Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Almost Like They're *TRYING* To Be Humiliated

This was I can't stop laughing here...


I honestly can't figure these retards out. I mean, the girl is dog fuckin ugly. Pretty much you'd have to be just *AS* dog fuckin ugly to even consider giving her a high PITY rating. And yet these PoEtards are falling all over themselves trying to put this ugly piece of shit up on some kind of pedestal and try to worship her like she's God's gift to men, the veritable sex goddess of PoE! LOL It's like they're so obsessed with trying to "prove me wrong" and counter anything I say that they're even willing to make themselves look like completely desperate LOSERS in the process. Really, it's just...sad. I mean is trying to spare this idiot girls feelings, who by all counts DESERVES this level of public scrutiny really worth the incredible *SHAME* and *HUMILIATION* you're bringing upon yourselves in the process?

Why can't the PoEtards simply own up to their hypocrisy? Why can't they simply acknowledge the fact that the lot of them are really hardly any better than those they try to mock? I mean, look at this ugly fuckin bitch, the gawd damn dog faced sow actually tried to MAKE FUN OF *MY* LOOKS! Holy fucking shit people...what, you ugly fuckin tards can try to make fun of people who look better than you do, but then the minute someone holds up a mirror to yer ugly fuckin face *THEN* suddenly it's "not okay"? What tha fuck is wrong with you morons? I mean fer fuck sake at least the goons of SA have got the gawd damn balls to come out and *ADMIT* that the majority of them aren't much better off than those they mock. Honestly hypocrisy isn't just a fun word to say slowly and feel your lips jiggle you prissy little fucked up bitches.

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