers just aren't that good, maybe they went to the same flunkie college you did that taught you that Flash was more bloated than HTML? Maybe it was going to cost more? Generally Flash developers get paid a lot more than HTML developers and the like. Or maybe they just wanted to try and appeal to the mass retards who automatically think Flash == bad. Most likely it's that last one as even their Flash stuff is designed to try and look like it's HTML as much as possible. There are a *LOT* of retards who simply won't go to a site if it seems like it's all Flash based, mostly because of all the misconceptions and shit that people pull out of their ass based on very limited user experience. You yourself believed that Flash was inherently bloatier than HTML...where did you get that from? Did they teach that to you in the flunkie college you went to? Did you just ASSume it because it sounded good? Did you just read it online somehow with no proof provided?
* On Flash "direct port access"... we are talking at crosspurposes here. You're talking fat clients, and yeah, a Flash SMTP client might be possible in a way a standalone DHTML one wouldn't... but I'm thinking more like Gmails model, where you want the quickness and responsiveness of a fat client, but you would keep the heavy lifting on the server, and then use Ajax/JSON to communicate with the thin client.
But that's proprietary. You can't go to Gmail and use any mail account you have. With a *TRUE* mail client/browser you can setup and use *ANY* mail account, even multiple mail accounts. Gmail technically isn't a *REAL* e-mail account, it's a pseudo proprietary e-mail account, in that you *HAVE* to use their site to access it, you cannot setup your Gmail account on a standard mail client/browser. Further, such a setup is using a *LOT* more than just AJAX/JSON, that's merely the front end of such an operation. You were implying that AJAX/JSON was all you needed for such an operation, which is quite clearly incorrect on every level.
So I stand by my position: of the 20 things you listed, most are specialty applications for video and a few high end graphic effects -- not things you need to get information to people or even give them a good user experience.
Video is not a "specialty application" at this point. Video is a *STANDARD* application at this point. Especially with YouTube video embedding. But again, an AMATEUR doesn't need to know how his cookie cutter bullshit works, so that list wouldn't be of any interest to someone who isn't a web developer.
You also conveniently skipped over a few things, I'm guessing because you didn't understand what they were. Specifically regarding the use of alpha transparent images and being able to create alpha transparent JPEGs.
Here's a good example I created that I like to use:
Ya got nothin there! You lose. Now, maybe since you're not a graphic designer you don't understand how using alpha transparencies would allow you to create new, more advanced, smaller file sized and more portable (element wise) web interfaces, but again, if you're a web know graphic design as well as you know coding. If you don''re no web developer, just a code flunkie, an amateur. And that list isn't of any interest to an amateur.
Another one you ignored was regarding animated elements. Now, you might try and posture yourself as one of the Amish of the Internet, who inherently hates all animation, all video and wants the absolute most plain jane looking interface imaginable...but uh...the number of people who *DO* like it...yeah they *VASTLY* outnumber you. The vast majority of people *WANT* to see some flashy animation, cool transition effects, animated menus and navigation controls (like the ones on my IAS site).
That IAS site is really a great example, because originally the entire site was built with HTML and javascript and used the later to control the animation of the navigation controls. The animation however was choppy looking on most systems, not directly in synch with the sound clip, and didn't even work at all on a lot of systems until I added in a whole mess load of feature detection scripts and bypasses depending on what browser and OS they were using. The overall file size was also THREE TIMES as large as the current version.
Again, maybe that's not of much interest to an AMISH of the Internet, but to the vast majority it's what they want to long as it's fast loading, not too over the top and not inherently annoying (like the floaty navigation I took out of that one Flash site). Of course the problem is that Flash is something that generally should only be used by developers and not by amateurs, because when an amateur uses Flash it usually results in rather incredibly bloated, annoying, messy looking and well over the top design forms that just look like fucking ass in thirty eight different directions. But as I said, that list is mean for DEVELOPERS, not for amateurs. Amateurs should stick with simple HTML, CSS and limited javascript. If you want to do something beyond that...go hire yourself an actual web developer, because you'll just fuck it up if you try to do it yourself. Either that or find a nice, professionally coded cookie cutter form that you can just plug into your site.
Apple is still the 500lb gorilla in the room viz a viz the future of the real internet on mobile devices.
Not really. As far as the "cool" and generally useless product...yeah...but as far as FUNCTIONAL products...Apple doesn't even get to stand in line for judging. But that's okay, because people who want something just because it's the "cool" fad aren't really going to be using it for much of anything anyway.
And it's still a question mark of when any series of devices will run real flash, and not require a special version.
Um, hello, did you *NOT* read that article in the link I posted? 2010...that's not a question mark, that's a set date. By 2010 every smart phone EXCEPT for the iPhone will be running Flash 10. The only question mark is with your craptastic iPhone...but again, you only have it to "look cool", so whether it supports Flash or not isn't really of much use to you at all.
But for all these non-Flash-based sites, iPhone (and the other ones) tend to work just fine.
They work just fine as far as providing general information, but you lose most all of the entertainment since nearly all entertainment forms online are driven by Flash (for a whole variety of reasons, most of them in that list of mine). But once again, for someone who only has the thing to "look cool" it honestly doesn't really matter at all...I mean let's face it, most Apple users probably don't even know what Flash is, let alone know what they're missing by not having it.
* SEO isn't about making sure "Backwater Productions" comes to your site, it's about ensuring other more generic keywords get to it. What's the most generic search you can think of where your site is in the top 5 links? Like, that someone might type to get to your site? Trust, me typing "cutting edge website design", with or without the quotes, ain't it.
Try this: "offers cutting edge website design" and "productions":
Fourth link:
Seventh link:
Backwater Productions isn't a very good example of SEO though in that I actually try and AVOID too much recognition and attention. Let's try one of my clients though. Let's try "iron art" in quotes. Oh, look at that, the site itself is listed as the fourth link. Without quotes it's listed as the seventh link.
In case you hadn't noticed btw, and I'm sure you didn't, the DOMAIN NAME itself is the most important factor in search engine listing.
Further, you're actually quite wrong about SEO being the attempt to show up in a random keyword search, it's actually about the NAME OF THE COMPANY being shown as a top search result, preferably WITHOUT quotes. Why? Because most people will remember the NAME of a business, but they won't remember the URL of a business. So most people go to a search engine and type in the name of the business in order to actually find your website. To try and advertise your company through random keyword searches is just...plainly fucking retarded in about thirty eight different directions. Seriously, I don't know where you picked up that misconception, but it's *WAY* the fuck off. I mean, try and use some simple logic many times exactly do you think the phrase "website design" appears on the whole of the Internet? Um, hello, I'd reckon it's somewhere close to reaching the BILLION mark. And your saying that you're trying to make your site, one in a BILLION be the very FIRST search hit? *snicker* Sure man, sure. Even if the domain of your site was you'd have trouble getting in the top search results.
Now, one trick you can do, and I don't know if they teach you flunkies this in college or not, is to register multiple domain names, with those domain names having keywords related to your business. When someone runs a search for those keywords there's a good chance that your site ~might~ show up in the first few pages of results, granted it'll show up with the wrong URL, but when they click on the link they'll be instantly redirected to the appropriate URL. But then you need to factor in cost effectiveness there, as URLs can get pretty pricey if you're looking at buying a dozen or more of them just for one business.
And again, advertising wise you're really *NOT* going to get much business from people searching for random keywords. You need to advertise the *NAME* of your company and you want to try and have a unique, easy to remember name. That name will stick with people and they'll run a search on that name to find your site. Think about how often you use Google to find a company website like say Home Depot. You don't normally type in "hardware store", no, you type the NAME of the business you're looking for.
Essentially what you're saying is that SEO is about trying to ADVERTISE your business and business name through a search engine...and that's just fucking stupid. There are DOZENS of *MUCH* better ways to advertise the name of your business than through random searches in a search engine. SEO is about the *NAME* of your business bringing up your website in a search. And specifically search engines are designed and built to do just that. Search engines are *NOT* built and designed as direct advertising mediums. If you want to advertise through a search engine then you SPECIFICALLY use that search engines advertising features, like how Google has their little "sponsored links" section. But SEO really has *NOTHING* to do with advertising.
Although, granted, there are a variety of con artists running SEO scams trying to convince businesses that it has something to do with advertising and that they *HAVE* to have it. Even a lot of legitimate web design businesses will offer "SEO services", which basically is just bullshit. It's a buzzword, technobabble to most people. Hell I bet a good 95%+ of the people on the planet couldn't even tell you what SEO stands for, let alone what the fuck it's all about. And even the amateur developers who do know what it stands for most often have no fucking clue at all as to what it actually is, or they have some incredible gross misconception (like yourself).
Here's a fun exercise, presuming at this point that you're still trying to stick to your delusion that SEO is about random keywords...tell us all how to do it. LOL, tell us all the exact methodology involved. Can't do it, huh? Wanna try and pull some technobabble? Go ahead, I'll have a lot of fun ripping it apart. Ya got nothin, kid. And really, if such a form of essentially search engine advertising actually worked...everyone would be doing it...seriously, *EVERYONE*. LOL It's essentially a kind of pyramid scheme when you think about it. Every SEO scam artist promising every other company that ~they~ are gonna magically be the *FIRST* in the search engine...*snicker*...of course they can't *ALL* be first with your lil random keyword search, now can they? *shakes head* You have fun continuing to delude yourself though, it's not really of any consequence to me or any other real web developer for that matter.
Yes, the number of inbound links is important, but so is the PageRank of the pages containing the links, and I doubt webforums are very high at all.
That would depend on what the web forums are linked to. For example's forums would obviously have a pretty high ranking. It depends on other factors too. Take a look for a second at one of those examples I posted before:
...that's pretty neat, innt? Did you know that it wasn't me? I didn't list my site on that site, *THEY* listed it, without any permission from me. There are a lot of websites that essentially try and use a "reach around" style of advertising. Basically they use the popularity of individual sites in order to support their own popularity, whilst at the same time using the popularity they gain from dozens and hundreds of other sites for the mass benefit of everyone in their listings. Basically my site gains popularity from the collective of all the sites they have listed in their service whilst they simultaneously gain popularity from searches of my site.
It works likes this...people who search for the NAME of a company will likely come across and so they essentially piggy back your companies advertising. And then they benefit you in that people who search for random key words will likely come across their site first and will then find your site through them. Although ultimately it really helps them out more than it really helps you out, but hey, every little bit helps (especially since it's free).
Friday, February 20, 2009
SelectButton Round Up
The kiddies are still all up in a froth over me...which isn't too surprising really. There's a few of them desperately trying to shift the conversation back to Bob, but then, really, what's there to talk about? Yeah, nothing. LOL
I went ahead and picked up a few good canvases out of the extensive pile of shit that is SB in order to bring you the following. Be thankful that you no longer actually have to go over to their craptacular clusterfuck of a Webbie board and wade through all the inane, festering pig slop just to get to the good stuff. Nah, I bring it all over here now, straight up Mad Hatter style, uncensored, uncut, and no handling with kiddie gloves. `, )
Spam his site with noise music autoembeds.
Boy, what a *GREAT* idea! I mean *THAT* sure isn't going to get you banned from my blog within the first five seconds of even trying it. Remember, Fuckup, if you're on *MY* blog you don't have the special ASSburger protection that you have on SB. You may be able to tantrum like a two year old on SB all you like, but I sure the fuck won't put up with any spoiled little brats. You try that on my blog and yer gonna go straight the fuck over me knee and yer gonna get yer lil ass blistered. And afterwards I'm gonna find out where you live and then send your idiot parents a bill for my online babysitting services.
Haha he thinks Bob Sagat is wholesome and family-oriented. He really IS a relic.
*Hatter nearly dies from laughter*
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...oh man...HA HA HA HA HA...oh shit...HA HA HA HA...get this kid outta here...HA HA HA HA HA... `, D
Man, you just don't know...Bob Saget is *HARD CORE* now! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA....*almost falls out of his chair*...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...fuck....HA HA HA HA...your gawd I can't stop laughing...HA HA HA HA HA HA...*takes a few minutes to compose himself*...
Okay...*snicker*...okay seriously though, how old exactly is this kid? Like, TWELVE!? ROTFLMAO...Bob Saget...he's *SO* hard core these, you just don't know...Bob Saget is the *SHIT* man! He's like a fuckin gangsta 'n shit, straight up yo! Man he be like pimpin out yer mom he's so fuckin hard core!
Pretty much the only way you could think of Bob Saget as "hard core" is if yer mommy still puts you in Pampers at night and doesn't ever let you watch anything rated above 'G'.
I love that he is continuing to mock and insult us from the comfort of his own blog, now. It's like, he got kicked out of our house, so he just ran to his house across the street and pulled up the blinds and started pointing and laughing through the window.
Hey man, banning me was *YOUR* choice, don't be gettin all pissy and indignant after the fact just cause things didn't work out the way you hoped they would. The only one who made you stupid bitches throw a tantrum was *YOU*. You need to stop acting like a little kid and own up to yer fuckups and stop trying to blame them on everyone but yourself.
what the hell christian mom would enjoy reading ABDN reviews? what the HELL?
Boy that one just sailed right on over yer pointed little head, didn't it? Free cl00, I never said a "christian mom" would enjoy anything, least of all ABDN reviews. I'm sorry if I used one too many "big" words, next time I'll try and dumb my insults down to your fourth grade reading level, mmmkay Cuppy Cake?
That seems to be the basis of his strategy, really.
Not necessarily. I generally mix lies with truth, or use the truth to expound on lies or lies to expound on truth. Generally in whatever form I think will bother the target the most. Take lil Tulpa for example, sure the truth is that she is really a he, so claiming that he's a she is a lie...*BUT* that lie is expounded upon with the *TRUTH* that he *ACTS* like a little bitch riding the crimson tide...and in that sense he really *IS* a girl for all intents and purposes.
All nodding and snickering to himself, desperately wondering what kthor is doing with his penis.
(Seriously, why's he so hung up on kthor and genitalia?)
I wrote like six fuckin paragraphs about Kthor and his incredible stupidity and the *ONLY* part that you picked up in the WHOLE article was the ONE *VERY* brief invective involving his malformed genitalia? o_O Seriously man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you going through puberty or something? Have your balls dropped yet? Why are you so hung up on genitalia? And *MALE* genitalia at that. Do you think maybe you might be a little gay? It's okay if you are, nobody will like you any less than they already don't if you are. You should just come on out of the closet. Hell maybe Kthor will give you a blow job if you buy his book, I bet you'd like that, huh?
hatter if i call you fat will you write a paragraph in your next blog entry about me (fat)
I've called your mother far worse, try harder. Further, we have to keep my audience in mind. People don't want to see me go all nth level verbal hell fire on some random nobody, they want somebody who deserves it. Someone real mouthy. Someone with mass levels of unwarranted self-importance. Someone who is as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. Someone with enough hypocrisy stuffed up their ugly ass to power a small continent. Like Kthor for example, he fits rather nicely into all those categories, which makes him such a good canvas to use for my invective word art. There's a few good canvases on SB, like Little Miss Priss (Tulpa)...she'd be better though if she kept trying to pretend to be a web developer and said some more incredibly stupid shit. Like that bit about not being able to select text in Flash, LOL, that was fuckin gold right there.
Is there where I post to get some guy to write about how dumb my name is elsewhere on the web?
You'd have to pick a dumber name first...well, assuming of course your name is derived from Castlevania II, otherwise it might be kinda stupid. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, what with SB being a gaming forum and all.
The guy is right about this - that people tend to have the urge to keep talking to him and paying attention to his antics - though for all the wrong reasons, I think. To him it seems like everyone is endlessly frustrated and hating him, when in reality everyone is just goggling at him in all his... glory. It's e-rubbernecking.
I like how they keep trying to EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY their obsession with's terribly cute. ^__^ I hope they churn out at ~least~ another five or six paragraphs worth of "explanation" in the next few posts.
Hatter is a flash in the pan compared to Icycalm.
What's with this, Fuckup? He made like a half dozen or so posts all about this IcyClam or IcePussy or whatever the fuck his name is. I think maybe the d00d has got some kind of a major fan crush on him or something. With the way he publicly slurps up his virtual ass you'd think he'd just come on out of the closet already and profess his love of IcePussy.
hes not answering anyone about GDC which means hes going
Probably not since he knows he's going to get kicked out if he shows up.
Any respect I could have had for icycalm went away when my pretty frickin' respectful and rational question on his board got me banned.
The only way to get banned on my blog is by posting redundant, pointless, inanity and/or spam. I don't even mind personal attacks against long as they're creative, thought out, interesting and don't make you look like you've been huffing sharpie pens for the last ten years of your life.
do you have a fetish for pointless exchanges with internet defectives or what???
The first thing I noted after reading this...was that NOBODY replied to the guy. LOL
I went ahead and picked up a few good canvases out of the extensive pile of shit that is SB in order to bring you the following. Be thankful that you no longer actually have to go over to their craptacular clusterfuck of a Webbie board and wade through all the inane, festering pig slop just to get to the good stuff. Nah, I bring it all over here now, straight up Mad Hatter style, uncensored, uncut, and no handling with kiddie gloves. `, )
Spam his site with noise music autoembeds.
Boy, what a *GREAT* idea! I mean *THAT* sure isn't going to get you banned from my blog within the first five seconds of even trying it. Remember, Fuckup, if you're on *MY* blog you don't have the special ASSburger protection that you have on SB. You may be able to tantrum like a two year old on SB all you like, but I sure the fuck won't put up with any spoiled little brats. You try that on my blog and yer gonna go straight the fuck over me knee and yer gonna get yer lil ass blistered. And afterwards I'm gonna find out where you live and then send your idiot parents a bill for my online babysitting services.
Haha he thinks Bob Sagat is wholesome and family-oriented. He really IS a relic.
*Hatter nearly dies from laughter*
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...oh man...HA HA HA HA HA...oh shit...HA HA HA HA...get this kid outta here...HA HA HA HA HA... `, D
Man, you just don't know...Bob Saget is *HARD CORE* now! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA....*almost falls out of his chair*...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...fuck....HA HA HA HA...your gawd I can't stop laughing...HA HA HA HA HA HA...*takes a few minutes to compose himself*...
Okay...*snicker*...okay seriously though, how old exactly is this kid? Like, TWELVE!? ROTFLMAO...Bob Saget...he's *SO* hard core these, you just don't know...Bob Saget is the *SHIT* man! He's like a fuckin gangsta 'n shit, straight up yo! Man he be like pimpin out yer mom he's so fuckin hard core!
Pretty much the only way you could think of Bob Saget as "hard core" is if yer mommy still puts you in Pampers at night and doesn't ever let you watch anything rated above 'G'.
I love that he is continuing to mock and insult us from the comfort of his own blog, now. It's like, he got kicked out of our house, so he just ran to his house across the street and pulled up the blinds and started pointing and laughing through the window.
Hey man, banning me was *YOUR* choice, don't be gettin all pissy and indignant after the fact just cause things didn't work out the way you hoped they would. The only one who made you stupid bitches throw a tantrum was *YOU*. You need to stop acting like a little kid and own up to yer fuckups and stop trying to blame them on everyone but yourself.
what the hell christian mom would enjoy reading ABDN reviews? what the HELL?
Boy that one just sailed right on over yer pointed little head, didn't it? Free cl00, I never said a "christian mom" would enjoy anything, least of all ABDN reviews. I'm sorry if I used one too many "big" words, next time I'll try and dumb my insults down to your fourth grade reading level, mmmkay Cuppy Cake?
That seems to be the basis of his strategy, really.
Not necessarily. I generally mix lies with truth, or use the truth to expound on lies or lies to expound on truth. Generally in whatever form I think will bother the target the most. Take lil Tulpa for example, sure the truth is that she is really a he, so claiming that he's a she is a lie...*BUT* that lie is expounded upon with the *TRUTH* that he *ACTS* like a little bitch riding the crimson tide...and in that sense he really *IS* a girl for all intents and purposes.
All nodding and snickering to himself, desperately wondering what kthor is doing with his penis.
(Seriously, why's he so hung up on kthor and genitalia?)
I wrote like six fuckin paragraphs about Kthor and his incredible stupidity and the *ONLY* part that you picked up in the WHOLE article was the ONE *VERY* brief invective involving his malformed genitalia? o_O Seriously man, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you going through puberty or something? Have your balls dropped yet? Why are you so hung up on genitalia? And *MALE* genitalia at that. Do you think maybe you might be a little gay? It's okay if you are, nobody will like you any less than they already don't if you are. You should just come on out of the closet. Hell maybe Kthor will give you a blow job if you buy his book, I bet you'd like that, huh?
hatter if i call you fat will you write a paragraph in your next blog entry about me (fat)
I've called your mother far worse, try harder. Further, we have to keep my audience in mind. People don't want to see me go all nth level verbal hell fire on some random nobody, they want somebody who deserves it. Someone real mouthy. Someone with mass levels of unwarranted self-importance. Someone who is as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. Someone with enough hypocrisy stuffed up their ugly ass to power a small continent. Like Kthor for example, he fits rather nicely into all those categories, which makes him such a good canvas to use for my invective word art. There's a few good canvases on SB, like Little Miss Priss (Tulpa)...she'd be better though if she kept trying to pretend to be a web developer and said some more incredibly stupid shit. Like that bit about not being able to select text in Flash, LOL, that was fuckin gold right there.
Is there where I post to get some guy to write about how dumb my name is elsewhere on the web?
You'd have to pick a dumber name first...well, assuming of course your name is derived from Castlevania II, otherwise it might be kinda stupid. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, what with SB being a gaming forum and all.
The guy is right about this - that people tend to have the urge to keep talking to him and paying attention to his antics - though for all the wrong reasons, I think. To him it seems like everyone is endlessly frustrated and hating him, when in reality everyone is just goggling at him in all his... glory. It's e-rubbernecking.
I like how they keep trying to EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY their obsession with's terribly cute. ^__^ I hope they churn out at ~least~ another five or six paragraphs worth of "explanation" in the next few posts.
Hatter is a flash in the pan compared to Icycalm.
What's with this, Fuckup? He made like a half dozen or so posts all about this IcyClam or IcePussy or whatever the fuck his name is. I think maybe the d00d has got some kind of a major fan crush on him or something. With the way he publicly slurps up his virtual ass you'd think he'd just come on out of the closet already and profess his love of IcePussy.
hes not answering anyone about GDC which means hes going
Probably not since he knows he's going to get kicked out if he shows up.
Any respect I could have had for icycalm went away when my pretty frickin' respectful and rational question on his board got me banned.
The only way to get banned on my blog is by posting redundant, pointless, inanity and/or spam. I don't even mind personal attacks against long as they're creative, thought out, interesting and don't make you look like you've been huffing sharpie pens for the last ten years of your life.
do you have a fetish for pointless exchanges with internet defectives or what???
The first thing I noted after reading this...was that NOBODY replied to the guy. LOL
Blog Response Reply
Just so it doesn't get buried I'll make a new post out of this.
> Yeah, but there's far, far, far fewer than that on
> a message board or whatever. That's not the
> scale people want to - or even can - work at,
> and not an excuse for behaving badly.
Ahhh but there are no shortage of web boards and the like. On Usenet alone there are well over 30,000 moderately active groups. I generally don't seek mass appeal within any particular group structure, rather I seek out the people who, don't necessarily like me, but those that agree with me. Or those that can argue/debate against me. Everyone else is of ~very~ little importance to me, unless they have some particular creative ability that interests me. Those who don't agree with me are, simply put, of inferior intellect, or they act on emotions without the benefit of intellect. In either case they're basically worthless.
But now here's the's not really me. My intellect is derived through the art of trolling...hundreds...even thousands of different people. My intellect is, in effect, the collective intellect of thousands of others. Wanna know how that works? Real simple...take two groups, two groups that aren't directly associated with one another and likely don't have any cross pollination of members. Now, take something you want to know...and start an argument in one of those groups. Act like a braggart, claim you're right, no, claim you're fucking GOD almighty. Insult them...attack them...belittle them...whatever it takes to get them to attack the position in return. Now take their attacks...and go in the other group. In the other group take the very opposite stance to the one you originally took and use the arguments from that original group as the basis of your new attack. Again being just as mean, nasty, condescending and vile as you originally were. Now take their counter attacks...and bounce them against the original group. And then you just keep doing that...back and forth, back and forth. Essentially forcing one group of people to argue against another group of people that they're not even aware of.
What I get out of it is of course all their research, knowledge, understanding, beliefs, arguments, etc. Which I will then use to form my own opinion in the matter, which will be a sum of all the advanced arguments and facts presented by both sides. So like I said, if you don't agree with me, it's not simply that you're arguing against me so much as you're arguing against an entire collective of people who spent possibly weeks on end researching and arguing their positions to the absolute height of their intellectual capabilities.
> I don't think your work shows you to be "God's
> Gift" compared to a decent amateur web
> designer - certainly not in a population of
> "hundreds best". Of the sites you posted, one
> seemed impressive, and a decent balance of
> gee-whizzery and functionality. And, obviously,
> I don't use an invective style to critique.
I don't either. As I said, when I ~seriously~ critique a website I can usually churn out over four pages worth of things that can be improved upon in some way...and there are no invectives involved. No attacks, just straight up neutral critique. And btw, those sites that I critique...those would be "professional" sites. I often won't even take the bother to critique an amateurs site as there are often so many things wrong with the site it would be best to just start over completely from scratch...and for their benefit hiring someone else to make the site for them.
Also, I might actually be underestimating my level of skill. There is currently an open challenge to any and all web developers (even amateur class) in which they can prove themselves to be a better web developer than me (or at least on my level). The challenge is a website, as simple or as advanced as you like. Use all your knowledge, ability and skill to make that site with the absolute smallest overall file size you can. I will then take that site and I will reduce the total site size by at ~least~ 50% without any reduction in quality or any visible alteration of the content. If I can't do win. If I get anywhere between 1% and 49% overall compression then you prove you're on a similar level to my own. So far, only two people have been able to at least place on a similar level to my own, the dozens of others that have tried...failed...miserably. Most of them being such horrible amateurs I was able to get 75%+ compression of the overall site size.
It should be noted that those two who were able to play on my level, those are the two who helped developed God Level coding. Oh, speaking of which, I do give myself a handicap in the challenge by restricting myself from using God Level forms of coding (otherwise I would likely always win, no matter who the opponent). Reaper can code in God Level forms though...probably anyone else who is overly analytical. The form has a lot of appeal to cryptologists and those interested in the field, as Reaper does:
She's currently doing a lot of research into trying to figure out the ciphers of the Zodiac Killer. She also developed the Lady Chatterly bot, which is the primary source of most of my bot forms currently (she gave me the source code).
Now, I suppose you could argue that the challenge isn't that good as it doesn't take things into account like interface design, color composition and color theory, etc, etc. But usually those things are best left out as they can be pretty subjective forms. My challenge is purely objective and produces a very straight, measurable level of ability.
> I don't think I took your "attackful" comment out
> of context at SB FWIW. It doesn't justify their
> response to you, especially the page-breaking
> stuff, but come into a new place as a braggart,
> and then copy and pasting in big weird
> self-aggrandizing lists is not not provocative.
You're missing the intention though. Part of the reason I do all that is to test the maturity level of the group and to see whether they can handle trolling/flaming and to what degree. Also to see just how ~serious~ their Internets business really is. And actually I let SB off ~real~ easy in that I was being so over the top and actually poking fun at myself on several occasions. Despite presenting myself in such a weak and comical form the regs still blew up and wound up trashing the fuck out of an entire thread over it. I actually feel kind of bad for them in that, really, at this point the gloves are off and "Onideus Uncensored" is just that. Anything I post here about the SB kiddies is not going to be anywhere near as playful and nice as I was being there.
> Maybe the lurking is optional, but you can
> approach communities, post on-topic stuff, and
> act friendly. I know, I've done it. I've made
> friends from it.
I've done it too, in a variety of different groups. Usually groups that I consider to be too weak to play with on any level. For example I'm very well liked in the various Care Bear message boards and community. I don't ever play with anyone in that community, simply because there's a high probability of kids posting and the community itself is very much against any level of volatility. Simply put, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel...with a shotgun.
> Re: "Dickweed"... don't say "I never said it did".
> You wrote "I told you right from the start
> *DON'T* fucking take me seriously, especially
> not anything I brag about or act like an
> egotistical bastard about" -- but that's not
> enough. People who don't know you are inclined
> to take a bragalicious attitude seriously, and
> respond (or over respond) accordingly.
Oh but it is enough...for adults or those with an adults maturity. As well as anyone who doesn't treat their Internets as ~serious~ business. Which again is very much the point. If you take the Internet *SO* seriously that you start lashing out and screaming in all caps and giant sized text in response to someone being overly goofy and got problems...*BIG* problems. And generally I try to avoid people who have emotional baggage of that magnitude, especially since it's usually an indication that the poster is under age. Once again, I was being ~really~ easy on you guys, actually poking fun of myself on several occasions, especially when I first started posting. But despite how playful I was acting the majority of the regs still blew up completely in a giant frothing Internet tantrum. As I said before...that's not the way adults act, that's the way children act (or those with the mentality of a child).
> You keep making excuses about your work. Oh,
> the sig was just something I threw together. Oh,
> the yoga site is just a prototype. if you're going
> to throw stuff like the yoga site into the ring as
> representative of your skills, you should get it
> right. Two different people got the "You're at
> Flash 0" message and I have never seen that
> message at a different site, therefore I have to
> conclude, your version checker is screwed up,
> not to mention probably unnecessary.
Those weren't really excuses so much as they were explanations of your nitpicking. If you hadn't been nitpicking then no "excuses" as you call them would have even been needed. That sig was certainly never meant to showcase my skills and why you keep thinking it does I have no idea. And once again, I am not Miss Cleo nor am I Mr. Terrific and other than you and one other person I have not had complaint one about that or any of my sites. Further, neither you nor the other person provided any relevant information at all that could be used to "fix" something. At the very ~least~ you should have provided your OS name and version as well as your browser name and version. Without knowing that at the very least there's really not anything ~to~ fix as the script works perfectly on every combination of browser and OS that I've tested it on. I can't isolate a problem that I can't replicate and I'm certainly not going to waste dozens of hours of my time trying to test every last known combination of OS and browser searching for a supposed problem. Essentially it's as if you're a scientist who has claimed to have discovered something...but without the methodology you used it's absolutely impossible for anyone to replicate and verify your discovery. Which basically makes anything you claim absolutely worthless.
> Re: iPhone... if there is a "special version of
> Flash" for the iPhone, I haven't heard much
> about it. Trust me on this, the appeal of the
> iPhone is that it lets you view the 96% or so of
> the REAL web, not some little ".mobi" ghetto, but
> ANY site that isn't built in Flash (or I guess
> Java). Your "iPhone is to a PC browser like a GB
> is to a Wii" analogy is utterly inept.
Huh? How can you have not heard about Flash Lite?
It's been around since 2005 fer cripe sake. Pretty much unless you've been living in a cave you've had to have heard ~something~ about it. Also, what you said about 96% or so of the "REAL" web being viewable is absolutely absurd in that at this point well over 60% of all content online is Flash based. And in fact if you're talking about pure media forms and file sizes then Flash content, mostly video, accounts for well over 80% of all online content byte for byte. It's not surprising though that you're confused on the issue as most professional business sites will create fall back versions of the site using feature detection methodology. In some cases they get pretty technical with it, where as instead of having a completely separate site they use feature detection scripts to enable or disable certain parts of the website itself. However with a lot of media based sites, especially movie promotion sites and pure advertising sites a completely separate site is created and redirected to via feature detection as the "REAL" site is completely Flash based.
Try this site on your mobile, see what happens:
Not seeing the same site, are you? In fact I bet all you see is an icon with a link to the Adobe Flash installer. LOL Sorry, but your "96%" figure is GROSSLY over exaggerated.
> I'm not an "actual web developer", I'm a
> professional Java coder with a strong interest
> in web based UI.
> Reviewing your list of 20... most are either
> A. important for certain specialty applications
> or B. for foofy little effects. We are talking web
> *sites*, right? Not specific web applications?
Web development includes both however at this point web application development is what really matters. I could probably teach a monkey how to make a simple HTML web site, but that list is meant for DEVELOPERS. As I said, an amateur wouldn't "get it" because nothing on that list would really be of any use to them as they'll never be doing anything outside of very basic HTML...and even if they did it wouldn't be theirs, it would be a cookie cutter construct, like embedding YouTube videos into your site. In case you hadn't noticed YouTube relies ENTIRELY on Flash and the entire site itself would not even be possible if it were not for several things on that list. But a flunkie doesn't need to know how YouTube works, they just copy a few lines of code, spaghetti bitch them into their FrontPage pile of slop and away they go. That list is meaningless to people on that level, even if it's being used to drive their cookie cutter content.
> Direct port access can be useful, though
> Ajax/JSON etc do most of what needs to
> be done there.
Uh...I don't think you understand what "direct port access" means. JSON is merely an alternative to XML, which is just a data interchange format, it doesn't actually do anything, but it can be used by another program if it's setup to parse the data. Direct port access is where Flash can connect to a port and can communicate directly in a particular protocols language. As such you could create a mail browser/client within Flash...actually you could go even further and create a mail server in Flash. You could create a Usenet browser/client/server as well or an FTP browser/client/server.
You can't do anything of the sort with anything other than Flash, unless you want to move outside of the web level. Some browsers are setup so that they can be used in a limited manner as an FTP browser/client, not as a server though. In addition there is a *HUGE* potential for abuse of the technology in which people could easily design web based DoS and DDoS web programs as well as a whole slew of other potential exploits, which is one of the many reasons if you're a developer you need to keep up on this stuff, unless you want your server to become a convenient target.
There's actually a lot of other stuff too that's not on that list, a lot of it in relation to video content and manipulation. That list was created to show off the features of ActionScript 3 via Flash 8, however with Flash 10 there have been LOTS of additional features that have been added to ActionScript 3. While Flash 10 isn't exactly ActionScript 4, it's certainly at a version higher than the original ActionScript 3. I guess you could call it ActionScript 3.5 if you wanted. But again, most of those additions would only be of importance to web developers, not to your average stay at home mommy who wants to make a website for her scrap booking hobby (or any other level of amateur web designer).
> The cross browser stuff... I mean, it's nice for a
> developer to not have to worry about cross
> browser things, and is probably the single
> strongest argument for Flash, but again the
> iPhone thing is a knock against it (and now it's
> just the iPhone, but more and more devices
> are going to be looking to the real web, and not
> all of them will be running Flash)
Actually they will. It's actually Apple that's blocking Adobe from porting the latest version of Flash to the iPhone. Adobe has specifically said that they could develop a compatible Flash version for the iPhone however Apple would have to release to them various technical documentation needed to do it and I guess they're just dragging their feet for some reason. See here.
By 2010 every portable NOT including the iPhone will support Flash 10. No one knows how much longer Apple is going to continue to drag their feet.
> 237K vs 1Mb is just not that big a deal. Even on
> an iPhone.
Once again it's mostly about the overall mass bandwidth, although if you'd like I can point to you to a variety of web development forums that will literally rip your fuckin head off and put it up on a pole for even suggesting that 237K vs 1Mb is "just not that big a deal". Try and remember that not everyone is as privileged as you are to be on a high bandwidth connection and that the Internet doesn't just include the United States, but the WHOLE WORLD...and in many parts of the world there simply is no such thing as a broad band connection.
> I still think you are either overestimating how
> much SWF searching Google does, and
> overestimating the importance of meta-
> keywords. You are at a disadvantage for SEO.
Go to Google right now. Type in "Backwater Productions" WITHOUT quotes. Guess whose site comes up as number one? Yup, that'd be mine. ^__^
And as you can see Google is using data directly out of my meta-tags. There's just too much data for Google to actually be presenting search results based on text content within the site. To a certain extent Google does look at a site's text, however whether it does or not is based on traffic data, cross linking and other variables. Google does not simply slurp up all the text content over every single page on the web and then search through the entire mess every time anyone runs a even suggest that is just...completely absurd, to the nth degree.
Google primarily uses meta-tags, site links and site traffic data to present their search results. Of course you can't abuse meta-tags like you used to be able to, as Google and other search engines specifically ignore duplicated text forms. One of the reasons why my site appears first when you type Backwater Productions is because there are HUNDREDS of Webbie boards, especially technical ones, that slurp up my posts out of Usenet and then present them on their site as if I'm a member of their board. My signature is of course included, which has a link to my main site. As such there are hundreds, possibly even thousands of pages on the Internet that have essentially linked to my site, which is one of the primary criteria that Google and other search engines use for their ranking.
Um, it should be noted though that those Webbie boards do *NOT* have my permission to copy my content out of Usenet groups and frequently I try and get my content taken down from them as the majority of them censor my posts, replacing any "bad words" with asterisks. I don't mind if they want to copy my posts, but they do *NOT* have any permission to alter my posts in any fuckin way.
> Yeah, but there's far, far, far fewer than that on
> a message board or whatever. That's not the
> scale people want to - or even can - work at,
> and not an excuse for behaving badly.
Ahhh but there are no shortage of web boards and the like. On Usenet alone there are well over 30,000 moderately active groups. I generally don't seek mass appeal within any particular group structure, rather I seek out the people who, don't necessarily like me, but those that agree with me. Or those that can argue/debate against me. Everyone else is of ~very~ little importance to me, unless they have some particular creative ability that interests me. Those who don't agree with me are, simply put, of inferior intellect, or they act on emotions without the benefit of intellect. In either case they're basically worthless.
But now here's the's not really me. My intellect is derived through the art of trolling...hundreds...even thousands of different people. My intellect is, in effect, the collective intellect of thousands of others. Wanna know how that works? Real simple...take two groups, two groups that aren't directly associated with one another and likely don't have any cross pollination of members. Now, take something you want to know...and start an argument in one of those groups. Act like a braggart, claim you're right, no, claim you're fucking GOD almighty. Insult them...attack them...belittle them...whatever it takes to get them to attack the position in return. Now take their attacks...and go in the other group. In the other group take the very opposite stance to the one you originally took and use the arguments from that original group as the basis of your new attack. Again being just as mean, nasty, condescending and vile as you originally were. Now take their counter attacks...and bounce them against the original group. And then you just keep doing that...back and forth, back and forth. Essentially forcing one group of people to argue against another group of people that they're not even aware of.
What I get out of it is of course all their research, knowledge, understanding, beliefs, arguments, etc. Which I will then use to form my own opinion in the matter, which will be a sum of all the advanced arguments and facts presented by both sides. So like I said, if you don't agree with me, it's not simply that you're arguing against me so much as you're arguing against an entire collective of people who spent possibly weeks on end researching and arguing their positions to the absolute height of their intellectual capabilities.
> I don't think your work shows you to be "God's
> Gift" compared to a decent amateur web
> designer - certainly not in a population of
> "hundreds best". Of the sites you posted, one
> seemed impressive, and a decent balance of
> gee-whizzery and functionality. And, obviously,
> I don't use an invective style to critique.
I don't either. As I said, when I ~seriously~ critique a website I can usually churn out over four pages worth of things that can be improved upon in some way...and there are no invectives involved. No attacks, just straight up neutral critique. And btw, those sites that I critique...those would be "professional" sites. I often won't even take the bother to critique an amateurs site as there are often so many things wrong with the site it would be best to just start over completely from scratch...and for their benefit hiring someone else to make the site for them.
Also, I might actually be underestimating my level of skill. There is currently an open challenge to any and all web developers (even amateur class) in which they can prove themselves to be a better web developer than me (or at least on my level). The challenge is a website, as simple or as advanced as you like. Use all your knowledge, ability and skill to make that site with the absolute smallest overall file size you can. I will then take that site and I will reduce the total site size by at ~least~ 50% without any reduction in quality or any visible alteration of the content. If I can't do win. If I get anywhere between 1% and 49% overall compression then you prove you're on a similar level to my own. So far, only two people have been able to at least place on a similar level to my own, the dozens of others that have tried...failed...miserably. Most of them being such horrible amateurs I was able to get 75%+ compression of the overall site size.
It should be noted that those two who were able to play on my level, those are the two who helped developed God Level coding. Oh, speaking of which, I do give myself a handicap in the challenge by restricting myself from using God Level forms of coding (otherwise I would likely always win, no matter who the opponent). Reaper can code in God Level forms though...probably anyone else who is overly analytical. The form has a lot of appeal to cryptologists and those interested in the field, as Reaper does:
She's currently doing a lot of research into trying to figure out the ciphers of the Zodiac Killer. She also developed the Lady Chatterly bot, which is the primary source of most of my bot forms currently (she gave me the source code).
Now, I suppose you could argue that the challenge isn't that good as it doesn't take things into account like interface design, color composition and color theory, etc, etc. But usually those things are best left out as they can be pretty subjective forms. My challenge is purely objective and produces a very straight, measurable level of ability.
> I don't think I took your "attackful" comment out
> of context at SB FWIW. It doesn't justify their
> response to you, especially the page-breaking
> stuff, but come into a new place as a braggart,
> and then copy and pasting in big weird
> self-aggrandizing lists is not not provocative.
You're missing the intention though. Part of the reason I do all that is to test the maturity level of the group and to see whether they can handle trolling/flaming and to what degree. Also to see just how ~serious~ their Internets business really is. And actually I let SB off ~real~ easy in that I was being so over the top and actually poking fun at myself on several occasions. Despite presenting myself in such a weak and comical form the regs still blew up and wound up trashing the fuck out of an entire thread over it. I actually feel kind of bad for them in that, really, at this point the gloves are off and "Onideus Uncensored" is just that. Anything I post here about the SB kiddies is not going to be anywhere near as playful and nice as I was being there.
> Maybe the lurking is optional, but you can
> approach communities, post on-topic stuff, and
> act friendly. I know, I've done it. I've made
> friends from it.
I've done it too, in a variety of different groups. Usually groups that I consider to be too weak to play with on any level. For example I'm very well liked in the various Care Bear message boards and community. I don't ever play with anyone in that community, simply because there's a high probability of kids posting and the community itself is very much against any level of volatility. Simply put, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel...with a shotgun.
> Re: "Dickweed"... don't say "I never said it did".
> You wrote "I told you right from the start
> *DON'T* fucking take me seriously, especially
> not anything I brag about or act like an
> egotistical bastard about" -- but that's not
> enough. People who don't know you are inclined
> to take a bragalicious attitude seriously, and
> respond (or over respond) accordingly.
Oh but it is enough...for adults or those with an adults maturity. As well as anyone who doesn't treat their Internets as ~serious~ business. Which again is very much the point. If you take the Internet *SO* seriously that you start lashing out and screaming in all caps and giant sized text in response to someone being overly goofy and got problems...*BIG* problems. And generally I try to avoid people who have emotional baggage of that magnitude, especially since it's usually an indication that the poster is under age. Once again, I was being ~really~ easy on you guys, actually poking fun of myself on several occasions, especially when I first started posting. But despite how playful I was acting the majority of the regs still blew up completely in a giant frothing Internet tantrum. As I said before...that's not the way adults act, that's the way children act (or those with the mentality of a child).
> You keep making excuses about your work. Oh,
> the sig was just something I threw together. Oh,
> the yoga site is just a prototype. if you're going
> to throw stuff like the yoga site into the ring as
> representative of your skills, you should get it
> right. Two different people got the "You're at
> Flash 0" message and I have never seen that
> message at a different site, therefore I have to
> conclude, your version checker is screwed up,
> not to mention probably unnecessary.
Those weren't really excuses so much as they were explanations of your nitpicking. If you hadn't been nitpicking then no "excuses" as you call them would have even been needed. That sig was certainly never meant to showcase my skills and why you keep thinking it does I have no idea. And once again, I am not Miss Cleo nor am I Mr. Terrific and other than you and one other person I have not had complaint one about that or any of my sites. Further, neither you nor the other person provided any relevant information at all that could be used to "fix" something. At the very ~least~ you should have provided your OS name and version as well as your browser name and version. Without knowing that at the very least there's really not anything ~to~ fix as the script works perfectly on every combination of browser and OS that I've tested it on. I can't isolate a problem that I can't replicate and I'm certainly not going to waste dozens of hours of my time trying to test every last known combination of OS and browser searching for a supposed problem. Essentially it's as if you're a scientist who has claimed to have discovered something...but without the methodology you used it's absolutely impossible for anyone to replicate and verify your discovery. Which basically makes anything you claim absolutely worthless.
> Re: iPhone... if there is a "special version of
> Flash" for the iPhone, I haven't heard much
> about it. Trust me on this, the appeal of the
> iPhone is that it lets you view the 96% or so of
> the REAL web, not some little ".mobi" ghetto, but
> ANY site that isn't built in Flash (or I guess
> Java). Your "iPhone is to a PC browser like a GB
> is to a Wii" analogy is utterly inept.
Huh? How can you have not heard about Flash Lite?
It's been around since 2005 fer cripe sake. Pretty much unless you've been living in a cave you've had to have heard ~something~ about it. Also, what you said about 96% or so of the "REAL" web being viewable is absolutely absurd in that at this point well over 60% of all content online is Flash based. And in fact if you're talking about pure media forms and file sizes then Flash content, mostly video, accounts for well over 80% of all online content byte for byte. It's not surprising though that you're confused on the issue as most professional business sites will create fall back versions of the site using feature detection methodology. In some cases they get pretty technical with it, where as instead of having a completely separate site they use feature detection scripts to enable or disable certain parts of the website itself. However with a lot of media based sites, especially movie promotion sites and pure advertising sites a completely separate site is created and redirected to via feature detection as the "REAL" site is completely Flash based.
Try this site on your mobile, see what happens:
Not seeing the same site, are you? In fact I bet all you see is an icon with a link to the Adobe Flash installer. LOL Sorry, but your "96%" figure is GROSSLY over exaggerated.
> I'm not an "actual web developer", I'm a
> professional Java coder with a strong interest
> in web based UI.
> Reviewing your list of 20... most are either
> A. important for certain specialty applications
> or B. for foofy little effects. We are talking web
> *sites*, right? Not specific web applications?
Web development includes both however at this point web application development is what really matters. I could probably teach a monkey how to make a simple HTML web site, but that list is meant for DEVELOPERS. As I said, an amateur wouldn't "get it" because nothing on that list would really be of any use to them as they'll never be doing anything outside of very basic HTML...and even if they did it wouldn't be theirs, it would be a cookie cutter construct, like embedding YouTube videos into your site. In case you hadn't noticed YouTube relies ENTIRELY on Flash and the entire site itself would not even be possible if it were not for several things on that list. But a flunkie doesn't need to know how YouTube works, they just copy a few lines of code, spaghetti bitch them into their FrontPage pile of slop and away they go. That list is meaningless to people on that level, even if it's being used to drive their cookie cutter content.
> Direct port access can be useful, though
> Ajax/JSON etc do most of what needs to
> be done there.
Uh...I don't think you understand what "direct port access" means. JSON is merely an alternative to XML, which is just a data interchange format, it doesn't actually do anything, but it can be used by another program if it's setup to parse the data. Direct port access is where Flash can connect to a port and can communicate directly in a particular protocols language. As such you could create a mail browser/client within Flash...actually you could go even further and create a mail server in Flash. You could create a Usenet browser/client/server as well or an FTP browser/client/server.
You can't do anything of the sort with anything other than Flash, unless you want to move outside of the web level. Some browsers are setup so that they can be used in a limited manner as an FTP browser/client, not as a server though. In addition there is a *HUGE* potential for abuse of the technology in which people could easily design web based DoS and DDoS web programs as well as a whole slew of other potential exploits, which is one of the many reasons if you're a developer you need to keep up on this stuff, unless you want your server to become a convenient target.
There's actually a lot of other stuff too that's not on that list, a lot of it in relation to video content and manipulation. That list was created to show off the features of ActionScript 3 via Flash 8, however with Flash 10 there have been LOTS of additional features that have been added to ActionScript 3. While Flash 10 isn't exactly ActionScript 4, it's certainly at a version higher than the original ActionScript 3. I guess you could call it ActionScript 3.5 if you wanted. But again, most of those additions would only be of importance to web developers, not to your average stay at home mommy who wants to make a website for her scrap booking hobby (or any other level of amateur web designer).
> The cross browser stuff... I mean, it's nice for a
> developer to not have to worry about cross
> browser things, and is probably the single
> strongest argument for Flash, but again the
> iPhone thing is a knock against it (and now it's
> just the iPhone, but more and more devices
> are going to be looking to the real web, and not
> all of them will be running Flash)
Actually they will. It's actually Apple that's blocking Adobe from porting the latest version of Flash to the iPhone. Adobe has specifically said that they could develop a compatible Flash version for the iPhone however Apple would have to release to them various technical documentation needed to do it and I guess they're just dragging their feet for some reason. See here.
By 2010 every portable NOT including the iPhone will support Flash 10. No one knows how much longer Apple is going to continue to drag their feet.
> 237K vs 1Mb is just not that big a deal. Even on
> an iPhone.
Once again it's mostly about the overall mass bandwidth, although if you'd like I can point to you to a variety of web development forums that will literally rip your fuckin head off and put it up on a pole for even suggesting that 237K vs 1Mb is "just not that big a deal". Try and remember that not everyone is as privileged as you are to be on a high bandwidth connection and that the Internet doesn't just include the United States, but the WHOLE WORLD...and in many parts of the world there simply is no such thing as a broad band connection.
> I still think you are either overestimating how
> much SWF searching Google does, and
> overestimating the importance of meta-
> keywords. You are at a disadvantage for SEO.
Go to Google right now. Type in "Backwater Productions" WITHOUT quotes. Guess whose site comes up as number one? Yup, that'd be mine. ^__^
And as you can see Google is using data directly out of my meta-tags. There's just too much data for Google to actually be presenting search results based on text content within the site. To a certain extent Google does look at a site's text, however whether it does or not is based on traffic data, cross linking and other variables. Google does not simply slurp up all the text content over every single page on the web and then search through the entire mess every time anyone runs a even suggest that is just...completely absurd, to the nth degree.
Google primarily uses meta-tags, site links and site traffic data to present their search results. Of course you can't abuse meta-tags like you used to be able to, as Google and other search engines specifically ignore duplicated text forms. One of the reasons why my site appears first when you type Backwater Productions is because there are HUNDREDS of Webbie boards, especially technical ones, that slurp up my posts out of Usenet and then present them on their site as if I'm a member of their board. My signature is of course included, which has a link to my main site. As such there are hundreds, possibly even thousands of pages on the Internet that have essentially linked to my site, which is one of the primary criteria that Google and other search engines use for their ranking.
Um, it should be noted though that those Webbie boards do *NOT* have my permission to copy my content out of Usenet groups and frequently I try and get my content taken down from them as the majority of them censor my posts, replacing any "bad words" with asterisks. I don't mind if they want to copy my posts, but they do *NOT* have any permission to alter my posts in any fuckin way.
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