Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things Which Are Old And Mostly Forgotten

So I've been trying to do a little early spring cleaning on my personal data, taking a break from the never ending tedium that is sorting and organizing the ever growing data archive, and I've been coming across all sorts of fun stuff that I had almost completely forgotten about. For example, I give you...the cow-fish!


That was my logo/mascot/trademark for Backwater Productions back in 1994/95, back before I even had the Backwater website itself! At the time I ultimately decided that it didn't look quite professional enough and my skillz at that time weren't capable of producing anything that looked better, so it basically wound up filed away and forgotten...until now! Now of course I have teh skillz to produce far, far better, so I'm giving serious consideration to resurrecting the 'ol cow-fish.

At one point I also had an idea for an animated lily pad character as a mascot, that would float randomly about the screen and if you moved your mouse over him or clicked on him he would have little dialogue bubbles appear with messages like, "leave me alone", "quit molesting me", "hiss, hiss" and other such humorous phrases. At the time I even built a test prototype of it, but that was before I gained my skillz in Flash coding and the whole design proved to be way too bloated and way too clunky for any average computer and Internet connection to handle using PHP, CSS and javascript.

Of course, at this point, even if I were to build a Flash version, it would still be pretty bloaty and resource heavy. Not quite as dramatic, but enough so that I would be losing 10% to 20% of my potential audience. I have thought about creating an alternative, high bandwidth version of the site that could then be accessed from the existing site, although right now I've got a few too many projects on my plate as it is, so it'll have to wait.

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