Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Horrible, Horrible Sickness


Holy fucking Christ almighty I have *NEVER* been so unbelievably fucking sick in my life! For over twenty four hours I was throwing up and shitting at least EVERY TWO HOURS. Finally it let up about 12 hours or so ago and I was able to finally get some sleep and was able to drink some water without throwing it up. Even right now though I feel just absolutely fucking awful in about 13 different directions. For that first twenty four hours though it was just beyond a living hell, I probably took a whole box of anti-diarrhea medicine and it did absolutely *NOTHING* to help. Right now I'm just incredibly thankful I can sleep without having to throw up and shit constantly. This is not something I would ever wish upon anyone, no matter how horrible of a person they might be. I'm trying to let as many people know as I can to *NOT* eat any products that may have peanut butter in them, ESPECIALLY cookies (which I believe is what got me sick). Don't take this salmonella outbreak lightly, trust me, you DO NOT want to go through the torturous hell that I had to endure. -_-

1 comment:

[REDACTED] said...

I honestly don't understand how peanut butter can harbor salmonella. I guess there's recalls so it's the real deal, but I wouldn't have guessed peanut butter had anything that salmonella could grow in.

Sorry about my other comment, the one I deleted, from the "this girl is ugly" post below. It was mean-spirited, and I thought better of it.