Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Blog Video Player Concept

So I've been in need of a new video player for some time. The current one's controls are tiny, there's no position tracking or play time, no seeking and no download button on top of all that. Sooo...I've been idly coming up with some replacement ideas, such as nyah:

I really like that rounded/faded video edges look... mostly because I haven't ever seen anyone do it except for me (most likely because most Flash developers wouldn't even know how to do it even if they wanted to).

The overall style is a bit rough...I'm leaning more towards the boxish forms than the rounded with no border edge. I suppose I could leave it mixed like that...I dunno...I'll have to think about it. It could probably use some kind of speaker icon down there on the bottom of the volume control on the far right hand side. On the other hand though I could go for a more minalist look and leave it out, trusting that most people will have sense enough to figure it out on their own in two or three seconds.

Well, I'll have to give it some thought, but I figured I'd throw it on out here, if nothing else to remind all the Hatter Addicts that whilst they whine and snit, I continue to produce. ^__^

1 comment:

Kirk Is said...

So, at the risk of incurring your wrath for commenting/making suggestions for something you're not done with...

Hmm. One thing about the design is you have less of the space actually used for video; over 1/3 of the space, almost 40%, is used by the buttons and bars. Maybe useful for not over-expanding very compressed video?

The faded out video screen is a matter of taste, giving everything a retro-feel. (I have trouble believing a competent flash developer wouldn't know the basics of an alpha-transparent fading overlay, or whatever the vocabulary for that is.)

Shouldn't the percent loaded bar have the same light highlighting as the buttons? And the squares of the volume/percent played button have the same highlighting as the stop button, or is there a dimension effect you're aiming for I'm not seeing?

I'd support following the convention of the speaker cone widget rather than playing "guess the function", though it's mitigated a bit by being vertical.

I guess you don't like the convention of showing "percent loaded" as the background to "where in the movie we are", one bar? Matter of taste again I guess.

Ah well. Not bad.