Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Few Dregs Left

Some retards attempted to try and salvage the wrecked thread over on SelectButton. They managed to get *TWO* whole pages! ...ignoring the fact that 99% of everything on those two pages was, well, entirely about *ME*. LOL Some retards just have a little trouble comprehending what it means when the thread is destroyed. Maybe they'll make like the PoEtards and continually babble on about me for years on end. *snicker* Now *THAT* would be funny. Hell I bet I'm so the fuck far up in their little head space I could probably start sellin *REAL ESTATE*!

Amongst the dregs posting there's this...uh..."it"...I guess, named "Tim", who is basically the ugliest fuckin transvestite I've ever seen. See for yourself here.

Don't bother watching it with audio though, I didn't, and I don't think I missed out on anything. I can only imagine how hideous that thing sounds...*shudder*...

Let's see, what else. Oh there's this one retard named "CubaLibre" (ya can't make this shit up). Apparently he thinks he's "won" the Internets or something...because of some inane dribbling insults he pulled out of his ass or something...*shrugs*...anyone know what the little crotch fruit is babbling about? Yeah, me neither. Probably not anything important or interesting though. Hatter Addicts rarely ever are.

There are of course the usual cliches, some little loser whining on about how his Hatter fantasies are more pathetic than he is and how that's somehow going to keep him from going all emo and killing himself.

There's of course another retard frothing on about self-fulfilling if I somehow "trolled" the idiots into throwing a giant fucking tantrum and trashing their own message board. It's common amongst high school kids to try and blame their behavior on someone else though, so it's not much of a surprise.

There's some other idiot whining on about how she's not ~really~ on the rag and she ~totally~ wasn't screaming for a tampon in every other post...LOL...yeah, sure sweety, boy you sure got *ME* convinced. ^__^

Of course there's a big long stretch from the wannabe web developers not comprehending a fuckin thing I even wrote and trying to make sense of it in their own elementary school way. That's always real cute. Especially when they get real frustrated about it because they can't understand what you're talking about and so then they start flailing about and stomping up and down with really retarded sounding comebacks which are best described as half gibberish, half technobabble, with just a hint of tweenage angst thrown in for fun.

I really liked the part where they openly admitted that the thread got destroyed:

"Guys please don't axe anything he did this thread needs to be preserved. Well, what's left of it needs to be preserved."

Oh wait, oops, it's not ~really~ destroyed, quick make a whole bunch of posts and pretend the thread is still going! We've got to prove him wrong! LOL

Some other doorknob, by the name of "thatbox" attempts to try and justify their high school mentality, double standard, hypocrisy by claiming that some threads are "real threads" and some threads are, er, not "real threads"...I guess. The doorknob didn't quite elaborate much on that...I guess he was all out of shit to pull out of his ass I suppose.

I think the best post was from one of the kiddies, "sawtooth" (only a 12 year old could possibly come up with a name like that). In which he started *WHINING* like a fuckin crybaby about how I was ~horribly~ "spamming" other, keep in mind of course that what I was "spamming"...WERE HIS POSTS! LOL Yeah, pretty damn hilarious. Only a tweenage muppet fuck would have the mentality that it's okay for him to go around fucking shit up but not anyone else. The hypocrisy of these retards is simply astounding, it really is.

At least I can take comfort in the fact that they've now essentially firmly established their entire community as a kiddy level playground. I think I'll do up a few "promo" banners for their kiddy run Webbie board and then post them all about in various other gaming communities. That'd be pretty good for some shits and giggles. ^__^

I took a little bit of time to look up the owner of the site and it turns out it's that horribly ugly transvestite, Tim! Tim has a few other crappy sites, including, and his "band" site Well, if you can call it a "band", it's more like a really ugly girl molesting a guitar whilst crowing incoherently to the most basic and boring of drum beats. Tim is also a "writer"...well, not a very good writer. He's(she's?) pretty devoid of style and "its" game reviews read like a mix of Mr. Rogers with Bob Saget's style of wholesome, family humor. The shit is pretty much dead on arrival unless you're some kind of an ultra Christian conservative stay at home mom.

But hey, don't take my word for it, here ya go kids, have yerself an excerpt (off his "band" site):

"Some time ago I was in a little shop where they sell designers like Margiela and Comme des Garcons; and I came across a subtle but brilliant jacket by Raf Simons. It had pockets that were sort of semi-circles that stuck out; as if it was Matisse in all black. It was a ridiculous price and I didn’t buy it. It’s remained with me ever since, like the dregs of an excellent cup of coffee or the crumbs of a pizza that was constructed by the world’s only genius in pizza-cooking. I actually felt Raf Simons and knew where he was at; I understood for that brief moment whilst a tried the jacket on, alone surrounded only by racks of over-priced clothes and a window on the second story with a view of people passing by on the street below; I understood the very specific non-genius of Raf Simons."


...yeah...this kid reminds me of when I was like 10 and tried to write meaningful poetry. It's like he's trying ~really~ hard to say something profound and meaningful...but he just comes off sounding like a pretentious faggot with an endless well of banal mediocrity stuffed full up into his ass.

Anyway, given what I've seen of..."Pat"'s not too surprising that the kids broke down so soon. In fact I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did, given that the group seems over run with tweenagers and prissy little pretentious faggots who probably whine themselves to sleep every night. I posted this before, but I think it got kind of buried in the whole technical/website discussion stuff, so I'll repost it here:

On SelectButton there were just too many kids, which is why the tantrums started and why everything fell apart. I'm inclined to think that the owner or moderators of the site are equally immature as well. Mostly in that they didn't do anything to stop the kiddies from tantruming and then when I started copying their exact same tactics (on a much smaller scale) in other threads they didn't even hesitate to ban me. Such hypocritical, double standard moderation is something that you would normally only expect from someone still in high school, certainly not from a mature adult.

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